Title: Transformational Development
1Transformational Development Programming Models
Project Overview June 2007
- The Our Future initiative is completing a major
review and re-engineering of World Visions
strategy, structure, and work processes at
global, regional, and national levels. - As this renewal of World Visions work progresses
at higher levels, there is now an urgent need to
undertake a similar process focused on World
Visions primary operating model at local level
the Area Development Programme (ADP). - World Vision works with communities in more than
100 countries which includes 1,300 ADPs in 55
countries. - There are many forms of ADPs with wide
variation in scale, coverage, staffing,
partnering practices, technical capacities,
resourcing levels, and overall effectiveness and
efficiency. - This wide variation has been exacerbated by the
uncoordinated proliferation of initiatives within
the WV partnership.
3Background (cont.)
- Consequences of uncoordinated development of ADPs
and proliferation of initiatives - High pressure on ADP staff
- Reduced time staff can spend with communities
- Thin spread of ADP financial resources
- Some discrepancy between marketing messages and
field programming in a number of locations - Inconsistency in sponsorship-related practices
among ADPs - Insufficient alignment and synergy among ministry
streams, sectors, and themes at local level - There is widespread agreement across the
partnership on the need to review current ADP
approaches and develop a new set of
transformational development programming models
(TDPM) for the years ahead.
4What is the TD Programming Models Project?
- A Partnership-wide project to
- Review the wide range of current ADP and other TD
approaches within WV and best practices outside
WV - Facilitate the development of TD programming
models based on the findings of the review,
through a partnership-wide process of co-creation
and piloting in select contexts. - The TDPM project will be pursued as an Our Future
project, embedded within the TD unit in the WVI
Integrated Ministry and Strategy Division
5Links of TDPM with Other WV Operating Models
Category III Emergency Response The full
disaster management cycle, including disaster
risk reduction, will be addressed in TD
programming models for all disasters except those
in Category III. Cat III emergency response needs
to be closely linked to disaster management in
long-term development contexts. National,
Regional Global Advocacy Local advocacy (i.e.
promoting responsible citizenship and good
governance) is part of TD programming models.
National/regional/global advocacy needs to
reinforce and build on the local-level advocacy
and reflect local -level programming. Microfinance
Institutions Linkages of TD programming models
to MFIs operating within and outside TDPM areas
need to be reviewed and strengthened to ensure
optimal synergy.
6 Draft TD Programming Model Conceptual
Sustained well-being of children and families
(especially the most vulnerable)
- Financial/Material
- Sponsorship funding
- Private non-sponsorship funding
- Grants
- Gifts-in-kind
- Food
- Other
- Human
- Leadership/management
- Field staff
- Compensation
- Growth path
- Capacity building for core competencies
- Staff spiritual nurture
- Technical
- TD, sectoral and thematic standards and
programming guidelines - Advocacy tools (e.g. CBPM)
- LEAP tools
- Knowledge management tools
- Information and communications technology
Basic Parameters of TD Programme
Design Geographic Coverage, Target Population,
TDP Life Span and Cycle (and Sponsorship
Programming Where Applicable)
7 World Visions Role With Local Partners
Local Churches
WV Dev. Facilitators
Tech. Specialists
World Vision
8Key Characteristics of a TD Programming Model
- Simple to understand and implement
- Measurably effective
- Cost-effective
- Sustainable
- Scaleable with quality
- Replicable and adaptable
9Levels of Contextualisation for TD Programming
10TDPM Project Goal and Objectives
11TDPM Team and Key Stakeholder Groups
- The key intended benefits of the TDPM project
- Enhanced contribution to well-being of children
and families - Enhanced effectiveness and efficiency of WVs
operations at local level
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