Title: Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of Intrusions
1Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of
- Peng Ning, Douglas S. Reeves, Yun Cui, Department
of Computer Science - North Carolina State University, 2001
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of Attacks
- Experimental Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion and Future Work
3Introduction (1/2)
- Current IDSs focus on low-level attacks or
anomalies - A large number of alerts
- A large number of false alerts
- Can not capture the logical strategies behind
these attacks - Cannot fully detect novel attacks or variations
of known attacks
4Introduction (2/2)
- Most intrusions are not isolated
- The early stages preparing for the later ones
- The proposed approach correlates alerts using
prerequisites of intrusions - Provide a high-level representation of correlated
alerts - Reduce the impact of false alerts
- Can be extended to predict attacks in progress
5Related Work (1/2)
- Alert correlation techniques
- Probabilistic method
- Correlate alerts using similarity between their
features - Depends on parameters selected by human experts
- Not suitable for fully discovering causal
relationships between alerts
6Related Work (2/2)
- Consequence mechanism
- Specify what types of alerts may follow a given
alert type - Do not provide sufficient information to
correlate all possibly related alerts - Machine learning techniques
- Training data sets embedded with known intrusion
scenarios - May overfit the training data, thereby missing
attack scenarios not seen in the training data
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of Attacks
- Experimental Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion and Future Work
8Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of Attacks
- In series of attacks, the component attacks are
usually not isolated - We correlate alerts by matching the consequences
of some previous alerts and the prerequisites of
some later ones
9Prerequisite and Consequence of Attacks
- Use predicates as a basic constructs to represent
them - UDPVulnerableToBOF(VictimIP, VictimPort)
- UDPVulnerableToBOF(VictimIP, VictimPort) AND
UDPAccessibleViaFirewall(VictimIP, VictimPort) - GainRootAccess(VictimIP), rhostModified(VictimIP)
10 Hyper-alert Type and Hyper-alert (1/4)
Definition 1 A hyper-alert type T is a triple
(fact, prerequisite, consequence), where (1) fact
is a set of attribute names, each with an
associated domain of values, (2) prerequisite is
a logical formula whose free variables are all in
fact, and (3) consequence is a set of logical
formulas such that all the free variables in
consequence are in fact.
- a hyper-alert type
- SadmindBufferOverflow (fact, prerequisite,
consequence) - for such attacks, where
- fact VictimIP, VictimPort
- prerequisite ExistHost (VictimIP) AND
VulnerableSadmind (VictimIP) - consequence GainRootAccess(VictimIP)
11 Hyper-alert Type and Hyper-alert (2/4)
Definition 2 Given a hyper-alert type T (fact,
prerequisite, consequence), a hyper-alert
(instance) h of type T is a finite set of tuples
on fact, where each tuple is associated with an
interval-based timestamp begin time, end time.
The hyper-alert h implies that prerequisite must
evaluate to True and all the logical formulas in
consequence might evaluate to True for each of
the tuples.
Hyper alert hSadmindBOF (VictimIP, VictimPort 1235), (VictimIP, VictimPort 1235)
Prerequisites of the attack ExistHost
( AND VulnerableSadmind
(, ExistHost ( AND
VulnerableSadmind ( Possible
consequences of the attack GainRootAccess(152.141
.129.5), GainRootAccess (
12 Hyper-alert Type and Hyper-alert (3/4)
Definition 3 Prerequisite set P(hSadmindBOF )
ExistHost (, ExistHost
(, VulnerableSadmind (
), VulnerableSadmind ( Consequenc
e set C(hSadmindBOF ) GainRootAccess
(, GainRootAccess (
13 Hyper-alert Type and Hyper-alert (4/4)
Definition 4 Hyper-alert h1 prepares for
hyper-alert h2, if there exist p P(h2) and C
C(h1) such that for all c C, c.end time lt
p.begin time and the conjunction of all the
logical formulas in C implies p.
14Hyper-alert Correlation Graph (1/5)
Definition 7 A hyper-alert correlation graph CG
(N, E) is a connected graph, where the set N of
nodes is a set of hyper-alerts, and for each pair
of nodes n1 n2 N, there is an edge from n1 to
n2 in E if and only if n1 prepares for n2.
15Hyper-alert Correlation Graph (2/5)
Definition 8 Given a hyper-alert correlation
graph CG (N, E) and a hyper-alert n in N,
precedent (n, CG) is an operation that returns
the maximum sub-graph PG (N, E) of CG that
satisfies the following conditions (1) n N,
(2) for each n N other than n, there is a
directed path from n to n, and (3) each edge e
E is in a path from a node n in N to n. The
resulting graph PG is called the precedent graph
of n w.r.t. CG.
16Hyper-alert Correlation Graph (3/5)
Definition 9 Given a hyper-alert correlation
graph CG (N, E) and a hyper-alert n in N,
subsequent (n, CG) is an operation that returns
the maximum sub-graph PG (N, E) of CG that
satisfies the following conditions (1) n N,
(2) for each n N other than n, there is a
directed path from n to n, and (3) each edge e
E is in a path from n to a node n in N. The
resulting graph PG is called the subsequent graph
of n w.r.t. CG.
17Hyper-alert Correlation Graph (4/5)
Definition 10 Given a hyper-alert correlation
graph CG (N, E) and a hyper-alert n in N,
correlated (n, CG) is an operation that returns
the maximum sub-graph PG (N, E) of CG that
satisfies the following conditions (1) n N,
(2) for each n N other than n, there is
either a path from n to n, or a path from n to
n, and (3) each edge e E is either in a path
from a node in N to n, or in a path from n to a
node in N. The resulting graph PG is called the
correlated graph of n w.r.t. CG.
18Hyper-alert Correlation Graph (5/5)
- Advantages
- Better understanding of the attackers intention
- Identify on-going attacks
- Take appropriate actions
19Advantages of our Approach
- Provides a high-level representation of detected
attacks - Reduce the impact caused by false alerts
- Can be extended to predict attacks in progress
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of Attacks
- Experimental Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion and Future Work
21Experimental Results (1/3)
- Data
- Two DARPA 2000 intrusion detection evaluation
datasets - DDOS attacks
22Experimental Results (2/3)
23Experimental Results (3/3)
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of Attacks
- Experimental Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion and Future Work
25Systematic Development of Predicates and
Hyper-alert Types (1/3)
- Predicates can be represented in different
UDPVulnerableToBOF (VictimIP, VictimPort)
SadMindVulnerableToBOF (VictimIP, VictimPort)
SadMindVulnerableToBOFType123 (VictimIP,
26Systematic Development of Predicates and
Hyper-alert Types (2/3)
- Each hyper-alert type corresponds to a class of
hyper-alerts that share the same prerequisites
and consequences. - Authors use the classification of intrusions
proposed by Lindqvist and Jonsson in 1997 to
develop predicates and Hyper-alert types
27Systematic Development of Predicates and
Hyper-alert Types (3/3)
28Generation of Hyper-alerts
- Challenges
- Variety of the existing IDSs
- Different granularities and formats
- Alerts reported by IDSs usually correspond to
low-level attacks - Solution
- Standards such as Intrusion Detection Message
Exchange Format (IDMEF) - Allow hyper-alert aggregation
29Processing of Hyper-alerts
- Two approaches
- Hyper-alert type information
- Prepare-for relationship
- In-memory database query optimization techniques
- In-memory hybrid hash join
- T-Tree
- Depends on the underlying IDSs
- Not effective to alerts between which there is no
prepare-for relationship - Smurf
- SYN flooding
- Introduction
- Related Work
- Correlating Alerts Using Prerequisites of Attacks
- Experimental Results
- Discussion
- Conclusion and Future Work
- Component attacks were usually not isolated
- This paper proposed a formal framework to
represent and correlate hyper-alerts - An intuitive representation of correlated alerts
- Experiment shows the potential in reducing false
alerts and uncovering high-level attack strategies
33Future work
- Ways to generate hyper-alerts
- Develop on-line algorithms
- Effectiveness of the approach