Title: Condensed Matter II: Soft Condensed Matter
1Condensed Matter IISoft Condensed Matter
- Chaikin and Lubenskys book
- Begin with Chapters 1 to 5
- Overview
- Structure and Scattering
- Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
- Mean-field theory
- Field theories, critical phenomena, and
renormalization group - Experimental in approach
- Powerpoint versus blackboard
- Homework problems and grading
- Adjust topics as go along
- Will help if you read Chaikin and Lubensky as we
go along
2Condensed Matter
- Solids
- Crystals
- Glasses (window)
- Aggregates
- Granular media
Ice quartz copper sulfate quartz Wikipedia
Ice Crystals, Crystals, Diffusion Limited
Aggregation, Sand
3- Solids
- Quasicrystals (Al-Mn alloy)
- Liquid crystals (my computer screen)
- Liquids
- Gases
- Whats the difference between solids, liquids,
and gases? - (List)
4Parameter Space
- Other Parameters
- Pressure
- Number/composition
- Magnetic Field
- Electric Field
- Etc.
5Phase Diagrams
At one atm of pressure, water changes from solid
to liquid to gas as a function of temperature At
0.25 atm of pressure, water changes from a solid
to a gas as a function of temperature
Wikipedia Commons
6Order Parameters and Symmetry
Gas rotational and translational symmetry of
free space
Solid (crystal) discrete set of translations
and rotations are allowed
- Break or lower the symmetry as move from gas to
solid - Order parameter describes the change in symmetry
- Example Rotations and square lattice (discuss)
- Space Groups describe crystalline symmetry
7Liquid/Gas Transition is a Special Case
At 2300 atm of pressure, water changes from a
solid to a liquid as a function of temperature
(1 atm is about 105 Pascals, note logarithmic
scale for pressure) Critical point Location in
phase diagram where distinction between liquid
and gas is lost. Order parameter density.
Theres no real difference in symmetry between
liquid and gas.
9Ice I
Comment Hydrogren bonding is actually
- Bonding I (intro)
- Van der Waals
- Hydrogen Bonding
- Covalent (directional)
- Metallic
- Ionic