Pathways to Excellence - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Pathways to Excellence


While they are not clubs or mini courses, they maintain an academic or artistic ' ... Rating Scales, Learning Profiles, other Standardized Tests (e.g. Terra Nova, etc. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Pathways to Excellence

Pathways to Excellence
  • Addressing the Needs of the Gifted and Talented
    in Cranford

Pathways to Excellence Task Force
  • Created by the Superintendent in March 2005 to
    examine current research and best practices
    that address learning needs of gifted and
    talented children
  • Comprised of over 20 community members including
    Board of Education members, parents,
    administrators and teachers
  • Met numerous times as a whole and in
    subcommittees to review and discuss relevant
    research along with state and national standards
    for educating the gifted and talented
  • Conducted on-site visitations of model programs
  • Developed a series of recommendations concerning
    future directions for the districts G/T program

Who are the Gifted and Talented?
New Jersey Department of Education Definition
  • The gifted and talented are students who possess
    or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or
    more content areas, when compared to their
    chronological peers in the local district and who
    require modification of their educational program
    if they are to achieve in accordance with their

Cranfords Two Tiered Response to State Mandated
G/T Program
  • Recognizes that ALL children have gifts and
    talents and that there are MULTIPLE PATHWAYS for
    children to explore and realize these gifts and
    talents and that the responsibility for helping
    children explore these pathways rests with ALL
    teachers and ALL parents.
  • Acknowledges a competing need to provide
    specialized services for students who are
    scholastically exceptional.

Key Recommendations
  • Establish Enrichment Clusters for all students in
    Grades 3 8.
  • Create a highly individualized program for
    students identified as scholastically exceptional.

Tier OneEnrichment Clusters
  • Enrichment for All

Enrichment Clusters
  • Enrichment Clusters are groups of students who
    share a common interest and come together each
    week during a specially designated time to
    produce a product, performance or targeted
    service based on that common interest. Teachers
    or other adults who have a special interest in a
    particular topic facilitate the clusters.
    Clusters are modeled after the ways in which
    knowledge acquisition and application take place
    in real world situations.

  • Enrichment Clusters are based on the belief that
    all children have unique talents and gifts, and
    schools are places for developing the talents of
    all students. Therefore, it is the
    responsibility of educators to develop students
    abilities and interests by identifying, nurturing
    and supporting those talents and gifts.

Underlying Beliefs
  • Each learner is unique
  • Learning is more effective when students enjoy
    what they are doing
  • Learning is more meaningful and enjoyable when
    content and process are based on real world

Major Features of Enrichment Clusters
  • All activity is directed toward the production of
    a product or a service
  • Students and teachers select the clusters in
    which they will participate. All students and
    teachers are involved
  • Students are grouped across grades by interest
  • The authentic methods of professional
    investigators are used to pursue product and
    service development
  • While they are not clubs or mini courses, they
    maintain an academic or artistic foundation by
    connecting them to the Core Curriculum Standards.

Other Guidelines for Enrichment Clusters
  • Have an average teacher/ student ratio of
    approximately 112
  • Be multi-aged
  • Be homogeneously grouped by interest and
    heterogeneously grouped by ability
  • Be self selected by students with parental
  • Be conducted one hour per week for 10 12 weeks.
    Upon full implementation of program, students
    will be offered two Enrichment Clusters per year.
  • Enrichment Clusters will not be formally graded

Enrichment Cluster Implementation Time Table
  • Grade 3 (2006 2007) will serve as initial pilot
  • All Grade 3 students to be scheduled into
    Enrichment Clusters as of February 2007
  • All Grade 4 students will begin Enrichment
    Clusters in September 2007
  • All Grade 5 students will begin Enrichment
    Clusters in February 2008
  • Grades 6, 7, 8 will begin Enrichment Clusters in
    September 2007

Tier 2 Pathways to Excellence Plus
  • Specialized Support for the Scholastically

Pathways to Excellence Plus
  • An ongoing effort to identify students with
    exceptional academic/ scholastic ability and
    provide them with Differentiated Educational
    Plans. These plans will include a pull out
    program staffed by GT teachers and specify
    modifications and adaptations to the regular
    education program to aid students in exploring
    and realizing their full potential.

Identification Process Guidelines
  • Focus will be on the top 2 3 of the student
  • Will utilize multiple criteria
  • Will be ongoing through the grades beginning with
  • To be phased in over 2 3 years

Pathways to Excellence PlusTime Table
  • Grade 3 (2006 2007) will serve as initial pilot
  • Grades 4 8 will be phased in throughout the
    2007 2008 school year

Pathways to Excellence Plus Identification
  • Initial screening process (Grade 3 September
    2006) will consider Iowa Test of Basic Skills
    (ITBS), Cognitive Achievement Test (CogAT) and
    the Gifted Rating Scales (GRS)
  • Students demonstrating high ability on these
    assessments will be individually tested using the
    Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)

Pathways to Excellent Plus Identification
Process 2007 and Beyond
  • Will consider additional data including but not
    limited to NJ ASK Scores, Report Card Grades,
    Parent/ Teacher Rating Scales, Learning Profiles,
    other Standardized Tests (e.g. Terra Nova, etc.)
  • Ultimate admission to the program will be
    determined by individually administered
    intelligence test such as the WISC-IV or a
    comparable instrument.

Other Pathways to Excellence Recommendations
  • Rename GT Program to Pathways to Excellence
  • Provide on-going and sustained professional
    development for all staff to support the Pathways
    to Excellence Program
  • Continue to participate in out of school
    experiences, competitions, convocations, etc.
  • Provide push-in services and support at the K
    2 level and link to identification process for
    P2E Program
  • Create a position of Coordinator of the Pathways
    to Excellence Program to oversee the programs
    activities and support teachers in utilizing
    differentiation practices such as compacting and
    acceleration. This person will coordinate all
    aspects of the program
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