Title: PayMate%20In%20Action
1PayMate In Action
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Shouldn't you give us a try?
PayMate.net 9420 Research Blvd. Echelon III,
Suite 160 Austin, Texas 78759 phone
512-418-0340, fax 512-418-0370 www.paymate.net
2Certified by
Our Solutions
Our Solutions
How do you serve more customers faster during peak times? Credit card transactions as fast as cash translate into faster customer cycling.
How do you streamline chargeback resolution?  Signatures and receipts are captured electronically and reconstructed on-demand. Eliminating the need for physical storage and search for printed copies of receipts greatly facilitates and speeds up chargeback handling.
How do you pay the lowest possible transaction fees?  Card-present transactions and electronic receipt signature capture empower you to negotiate the lowest possible transaction fees.
How do you increase materials savings? Printer paper usage is reduced by 50. Electronic receipt capture eliminates the need for printing store copies of receipts.Â
How do you minimize point-of-sale fraud? Customer maintains possession of the card during the transaction. Employee does not handle the card. Â
How do you reduce communications costs? We eliminate the need for multiple phone lines, one for each payment terminal, in order to achieve the desired transaction speed. With PayMate, ONE full-time Internet connection supports simultaneous operation of all payment terminals AND the office computer without tying up a single phone line!   We eliminate the need for costly private lines and associated, dial-up connection charges by employing securely the least expensive, full-time Internet connection.  Voice communication over the Internet offers another cost-cutting opportunity.Â
How do you facilitate reconciliation between your outlets and the corporate accounting dept.? Both, your home office and the outlets can view transaction data in real time, on the Web. PayMate.net stores this data on a secure central server, not on individual terminals.
Your Challenges
PayMate.net phone 512-418-0340, fax
512-418-0370 www.paymate.net