Title: System Safety Process
1System Safety Process
As it Relates to Operations and Maintenance Issues
Presented By Jim Scandlin Manager Reliability
Engineering and Maintenance Programs
An Honestly Different Airline.
2Reliability System Safety Process
- Maintains a balance between
Reliability Operational Economy
3Reliability System Safety Process
- Use the Reliability System Safety Process as a
primary tool to achieve and maintain that balance.
4Reliability System Safety Process
- Use the Reliability System Safety Process as a
primary tool to achieve and maintain that balance.
5Reliability System Safety Process
- Use the Reliability System Safety Process as a
primary tool to achieve and maintain that balance.
6Reliability System Safety Process
- Use the Reliability System Safety Process as a
primary tool to achieve and maintain that balance.
Reliability Ops. Economy
7Reliability System Safety Process
- Recognize and respond rapidly and appropriately
to deteriorating performance.
8Process Sensitivity
Actual Significant Reliability Issue
9Process Sensitivity
Actual Significant Reliability Issue
Significant But Ignored Reliability Issue
10Process Sensitivity
Process Significant Reliability Issue Threshold
Actual Significant Reliability Issue
Significant But Ignored Reliability Issue
11Process Sensitivity
Process Significant Reliability Issue Threshold
Actual Significant Reliability Issue
Significant But Ignored Reliability Issue
12Process Sensitivity
Process Significant Reliability Issue Threshold
Actual Significant Reliability Issue
Significant But Ignored Reliability Issue
False Alert
13Process Tools
- Use a combination of non-statistical event based
programs as well as supplemental statistical
programs to identify developing problem areas. - Daily, Weekly and Ad Hoc reporting on developing
issues - part of the event based program. - Monthly Safety Net mandating analysis actions
based on statistical least squares regression
model alerts.
14Reliability Process Model
Update Monthly Database
Issue Paperworkto Implement Decision
Action Taken
Close ReliabilityStudy Item
Event and/or StatisticalProblem Notification
SubmitProposal For ARPBApproval
Open Reliability Study
PerformInitial Analysis
15Reliability Process Model
Statistical Portion Computes MonthlyRates
and Alert Limits(UCLs and LCLs)
16Reliability Process Model
17Reliability Process Model
18Reliability Process Model
19Reliability Process Model
Open Reliability Study
20Reliability Process Model
21Reliability Process Model
ComponentBuild Specification Order
Engineering Order
22Reliability Process Model
23Reliability Process Model
SubmitProposal For ARPBApproval
24Reliability Process Model
SubmitProposal For ARPBApproval
25Reliability Process Model
26Reliability Process Model
Close ReliabilityStudy Item
27Non-Statistical Process Tools
- There are numerous non-statistical process tools.
Here are examples - Rogue Unit Detection
- Repeater Reports
- P/N Reports
- Delay Reports
- Ad Hoc Investigations and Reports
28Non-Statistical Process Tools
Rogue Unit Detection
29Non-Statistical Process Tools
- There are numerous non-statistical process tools.
Here are examples - Rogue Unit Detection
- Repeater Reports
- P/N Reports
- Delay Reports
- Ad Hoc Investigations and Reports
30Non-Statistical Process Tools
15 Day Repeater Report
31Non-Statistical Process Tools
15 Day Repeater Report
90 Day Repeater Report
32Non-Statistical Process Tools
- There are numerous non-statistical process tools.
Here are examples - Rogue Unit Detection
- Repeater Reports
- P/N Reports
- Delay Reports
- Ad Hoc Investigations and Reports
33Non-Statistical Process Tools
34Non-Statistical Process Tools
- There are numerous non-statistical process tools.
Here are examples - Rogue Unit Detection
- Repeater Reports
- P/N Reports
- Delay Reports
- Ad Hoc Investigations and Reports
35Non-Statistical Process Tools
36Non-Statistical Process Tools
- There are numerous non-statistical process tools.
Here are examples - Rogue Unit Detection
- Repeater Reports
- P/N Reports
- Delay Reports
- Ad Hoc Investigations and Reports
37Non-Statistical Process Tools
The following is a event driven (non-statistical)
report presented at an ATA Airlines Aircraft
Reliability Programs Board Meeting.
38757-200 Bottom Cushion Support Webbing
REAF 0304-252-20 / Non-Statistical /
4-18-03 CCN 2554900
- St. Pete Line Maintenance Identified Sagging Seat
Support Webbing. - 169 Seat Web Servicings This Year.
- 3 Delays This Year.
- Interiors Engineering is Investigating a
Long-Term Fix. - Passenger Comfort and Satisfaction Issue.
40Acceptable Installation
41Sagging Passenger Seat
42Passenger Seat Support Assembly
43Passenger Seat Support Assembly
44Affected Seats
757-200 Seating Configuration
45Current Maintenance Practices
W/C NUMBER 220I2502 Step 3A
- The majority of sagging seat webs are a result of
slipping bar attached Velcro. - Some sag because the Velcro is worn-out and
others because of improper installation.
- Accomplish FCD at next opportunity not to exceed
an A - check to inspect seats for tautness. - Continue passive monitoring and implement
additional FCDs as sagging problems re-emerge
until long term fix is implemented.
48Process Check
- Statistical Exceeder alerts act as a safety net
- Intended to summarize problem areas that should
already be in work - Intended to identify where certain elements of
the reliability system safety process may have
one or more weaknesses that need to be corrected.
49Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
50Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
51Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
52Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
53Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
54Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
55Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
56Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
57Speed of Detection
- Recognition of a problem is almost inevitable
doing so in a timely fashion is a bit more of a
58Speed of Detection
- Avoid more serious or costly safety, reliability,
and operations problems by detecting and
responding to them more earlier. - The event driven elements of the Reliability
program are designed to quickly target
deteriorating trends.
59Continuing Process Improvement Goal
New Process/Tool Developed
More QuicklyAccurately DetectProblems
Provide ProblemVisibility to All Levels of
Overall Organization Adopts Process Tool
Provides Quicker Response to Problems
Process is Matured
High Level Requestsare Generated for Action and
Additional Data Based on This New Source of Info.
The goal is to achieve a mature process that
becomes part of the basic culture of the
- Quickly focus resources on real issues.
- Ensure program is sensitive enough to alert us to
significant performance deterioration yet is not
so sensitive that it results in a number of false
alerts. These false alerts dilute the
effectiveness of the program by wasting
resources. - Implement and follow up on proposed solutions.
- Communicate solutions with manufacturers, vendors
and other operators.