Title: Design Vision
1Design Vision
2Cell-Based Design Flow
3Design Vision
- The Design Vision tool is the graphical user
interface (GUI) to the Synopsys synthesis
environment. - Design Vision provides menu commands and dialog
boxes for the most commonly used synthesis
features. In addition, you can enter any dc_shell
command on the command line in the GUI or the
4.sypnopsys_dc.setup file
5Logic Syntheis Overview(1/3)
6Logic Syntheis Overview(2/3)
7Logic Syntheis Overview(3/3)
- RTL is elaborated and analyzed then RTL is mapped
to some form of internal representative library
(Synopsys uses GTECH as reference to internal
library). - During optimization phase, GTECH cells are mapped
to actual technology library based on
constraints. - Output of Synthesis tool is gate-level netlist,
which is a completely structural description with
only standard cells at the leaves of the design,
along with various area and timing reports.
8Logic Synthesis
9Design object
10Static Timing Analysis
11Setup Hold Time Check
12Nonblocking v.s blocking
- Blocking nonblocking coding guideline
- Dont mix blocking non blocking statement in a
same block - nonblocking statement that is used to declare a
sequential element - blocking statement that is used to declare a
combinational circuit
13Synthesizable Verilog HDL
- Non-Blocking and Blocking
- Use non-blocking assignments within
sequential always block
14Synthesizable Verilog HDL
- Use blocking assignments within combinational
always block.
15Synthesizable Verilog HDL
- Use non-blocking assignments within sequential
always block
16Synthesizable Verilog HDL
- Use blocking assignments within combinational
always block
17Always block statement
- Can be a blocking or nonblocking statement
- Dont declare a same value assignment more than 1
always block
18Latch Inference
- A variable assigned within an always block that
is not fully specified
19if Statement
- Whats the difference between these two coding
20(No Transcript)
21synthesis parallel_case
- Parallel version, assuming we can guarantee only
one 1 in the input
22synthesis parallel_case
- Parallel version of priority encoder
- Note parallel case directive is not used,
synthesis adds appropriate matching logic to
force priority
23translate_off and translate_on Directives
- Use these directives when your Verilog source
code contains commands specific to simulation - // synopsys translate_off
- / synopsys translate_off /
- // synopsys translate_on
- / synopsys translate_on /
25Case Statement
- If a case statement is not a full case, it will
infer a latch
26Case Statement
- If you do not specify all possible branches, but
you know the other branches will never occur, you
can use //synopsys full_case directive to
specify full case
27Combinational Always Block
- Sensitivity list must be specified completely,
otherwise synthesis may mismatch with simulation
28Wire Register
- Reg A variable in Verilog
- Use of reg data type is not exactly synthesized
to a really register - Use of wire reg
- When use wire ? usually use assign and
assign does not appear in always block - When use reg ? only use ab , always appear
in always block
29Register Inference
- A register (flip-flop) is implied when you use
the _at_(posedge clk) or _at_(negedge clk) in an always
30Continuous Assignment(1/2)
- Used for datapath descriptions
- Used to model combinational circuits
31Continuous Assignment(2/2)
- Avoid logic loop
- Without disabling the combinational feedback
loop, the static timing analyzer cant resolve
32Compare (????)
- Unsupport compare X and Z
- X and Z maybe make circuit occur exception
- Dont coding X or Z in RTL code(except casez
or casex) - Comparisons to an X or Z are always ignored.
- Comparison is always evaluated to false,which may
cause simulation synthesis mismatch.
33For Loop
- Provide a shorthand way of writing a series of
statements. - Loop index variables must be integer type.
- Step, start end value must be constant.
- In synthesis, for loops loops are unrolled,
and then synthesized.
34Finite State Machine
- Contain only one type of sequential element
- Contain only one reset signal
- Separate combinational (next_state) sequential
block(current_state) - Symbolic state names - easy to identify and
modify - Make state assignments using parameters with
- symbolic state names
35Explicit Finite State Machine
- Use explicit FSM to describe asynchronous reset
FSM - Use if or case statement to allow compact
description of state machine logic
36Synopsys HDL Compiler Directive
- //synopsys translate_on //synopsys
translate_off control the HDL Compiler
translation of Verilog code off on
37Use Parentheses Properly
38Resource Allocation
Without resource allocation
- if A 1 then
- E B C
- else
- E B D
- end
39Resource Allocation
- if A 1 then
- temp C // A temporary variable introduced.
- else
- temp D
- end if
- E B temp
40Avoid delay times glue logic
- Do not use any delay constant in RTL code
- Always _at_(posedge clock)
- Temp_a lt 2 temp_b
- Top module dont contain logic (function) between
module and other module
41Avoid snake path
- ??????????, ?????????????????
42Setting Wire Load
43Setting Wire Load Model
- Wire load model estimates wire capacitance based
on chip area cell fanout. - Setting this information during compile in order
to model the design more accurately .
44Design Ware Library
- DesignWare is technology-independent soft
macros such as adders, comparators, etc., which
can be synthesized into gates from your target
45Design Ware Library
- Invoke Design Ware component with 2 ways
- Inference let design compiler to choose the
DesignWare component according to the constraints - Instantiation explicitly instantiate synthesis
46Design Ware Library
47Design Ware Library
48Design Ware Library
49Multiple Design Instance
- Use dont_touch, ungroup, uniquify to fix it.
- The easiest way is uniquify, but needs much
memory compile time. - If you want to preserve the hierarchy source
sharing, use dont_touch. - If you want your design to have the BEST result,
recommend to use ungroup. But it needs the most
memory and compile time.
51Floating Port Removing
- Due to some ports in the standard cells are not
used in your design - remove_unconnected_ports -blast_buses get_cells
- The default logic-level optimization
strategysuitable for structured circuits (e.g.
adders and ALUs) - set_structure lttrue falsegt
- -design ltlist of designsgt
- -boolean ltlow medium highgt
- -timing lttrue falsegt
- Flatten is default OFF
- Remove all intermediate variable
- Result a two-level sum-of-product form
- Use when you have a timing goal and have dont
cares(x) in your HDL code - set_flatten lttrue falsegt
- -design ltlist of designsgt
- -effort ltlow medium highgt
- -phase lttrue falsegt
54Input delay Model
55Setting input dalay
56Output Delay Model
- Clock-cycle gt DFFclk-Qdelay d e DFFsetup
- Output delay e DFFsetup
57Setting Output Delay
58Combination Circuit Maximum Delay Constraints
- For combinational circuits primarily (i.e. design
with no clock) - Select the start end points of the timing path
- Attributes/Optimization Constraints/Timing
59Combination Circuit Maximum Delay Constraints
60Analyze Elaborate
- Analyze and Elaborate
- Use Analyze and Elaborate to read HDL designs
and convert them to Synopsys database format - Read
- Use Read (read_file is the command-line
equivalent) to read designs that are already in
61Sequential Circuit - Specify Clock
- create_clock -name "A" -period B -waveform C D
E - A ?? clock name
- B ?? ????,ex. 10 (ns)
- C ?? rising edge ex. 0
- D ?? failling edge,ex.????/2 5 (ns)
- E ?? your module clock pin name
- set_dont_touch_network find clock A
- Dont add any buffer in clock network
- set_fix_hold find clock A
62Clock Tree Modeling Example
63Setting Area Constraint
- Attributes gt Optimization Constraints gt Design
Constraints -
??0, Tool??????????
64Compile Boundary Optimization
65Compile - map_effort
- Compile design with default effort level (medium)
for best results - Compile design with map effort high it does
critical path re-synthesis but it will use more
CPU time in some cases the action of compile
will not terminate - compile -map_effort high
- Top Level compiles only the top level of the
design, leaving the rest uncompiled - Ungroup All Ungroups the entire hierarchy so
that all logic is compiled as one module - Auto Ungroup when enabled, you may choose
either area or delay as the trigger, and the
synthesizer will automatically ungroup designs to
meet constraints if the - constraints are not being met
67Check Design
- Performing a design check can find
inconsistencies in your design that may or may
not be problems.
68Change Naming Rule
- ????,?command window??????
69Change Naming Rule
70Fix Multiple Port Net
- if there is any assignment problem, choose the
block use the dc_shell command as follow to fix
it - set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
- compile -map_effort medium
71Basic Command
- ?????read (bottom up)
- ?? read -format ???? ????
- ???? ????verilog
- Ex
- read -format verilog ALU.v
72Basic Command
- ??????current_design
- ?? current_design ????
- current_design get_designs ????
- Ex current_design ALU
- ???????link
- ?? link
73Basic Command
- ungroup flatten all
- set_dont_use typical/CLK (????? CLK ???????)
- set_dont_use slow/CLK
- compile -map medium -area medium
boundary_optimization - report_area gt Report_area.txt
- report_timing -significant_digits 4 gt
Report_timing.txt - report_power gt Report_power.txt
74Basic Command
- write -format verilog -hierarchy -output gate.v
- (?? gatelevel code), gatelevel simulation ???
- write_sdf -version 1.0 "./report/gate.sdf
- (Write Stand Delay Format), gatelevel
simulation ??? - write_sdc -version 1.7 "./report/gate.sdc
- To write out a script in Synopsys Design
constraints format (SDC) to a file that can be
used later for the place and route tools
75Gatelevel - Simulation
76Gate-Level Simulation
- Add the Verilog model gate-level netlist
- Add Verilog model of standard cell (temc13.v)
- Modifiy your testfixture file
- sdf_annotate("the_SDF_file_name",the_top_level_mo
dule _instance_name) - For example sdf_annotate("chip.sdf", top)
77Gate-Level Simulation
- ??????testbench??initial block
- sdf_annotate(gate.sdf,DWT)//?????? Delay
Information - dumpvars
- dumpfile(DWT_Power.vcd) //?? prime power