Title: ATMS 316 Mesoscale Meteorology
1ATMS 316- Mesoscale Meteorology
- Packet4
- Interesting things happen at the boundaries, or
at the interface - Cold air, warm air
2ATMS 316- Mesoscale Meteorology
- Outline
- Background
- Cold fronts
- Introduction
- Data analysis
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- Mesoscale structure
- Mesoscale frontogenesis
- Conclusions
3ATMS 316- Background
- Turbulence and fluxes of heat, momentum, and
moisture - The surface is quite often the most important
source and sink of important atmospheric
properties (heat, momentum, moisture) - How do these properties get transported?
Turbulence (a.k.a. friction) - Scales
- 200 m, BL turbulence
- 20 m, surface-layer turbulence
- 2 m, inertial subrange turbulence
- 2 mm, fine-scale turbulence
Wallace Hobbs, p. 381-389
4ATMS 316- Background
- Turbulence and fluxes of heat, momentum, and
moisture - Example, heat flux (W m-2)
- FH is the kinematic heat flux K m s-1
Wallace Hobbs, p. 381-389
5ATMS 316- Background
- Turbulence and fluxes of heat, momentum, and
moisture - Turbulence closure problem
- Always more equations than unknowns
- Parameterize approximate remaining unknowns as a
function of the knowns
Wallace Hobbs, p. 381-389
6ATMS 316- Background
- Turbulence and fluxes of heat, momentum, and
moisture - Turbulence closure problem
- Local, first-order closure
- K-theory
- Gradient-transfer theory
- Eddy-diffusivity theory
- Mixing length theory
Wallace Hobbs, p. 381-389
7ATMS 316- Background
- Turbulence and fluxes of heat, momentum, and
moisture - Turbulence closure problem
- zeroth-order closure
- Similarity theory
- Mean flow state is parameterized directly
- turbulent fluxes are related to simple scaling
parameters (friction velocity)
Wallace Hobbs, p. 381-389
8ATMS 316- Background
- Turbulence and fluxes of heat, momentum, and
moisture - Bulk aerodynamic formulae, surface fluxes
Wallace Hobbs, p. 381-389
9ATMS 316- Background
10Baroclinic zone
- A region of strong thermal contrast
- Significant horizontal temperature gradient
Baroclinic zone
11Observed StructureCarlson 1991
- A zone of stronger
- Temperature, moisture, and vertical motion
gradients normal to the frontal boundary on the
cold side of the front - Frontal gradients that appear discontinuous from
those of the synoptic-scale background - Relative minimum in pressure
- Relative maximum of vorticity along the front
- Zone of confluence along the front
- Strong vertical and lateral (cyclonic) wind shear
- Rapid changes in cloud cover and precipitation
12Temperature Discontinuities
0th order
T1 gt T2 gt T3 gt T4 gt T5 gt T6
1st order
13Frontal Surface
14Transition (Frontal) Zone
- Defined as
- Total derivative we are following a parcel.
- Frontogenesis does not imply a strengthening
front. - Frontolysis does not imply a weakening front.
- Response is dependent upon changes in a parcels
temperature gradient not changes in the frontal
temperature gradient. -
16Miller (1948) frontogenesis
- Three dimensional equation (from Bluestein,
Terms 1, 5, 9 Diabatic terms. Terms 2, 3, 6, 7
Horizontal deformation terms Terms 4, 8
Tilting terms Terms 10, 11 Vertical
deformation terms Terms 12 Vertical
divergence term To focus on changes in the
horizontal thermal gradient, well ignore terms
17Diabatic terms
- Term 1 Term 5
- 12Z 21Z
- ?/?x(dQ/dt) gt 0, ??/?x gt 0 gt F gt 0
- Important with differential cloud cover, snow
cover gradients, and land/water interfaces. - Example Sea breeze front, coastal front.
18Tilting Terms
?w/?y gt 0, ??/?z gt 0, ??/?y lt 0 gt F gt 0
?w/?y lt 0, ??/?z gt 0, ??/?y lt 0 gt F lt 0 From
Bluestein, 1993
19Tilting terms
- Needs to be considered when
- Above the surface
- Near mountains
- Change in slope of terrain
- Change in wind speed along the terrain
- Example
- Front approaching Appalachians results in
prefrontal downslope which can increase the
cross-front temperature gradient.
20Horizontal convergence/confluence terms
- ?u/?x lt 0
- ??/?x gt 0
- F gt 0
- Important around most fronts, troughs and outflow
21Horizontal shear
- ?v/?x gt 0
- ??/?y lt 0
- ??/?x gt 0
- F gt 0
- Important around fronts, outflow boundaries, and
22ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Structure of a Cold Front Over the Ocean
- Nicholas A. Bond and Robert G. Fleagle
- Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological
Society, 1985 - p. 739-759
23ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Introduction
- Purpose
- Determine the kinematic and thermodynamic
structure of a cold front - Determine the magnitude and distribution of
advective processes, condensational heating, and
turbulent mixing in the vicinity of the front
24ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Introduction
- Fronts first discussed by J. Bjerknes (1919)
- Dynamics of cold fronts is complex
- Not yet entirely understood
- Dramatic weather associated with cold fronts
25ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Introduction
- Observational studies
- Radar-based
- Precipitation structures
- Wind structures
- Meteorological tower
26ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Introduction
- Dynamical studies of fronts and frontogenesis
- Sawyer (1956)
- Eliassen (1959, 1962)
- Hoskins and Bretherton (1972)
- Model-based
- Blumen (1980)
- Keyser and Anthes (1982)
27ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Introduction
- Storm Transfer and Response Experiment (STREX)
- Gulf of Alaska
- Autumn of 1980
- Two research aircraft and a research ship (Papa)
in addition to usual buoy and coastal obs
28ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Introduction
- Study was unique
- Carried out over the open ocean
- Minimal topographic influence
- Weak ocean surface temperature gradients
- High resolution observations
29ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Data analysis
- Synoptic scale
- 25 soundings
- 11 obs from ships of opportunity
- Mesoscale
- High resolution flight-level measurements by
research aircraft
30ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Data analysis
- Synoptic analysis
- 15, 16 Nov 1980 case study
- 115 km horizontal grid spacing
- Objective analysis of four fields at 50 mb
intervals from the surface to 500 mb
31ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Data analysis
- Synoptic analysis
- Separate analyses in pre- and post-frontal
regions - Avoid smoothing gradients in analyses
- Geopotential heights calculated using hypsometric
equation - Ageostrophic components found by subtracting
geostrophic components from objectively analysed
32ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
cross front (x-direction)
- Data analysis
- Synoptic analysis
- To improve effective resolution in cross-frontal
direction, observations were collapsed onto a
single plane normal to the front - Variations along the front were considered less
along front (y-direction)
33ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Data analysis
- Mesoscale analysis
- Based on four crossings by aircraft at 49oN
- Surface observations made from the ship
Oceanographer were transformed to a coordinate
system relative to the front at 0000 UTC 16 Nov.
(flight and dropsonde data indicated by dots)
34ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Data analysis
- Mesoscale analysis
- How to align aircraft flight data
- Align maximum vertical velocities from 300, 950,
and 2100m altitude P-3 crossings - 4500m crossing was made to conform to 2338 UTC 15
Nov. dropsonde data
35ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Data analysis
- Mesoscale analysis
- Observations projected onto a vertical
cross-section normal to the front (x-direction) - Assumed variations in fields along the front were
negligible - Concentrations of energy at horizontal scales of
250 m and 2-3 km
36ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Data analysis
- Mesoscale analysis
- 700 m horizontal resolution, 12.5 mb (100 m)
vertical resolution - Differences in aligned fields between aircraft
and dropsonde data - 0.5oC, 1 m s-1 cross-front velocity, and 4 m s-1
along-front velocity
37ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Coldest air south of 986 mb low centre
- Geostrophic stretching deformation at 45oN
contributing to frontogenesis - Stationary ridge along west coast of Canada
SLP, 1000-700 mb DZ 00 UTC 14 Nov 1980
38ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Substantial development of frontal system
- New rapidly deepening low at 51oN 148oW
- Two open waves along cold front
SLP, 1000-700 mb DZ 00 UTC 15 Nov 1980
39ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Front reaches its maximum strength
- Northernmost open wave deepens 40 mb to 965 mb
- Southernmost open wave deepens 25 mb to 981 mb
- Strongest thermal gradients in region of
intensive meteorological measurements - Little temp. gradient along-front
SLP, 1000-700 mb DZ 00 UTC 16 Nov 1980
40ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Front is oriented nearly vertically from surface
to this level - Strong southerly flow ahead of front
- Weak temp. gradients in cold air west of 100
km-wide frontal zone
850 mb
(surface front shown)
41ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Broader frontal zone than at 850 mb
- Frontal zone displaced 1o longitude to the west
of 850 mb front - Temp. change across frontal zone (12 K) is a
maximum at this level
700 mb
(surface front shown)
42ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Wind speeds greater than 50 m s-1 just ahead of
the surface (sfc) front - Isotherms parallel to sfc front with maximum
packing found 200 km behind sfc front - Short trough-ridge spacing ? large positive
vorticity advection above sfc front
500 mb
(surface front shown)
43ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Narrow band of high cyclonic vorticity nearly
vertical from sfc to 650 mb - Largest horizontal temp. gradient just behind or
coincident with vorticity max. - Frontal zone ahead of vort. max. above 600 mb
44ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Strong convergence (conv) limited to lowest 150
mb (max. at 950 mb) - Divergence (div) predominated above 600 mb in
frontal zone - Low-level conv capped by small region of div at
700 mb
45ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- Frontogenesis ? increasing temp. gradient across
front, vertical shear in the along-front wind
must increase to maintain thermal wind balance - Accelerations in along-front wind are accompanied
by ageostrophic motions in the cross-front plane
46ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- Secondary circulation equation for a 2D front
sum of terms involving ageostrophic motions
sum of frontogenetical processes
forcing ageostrophic motions
47ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- Secondary circulation equation for a 2D front
frontogenesis due to geostrophic motions
frontogenesis due to the effect of friction
frontogenesis due to cross-front gradients in
diabatic heating
48ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- LHS of Eq (1)
- Ageostrophic flow CCW about positive center
- Maximum in frontal zone at 700 mb results largely
from second term on LHS of Eq (1) - Minimum ahead of front at 900 mb results largely
from third term on LHS of Eq (1)
49ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- RHS of Eq (1) geostrophic forcing
- Correspondence between Figs 6 7 indicates
degree to which secondary circulations can be
attributed to geostrophic forcing - Absence of strong geostrophic forcing near the
surface isotherms parallel to front in Fig 2(c)
50ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- RHS of Eq (1) effect of turbulent stresses
- Estimated from the results of Fleagle and Nuss
(1985) - Assumed a linear stress profile from the surface
to zero at 900 mb
51ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- RHS of Eq (1) cross-front gradient in diabatic
heating, considered two processes - Turbulent flux of sensible heat in the boundary
layer - Taken from Fleagle and Nuss (1985)
- Condensation or evaporation
- Determined from the change in mixing ratio
following a parcel
52ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- RHS of Eq (1) sum
- Friction term is dominant at the low-level
negative max. at 900 mb - Condensational heating and cooling above the
boundary layer accounts for the greater value of
the positive center at 700 mb over the
corresponding center in Fig. 7
53ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- RHS of Eq (1) sum
- Boundary layer turbulent heat fluxes had a
minimal effect on the synoptic-scale secondary
circulation - 40 underestimate of intensity of negative
maximum in circulation at 900 mb (Fig. 6)
Potential error sources obs. errors, poor data
coverage, bad parameterizations, finite
difference errors, poor assumptions, along-front
winds not in complete geostrophic balance
54ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Synoptic-scale frontogenesis
- General agreement between Figs. 6 8
- indicates that the dominant features of the
synoptic-scale ageostrophic circulation at a
strong front can be accounted for by the
geostrophic forcing, plus the diabatic and
frictional effects
55ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Flight-level pressure measurements indicate
significant variations within a few kilometers of
the front - Appear to be non-hydrostatic
- Correlated with large vertical accelerations
- Assumptions required in applying Eq (1) are not
valid on the mesoscale near the front
56ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Flight-level pressure measurements indicate
significant variations within a few kilometers of
the front - Assumptions required in applying Eq (1) are not
valid on the mesoscale near the front - Restrict mesoscale analyses to a kinematical and
thermodynamical description rather than to a
dynamical equation
57ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Equivalent potential temperature (qe) is used to
represent a quasi-conservative thermodynamic
variable - Air in the cross section is nearly saturated
- Zero point on horizontal scale is set at the
intersection of the surface with the 307 K qe
58ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Strongest horizontal gradients of q and qe were
at 900 mb level - General pattern of qe suggests a gravity current
(a.k.a. density current), propagation speed - calculation 14 to 18 m s-1
- measured 17 m s-1
59ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Coordinate system moving with the front
(front-relative) - Greatest inflow at low levels from warm side
- Conv drops off rapidly with height above the nose
of the front - Div found between 850 and 700 mb directly above
sfc conv
cross-front wind
60ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Max. velocities greater than 40 m s-1 in warm air
near 850 mb - Less prominent prefrontal low-level jet than in
other studies - Relatively low velocities (30 m s-1) above and
to the left of the nose of the front
along-front wind
61ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Max. updraft velocity at 875 mb, wider than in
other studies - Downdraft of 1 m s-1 found 2 km behind the main
updraft - Large discrepancy between estimated (using
kinematic method) and measured vertical
measured vertical velocities (m s-1)
62ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Large discrepancy between estimated (using
kinematic method) and measured vertical
velocities, caused by ?? - Change in velocity field between successive
crossing of the front - Mesoscale variation in the parallel wind
component in the along-front direction - Frontal precipitation cores??
63ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- qe and streamlines relative to front
64ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Within the boundary layer, air flows toward the
front from both the cold and warm sides - Warm air approaches more rapidly than the cold
air - Converging cold and warm streams form an updraft
within and east of region of greatest horizontal
gradient of qe
65ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Converging cold and warm streams form an updraft
within and east of region of greatest horizontal
gradient of qe - Mass of water vapor carried upward from boundary
layer by the updraft is equivalent to
precipitation of 1 mm h-1 extending over a
west-east span of 580 km
66ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Mass of water vapor carried upward from boundary
layer by the updraft is equivalent to
precipitation of 1 mm h-1 extending over a
west-east span of 580 km - Frictional convergence accounted for nearly the
entire updraft mass flux
67ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Above 875 mb the updraft undergoes strong
horizontal div - Part of warm air flows eastward and continues
slowly upward - Another part flows westward along sloping frontal
surface - Gravity waves generated by Kelvin-Helmholtz
instability in and above frontal zone?
68ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Two vortices in cold air behind front
- Implies divergence in along-front direction
- Cold air between vortices
- Result of diabatic effects
- Variations in qe in the along-frontal direction
69ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Converging boundary layer flow convective
instability stronger on cold air side - Features similar to other frontal studies
- Browning and Harold (1970)
- Carbone (1982)
- Shapiro (1984)
70ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Is qe conserved by individual air parcels?
- If so, streamlines would be everywhere parallel
to qe isotherms - Tend to be parallel in Fig. 13
- Regions where they are not parallel
71ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
freezing level
- Mesoscale structure
- Regions where streamlines are not parallel to qe
isotherms - Just below the freezing level
- Cooling due to melting of ice crystals Carbone
1982? - Near two cold air vortices
- Turbulent mixing
- Changes with respect to time
- Variations in the y direction
72ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Regions where streamlines are not parallel to qe
isotherms - Turbulent mixing
- Not strong enough to account for all of the
Lagrangian change in qe, especially in the
regions of greatest gradients of qe - Other potential causes
- Radiation, cooling by melting, warming or cooling
by falling rain, obs and analysis errors,
along-front variation (advection)
73ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale structure
- Streamlines and qe isotherms are similar in their
major features - Each of the fields provides confirmation of the
other - Although (1) effects of change w/ time and (2)
variation along the front have not been
explicitly accounted for, they do not appear to
have invalidated this analysis
74ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale frontogenesis
- Frontogenesis (in the Lagrangian sense) for the
case of uniformity along the front
diabatic processes other than condensation and
describes the changes experienced by a parcel
and does not yield an estimate of the local
change in the strength of the front
75ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale frontogenesis
- RHS Eq. (7), first term
- No obvious pattern (noisy)
- Third order derivatives
( frontogenesis)
76ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale frontogenesis
- RHS Eq. (7), second term
- Large positive values at 900 mb
- Forced by maximum wind conv in boundary layer
below 900 mb, on warm side of largest temperature
( frontogenesis)
77ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale frontogenesis
- RHS Eq. (7), third term
- Negative on cold side of updraft core
- Positive on warm side of updraft core
- Sign is reversed at lower levels where the
atmosphere was convectively unstable - Frontolysis in very stably stratified frontal
inversion at 875 mb
( frontogenesis)
78ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale frontogenesis
- RHS Eq. (7), sum
- Confluence and tilting terms contribute equally
to strong frontogenesis in the boundary layer - Tilting term is responsible for strong
frontolysis above 900 mb - Turbulent mixing is the only strongly frontolytic
process in the boundary layer near the front
( frontogenesis)
boundary layer mixing may be the primary process
which limits the sharpness of the front
79ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Mesoscale frontogenesis
- Comparison to other studies
80ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Conclusions
- Synoptic-scale analysis
- Friction, condensational heating, and geostrophic
forcing are all important in creating the
ageostrophic circulation near the front - Friction is important in the boundary layer
81ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Conclusions
- Mesoscale analysis
- Vertical mass transport was highly concentrated
within a zone about 2 km wide at the leading edge
of the front - Gradients of temperature and humidity and
associated frontogenetical processes were also
concentrated near the leading edge of the front
82ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Conclusions
- Mesoscale analysis
- Frictional convergence in the boundary layer
accounted for 80 of the observed updraft - Disclosed frontal features similar to gravity
currents in the laboratory - Extension of the cold, dense air ahead of the
cold air at the surface - Vertical undulations of the frontal surface
behind the surface front
83ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Conclusions
- Mesoscale analysis
- Low-level frontal zone 2 km wide, width largely
determined by - Confluent flow
- Turbulent mixing
- Tilting has a secondary effect in the surface
layer stronger impact above the surface layer
84ATMS 316- Cold Fronts
- Which scenario?
- Scenario1 synoptic scale forcing alone
- Scenario2 synoptic scale dominates mesoscale
forcing - Scenario3 weak synoptic scale forcing
17 February 2006 Cold front passage