Title: Where Do You Stand?
1Where Do You Stand?
2How do you feel about guns?
- The debate between those who support gun rights
in America and those who support gun control is
one of the most emotional ones of the 21st
century. It is a complex issue of us, and no
lawmaker, activists, or legal scholar has been
able to find any easy answers. Will your
generation change that? - While you may or may not have a strong opinion
about the gun debate now, you may feel
differently after learning more. Your generation
will have a role in the future of gun use in
America. Therefore its important for you to
learn as much as you can and to keep an open mind.
3Agree Disagree Unsure
All law-abiding citizens of legal age should be able to own a gun.
All guns should be registered with the government.
Law-abiding citizens should not have to register their guns.
4Agree Disagree Unsure
More gun laws can help reduce violence.
There are enough gun laws, but they should be better enforced.
The minimum age for gun purchases should be 21 in all states.
5Agree Disagree Unsure
Children under 12 should be able to learn to shoot a gun as long as they are supervised by an adult.
Teachers should be able to be armed in case of school violence.
There should be a waiting period between the time someone applies to buy a gun and the time he receives it.
6Agree Disagree Unsure
People should be able to purchase a gun immediately.