Title: Creative Communities Initiative
1Creative Communities Initiative
- A Foundation of Renewal for Eastern North
Carolina project
2Add title
3Eastern North Carolinas Evolution Growing
- Raleigh NO summer series
- ENC Coastal Development
- www.newsobserver.com/1233.index.html
- Dr. John Kasarda Op-Ed
- Make a Mecca for People with Money
- http//www.newsobserver.com/164/story/426735.html
- Center for Regional Economic Competitiveness
- UNC School of Government Promising Practices in
Economic Development in Eastern North Carolina - http//www.sog.unc.edu/friends/pdfs/PromisingPract
ices.pdf - Business North Carolina ENC CEO Roundtable
- http//www.businessnc.com/archives/2005/10/far_eas
t.html - Federal Reserve Bank Region Focus
- http//www.richmondfed.org/publications/economic_r
cfm - Wikipedia Inner Banks entry
- http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inner_Banks
4Eastern North Carolina Growing Awareness
- U.S. Senator Elizabeth Dole Each and every
town and county in Eastern North Carolina has
something unique to offerFoR ENC has shown that
it is dedicated to ensuring that Eastern North
Carolina can compete with the bigger, more
established brands and bring new investment, new
energy, new commitment to the region. - U.S. Senator Richard Burr The communities in
(ENC) are already intertwined economically,
culturally, and sociallyFoR ENCs concept to
market these disparate parts as a wholethe Inner
Bankshelps create cohesion that attracts
investmentI applaud the efforts and successes of
FoR ENC in bringing enthusiasm, hard work, and a
spirit of entrepreneurship to the region.
5- Make a mecca for people with money
- JOHN D. KASARDA, Special to the News Observer
- North Carolina has lost more than 300,000
manufacturing jobs since 1995. Many have been in
the depressed counties east of I-95. The periodic
announcements locating a Nucor steel facility in
Hertford County or Cheesecake Factory bakery in
Rocky Mount are therefore welcome news. Yet such
gains are overwhelmed by far more frequent plant
closings in the region. -
- Recruiting large plants is difficult when we
have to compete against other states and global
forces. It is also costly to taxpayers, given the
huge incentives required to attract a new plant.
Additional sources of economic development are
needed. -
- If not plants, then what? People.
6Sandy Point, NC
- Creative Community development along the IBX
7Sandy Point, NC
- Duany Plater-Zyberk, Architects
8Best Practices
- Seaside, Florida, by Duany Plater-Zyberk
9Creative Communities Initiative Objectives
- Educate and Inform
- Characteristics of Creative Communities
- Assess Capacity
- Identify participant priorities
- Identify resources
- Alternatives to Industrial Recruitment
- Facilitate Creative Community Development
- Achievable plans for six towns
- ENC as a Creative Destination
10Creative Communities, Creative Economies
Ref Creative Economy Council
11Creative Communities Initiative Implementation
- Comprehensive community-centered charrettes
- Blueprint (business plan) for each community
- Act on identified priorities
12Creative Communities Initiative Along the Inner
- Ayden, Edenton, Hertford, Murfreesboro, Plymouth,
Tarboro - Population in aggregate 29,000
- Mix of development challenges
- Approx. 27 of total population lives below
poverty line
13Creative Communities Initiative Ayden
- Incorporated 1891
- 2000 Population 4,622
- Poverty Rate 26.3
- Median Household Income 24,004
15Creative Communities Initiative Edenton
- Incorporated 1715
- 2000 Population 5,394
- Poverty Rate 25.1
- Median Household Income 25,241
17Creative Communities Initiative Hertford
- Incorporated 1758
- 2000 Population 2,070
- Poverty Rate 39.2
- Median Household Income 19,681
19Creative Communities Initiative Murfreesboro
- Incorporated 1787
- 2000 Population 2,045
- Poverty Rate 18.6
- Median Household Income 29,716
21Creative Communities Initiative Plymouth
- Incorporated 1787
- 2000 Population 4,107
- Poverty Rate 37.5
- Median Household Income 17,281
23Creative Communities Initiative Tarboro
- Incorporated 1760
- 2000 Population 11,138
- Poverty Rate 15.3
- Median Household Income 34,400
25Creative Communities Initiative Workshop Series
- Quality of place
- Technology
- Education
- Design, land planning, role of real estate
development - Financing
- Branding, image development
26Creative Communities Initiative Project
- June 2006 ? May 2008
- Bi-monthly meetings
- Workshop series
- Development of community blueprints
- Identification of financial resources
27Creative Communities Initiative Project Teams
- CCI Creative Community Councils
- Frank Hawkins Kenan Institute of Private
Enterprise - Kenan-Flagler Business School
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
28Creative Communities Initiative Resources
- Town Project Management
- facilitate CCC work
- assist in development of blueprints
- Technical Development
- content development
- workshop coordination
29Creative Communities Initiative IBX Management
- Promote regional approach ENC as creative
destination - Leverage economic potential of the region
aggregate resources - Develop, market and manage the IBX brand
30Creative Communities Initiative IBX
- A strategic plan for marketing and management of
the IBX brand - attract investment and intellectual capital
- promote region as creative destination
- entrepreneurship
- business development
- relocation (creative workforce, affluent early
retirees) - tourism, with emphasis on talent recruitment
31Creative Communities Initiative IBX Management
Plan Anticipated Outcomes
- Business Plan
- Identifies organizational models
- Research Triangle Foundation?
- Super-regional entertainment, tourism authority?
- Real estate development/management company?
- Hybrid?
- Funding sources
- Financial pro forma
- Management
- Sustainability
32Creative Communities Initiative
- Regional Transformation
- A Foundation of Renewal for Eastern North
Carolina project