- Crustal magnetization of two evolved solar system
bodies without active dynamos.
5Generation of magnetic fields
Moon Site magnetometer surveys Sub-satellite
magnetometers surveys Satellite surveys - Lunar
prospector Electron reflectance experiment
Apollo returned samples Lunar meteorites
Mars Satellite magnetometer surveys Electron
reflectance experiment Martian meteorites
7Apollo landing sites
8Apollo Magnetometer Site Surveys
Dyall, Parkin and Sonnett,1970
9Sub-satellite magnetometer surveys
Coleman et al., 1973
10Electron reflectance Principle
Lin, McGuire and Anderson,1974
11Results from ER experiment.
Lin, Anderson, and Hood, 1988.
12Reiner Gamma type swirls
Returned samples - mare basalts, breccias, and
Rock magnetism
Implications for Lunar magnetism
14Rock magnetism
- Fe in basalt,
- FeNi Melt breccia and
- Superparamagetic Fe in Soil
Nagata et al., 1972
15AF demagnetization principle
16Mare basalts
17Melt breccias
18 Regolith Breccias
19Shock Remanent Magnetization
Cisowski et al., 1973
20More Shock Effects
Cisowski et al., 1973 Srnka et al., 1979
21Lunar Basalts Paleointensity Summary
Cisowski and Fuller, 1986
22Lunar paleointensity Linear f(t)
23Lunar Paleointensity log f(t)
24Lunar Prospector Profile
Mitchell et al, submitted to Icarus
25Lunar Prospector
Mitchell et al, submitted to Icarus
26Abundance and Distribution of Iron on the
MoonLucey, Taylor and Malaret (1995)
27MAG Impact Basins
28Antipodal magnetization
Hood, 1987
29On to Mars
30Mars Crustal Magnetic Anomalies
31Comparison between
Comparison between terrestrial and martian
crustal anomalies
32Models for Martian Crustal Magnetic Anomalies
Magnitude and Occurrence
Sea floor spreading (Connerney et al,1999),
Terrane accretion (Fairen et al, 2001) Igneous
model (Hammer and Brachfield 2003) Hydrothermal
alteration of igneous rocks (Harrison 2001,
Solomon et al., 2003)
Magnetic phases invoked Magnetite,
Pyrrhotite, Hematites, Hemo-ilmenties, Maghemite
33High resolution SQUID
Weiss et al., 2002
34Fine magnetite in carbonate
Magnetite in Martian meteorite ALH84001
Transmission electron microscope image showing
oriented elongated magnetites (M) and regions
containing periclase (P) in carbonate in ALH84001
(Barber and Scott, 2002).
35Paleomagnetism of ALH84001
AF Demagnetization of NRM
Soft -reversed
Soft magnetization
Hard magnetization
37Demagnetization of IRMs
38Magnetization of Martian Crust
Modeling suggests crust locally magnetized in
southern hemisphere to 20 km with intensity
10 A m-1 (Connerney, Nimmo, Parker).
Martian dynamo probably reversed during
magnetization of crust (Arkani-Hamad).
Intensity of magnetization acquired by rocks
depends on 1. Magnitude of Martian field. 2.
Mechanism of magnetization. 3. Magnetic
39Magnitude of Martian field
Studies of ALH84001 suggest it was magnetized
at 4.0 Gyr in a field 10 x smaller than
Earths field (Antretter et al., 2003
Weiss et al., 2002). Distribution of anomalies
suggests they were acquired before 4.0
Gyr. Volume of martian core is 7 Earths
core. Unlikely that martian dynamo much
stronger than geodynamo. We infer
martian surface field comparable to Earths
field gt4.0 Gyr. Note scaling of dynamo
action and effect of size of planet on
40Mechanism of magnetization
Generally assumed that martian magnetic
minerals formed at high temperature above Curie
point and were magnetized on cooling (TRM).
If magnetic minerals formed below Curie
point (called Chemical RM), intensity of
remanent magnetization is comparable to TRM.
In geomagnetic field CRM (or TRM) 10-2 of
saturation remanent magnetization. Not
necessary to form magnetic mineral by igneous
41Formation of 30-200 nm single-domain magnetite
Quenched margins of basalts Oxidation and
exsolution of ilmenite from Ti-rich
magnetite (Nimmo, 2000). Exsolution from
plagioclase Need mechanism that hasnt
operated on Earth during past 4 Gyr.
42Magnetization model
ALH84001 contains 1 vol Fe-rich carbonate.
Carbonate contains 1 vol. SD magnetite due to
partial decomposition by impact heating
at 4.0 Gyr (Golden et al., Barber Scott).
Carbonate deposited in ALH by hydrous fluid in
crust (Bridges et al.). Lab heating can
entirely convert siderite into porous aggregate
of SD magnetite (Golden et al., Koziol and
Brearley). Twostep model a) deposit 1
siderite locally to 20 km in martian crust
from CO2-rich fluid, b) decompose siderite by
magmatic heating to give 0.5 SD magnetite.
43Decomposition of siderite to single-domain
magnetite (Koziol and Brearley, 2002)
TEM Images of thermally decomposed siderite
crystals that were transformed completely to form
clusters of single-domain magnetites by heating
briefly at 470C.
44Outline of Model (1)
In southern highlands
When dense CO2 atmosphere present and water is
stable, Fe-rich is carbonate deposited in
crust. Continued growth of crust from magmatic
intrusions causes siderite decomposition
forming single-domain magnetite. Locally
1 carbonate forms to depth of 20 km and
is converted to 0.5 SD magnetite. Earth-like
field from reversing dynamo induces intensity of
magnetization of up to 10 A m-1 prior to
4.0 Gyr. SD magnetite stable over 4 Gyr due to
lack of water, as in ALH84001.
45Suggested Origin of Single-Domain Magnetite in
Martian crust during Noachian (Hydrology after
Clifford Parker 2001)