Title: The Real Story About DAY and NIGHT
1The Real Story About DAY and NIGHT
2Once upon time the sun was In love with a human
named Luno. Luno was a sad man because he
didnt look like everyone else, and he was
always being made fun of.
Hes a freak honey. We must run away.
Mommy, why does that man look so funny?
3Wait, I dont bite.
4Not again.
5The sun was in shock when she saw what had
6When the Luno went home that night, Sun thought
what she could do, but she wanted to get a
second opinion first. What do you think she
should do to help the Luno?
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8Well you wanted it, and now youve got.
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11What in the world is going on?
12Im getting out of here. AHHHHH!
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15Later that day..
Yea Im normal. Im going to dance in the middle
of the street.
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19And thats how the moon became the moon.
The End
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20Your wish is my command.
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23What in the world is going on?
24Im getting out of here. AHHHHH!
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26The sun and the moon lived happily ever after.
27Luno hated the sun for turning him into the
moon. But when ever he tried to get away, sun
would follow him. This resulted in day and
Stay away from me you freak.
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32The End
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