Title: Summer School Utrecht,
1Homogenization Theory Block 2 Sabine Attinger
2Lecture Homogenization
3Elliptic Equation
- Derivation of Homogenized Equations
4Elliptic Equation1-dimensional
Fine scale problem
with K a Y-periodic field
1. Step
5Elliptic Equation
- 2. Step
- we equate equal powers of ,
- 3. Step
- require that the equations in orders and
- vanish (singular perturbations) and
- disregard all terms of orders higher than 1
6Elliptic Equation
7Elliptic Equation
- Solvability condition
- A necessary condition for the existence of
solutions (2.1) to (2.3) is that the integral
over the r.h.s. -called -
8Solvability condition
9Elliptic Equation
- 4. Step Solution to (2.1)
- the only solutions are constants in
- which implies that the homogenized solution is
independent on the fine scale
10Elliptic Equation
11Elliptic equation
- 5. Step
- Solution to (2.2) Check on solvability o.k.
- Proof
12Elliptic equation
- 5. Step
- making use of separation of variables
- yields the cell problem which determines
13Elliptic equation
- 6. Step
- Solution to (2.3) - solvability condition implies
14Elliptic equation
- Homogenized elliptic equation
- and is determined by the cell problem
15Comparison of methods
Local periodicity
In stochastic theory we have the requirement of
local stationarity. This is equivalent to local
periodicity in periodic media.
16Elliptic Equation
Interpretation of the result The conductivity in
the fine scale problem has be replaced by an
effective conductivity
Note the heterogeneous fields have not only been
replaced by it mean values!!
17Exercise 2
- 1. Derive the homogenized solution for the
d-dimensional elliptic equation! - 2. Investigate the properties of the effective
conductivity tensor!
18Elliptic Equationd-dimensional
Fine scale problem
1. Step
19Elliptic Equationd-dimenional
20Elliptic Equationd-dimensional
- 4. Step Solution to (2.1)
- the only solutions are constants in
- which implies that the homogenized solution is
independent on the fine scale
21Elliptic equationd-dimensional
- 5. Step Solution to (2.2) Check on solvability-
o.k - making use of separation of variables
- yields the cell problem which determines the
22Elliptic equationd-dimensional
- 6. Step Solution to (2.3)
- solvability condition implies
23Elliptic equationd-dimensional
- Homogenized elliptic equation
- and is determined by the cell problems