Title: Your Partners for the Road Ahead
Carman Scan VG
Your Partners for the Road Ahead!
2What is the advantage of a Combination
Data Scanner / Oscilloscope over a basic Data
A basic Data Scanner can perform the following
- Read and Erase Fault codes
- Display Current Data to verify a fault exists.
However, determining whether a fault is caused by
a component failure, a wiring fault or a faulty
ECM requires more than just a Scanner.
The Carman Scan 1 and Carman Scan VG provide the
technician with a complete solution for
3The use of an Oscilloscope is a necessity
for pinpointing vehicle faults.
During the course we will be studying the
operation of the VG as well as the correct
procedures required for testing a number of
common components.
Hz Frequency (Number of Pulses per second).
Duty Cycle (On/Off Ratio).
m/s Time measurement.
7The Lab Scope is one of the most valuable
diagnostic tools available to the modern workshop
- It is commonly used to check
- Supply voltage
- Voltage Drops (in power and earth circuits).
- AC Waveforms
- DC Waveforms (Square waves etc.)
- Pulse Signals
0 v
- v
AC Waveforms are generated from such devices
as Alternators (before rectification) Crank
Angle Sensors TDC Sensors Vehicle Speed
Sensors Transmission Pulse Generators
5 v
0 v
5 v
0 v
Square Waveforms are commonly used for inputs
such as Crank Angle Sensors, Camshaft Sensors,
TDC Sensors, Vehicle Speed Sensors, MAP Sensors
(Ford), Air Flow Sensors or outputs such as Idle
Speed Control Motors
12 v
0 v
Typical Solenoid Pulses include Injectors
Canister Purge Solenoids etc.
12Typical Secondary Ignition Patterns
13Secondary Ignition Specifications
Ionization (Peak)Voltage
Decay Section
Burn Voltage
Burn Time
Specifications Idle, No load
Ionization (Peak)Voltage 7-15 KV
Burn Voltage 1-2 KV
Dwell Depends on RPM
Burn Time 1-2 m/s
14Carman Scan VG
Oscilloscope Operation
15Selecting Secondary Ignition
16Selecting Secondary Ignition
Touch the OSCILLOSCOPE Icon.
17Selecting Secondary Ignition
Touch theIgnition Waveform Icon.
18Selecting Secondary Ignition
Select the number of cylinders to be tested.
19Selecting Secondary Ignition type
Select the type of Ignition and the approximate
idle speed.
20Selecting Secondary Ignition firing order
Select the correct firing order from the list or
make a new one using the numbers in other.
21Selecting Secondary Ignition Probe Type
Press SAVE when completed
Select the correct probe. E.g. 1 to1 when using
a single probe, or 1 to 3 / 1 to 4 for
Multi-Probes (DLI Ignition etc.)
22Special Note DLI Vehicles
Conventional Ignition vehicles are normally
Negative firing, and, therefore, the spark
plugs fire from the centre electrode to the
outer electrode of the plug.
On DLI, Waste Spark vehicles, half of the
cylinders are Negative firing, and therefore
fire from the centre electrode to the outer
electrode of the spark plug, whilst the other
half of the cylinders (their mating cylinders)
are Positive, firing from the outer electrode
to the centre electrode.
Please refer to the following diagram.
23Distributor-less Ignition Operation
Electron Flow
24Conventional Ignition
When connecting the VG to a conventional Ignition
Vehicle, the Secondary Ignition pickup lead is
connected to Channel 2 of the VG and the 1
Trigger lead is connected to Channel 3
DLI Waste Spark Ignition
When connecting the VG to a DLI Vehicle, the
Positive cylinders are connected to Channel 1
and the Negative cylinders, connected to
Channel 2. The 1 Trigger lead is connected to
Channel 3 as usual.
25Determining the Positive and Negative firing
If unsure which cylinders are Positive firing and
which are Negative firing, simply take ONE
secondary pickup lead and connect it to Channel 1
or Channel 2 of the VG.
With the engine running, place the secondary
pickup lead around one cylinder at a time. Any
cylinders that produce an ignition pattern facing
up the correct way on the scope are the correct
Polarity for that channel.
Any cylinders displaying an upside down pattern
are incorrect polarity and therefore belong the
the other Channel.
Please refer to the following diagrams.
26Correct Polarity for the channel selected.
Correct Polarity.
Note, the Ignition pattern is displayed the
correct way up.
27Incorrect Polarity for the channel selected.
Connect this Cylinder to the other channel.
Incorrect Polarity.
Note, the Ignition pattern is displayed upside
28Demonstration here of determining correct Polarity
29SPLIT SCREEN (Default Screen) Parade Single
Note This is a Waste Spark DIS vehicle.
Mating Cylinders are 14 36 52.
30Screen Settings
31Screen Settings
Sets the Voltage Scale for the Parade and
Single Cylinder Patterns.
Sets the Time Base for the Parade Pattern only.
Sets the Trigger Level. Adjust whenever
Patterns are erratic or Cylinder s are
erratic or missing.
Allows the user to select which Single Cylinder
will be displayed on the screen.
Allows the screen to be changed to display the
patterns as either Series(Parade), Single
Cylinder, Trend Plot or 3D.
Turns the Information display on or off.
32Demonstration here of effects of incorrect
Trigger level
33Selecting a new Single Cylinder to be displayed
To Select a new single cylinder, press
CYLINDER, then press the cylinder
34Selecting a new Single Cylinder
6 Selected
To Select one of the other two cylinders, press
35Selecting a new Single Cylinder
3 Selected
Selecting other Cylinders for display.
36Demonstration here of Selecting a New Single
Cylinder for Display
37Changing Screen Displays
38Selecting new screen displays
To select new screen displays, Touch SCREEN
39Series (Parade) Selected
Touching SERIES displays the above Pattern
40Single Cylinder Selected
Touching CYLINDER displays the above Pattern
41Selecting a New Single Cylinder
42Single Cylinder Selected
To display a different cylinder, press
and then press CYLINDER.
43Selecting a new Single Cylinder
After pressing CYLINDER, press the Cylinder
44Selecting a new Single Cylinder
To select a new cylinder, Touch the cylinder
45Trend Plots
46Trend Selected
Cylinder s
Peak Voltage
Peak Voltage for each cylinder is being
displayed on the right
47Trend Selected
Dwell Time for each cylinder is now being
displayed on the right
48Trend Selected
Burn Voltage
Burn Voltage for each cylinder is now being
displayed on the right
49Trend Selected
Burn Time
Burn Time for each cylinder is now being
displayed on the right
503 Dimensional Raster Patterns
513D (3 Dimensional) Raster or ladder Pattern
Touching 3D displays the above Pattern
52Demonstration here of Changing Screen Displays
53Display for Open Circuit HT Lead
54Split Screen with open circuit HT lead on 5
High Burn KV.
Note High Burn KV shown above.
55Series Screen with open circuit HT lead on 5
High Peak KV High Burn KV
Also note faulty pattern on 2 Cylinder (DIS
mating cylinder for 5)
56Single Cylinder with open circuit HT lead on
5 Cylinder
Note High Peak Volts, High Burn Volts and Short
Burn Time.
57Trend Plot with open circuit HT lead on 5
High Peak KV
High Peak KV
High Peak KV
Short Burn Time
High Burn KV
Note High Peak Voltage, High Burn Voltage and Low
Burn Time on cylinders 5 and 2
583D Screen with open circuit HT lead on 5
Note High Peak KV, High Burn KV and Short Burn
Time on Cylinders 5 and 2
59Other Faulty Ignition Patterns
High Resistance in HT Lead (High Negative Slope,
with normal peak KV)
Fouled Spark Plug or HT Leakage (High Negative
Slope, with low peak KV)
Lean Cylinder under Acceleration (High Positive
Slope, under load)
60Student Practical Testing Secondary Ignition
61Oscilloscope Operation
For the remainder of the course, all waveforms
will be displayed live on your VG. Please follow
setup screens as shown on the following slides.
62Selecting Lab Scope
Touch the OSCILLOSCOPE Icon.
63Selecting Auto Setup
Touch theAuto Setup Icon.
64Selecting Auto Setup
Select the type of signal to be tested and the
channel to be used.
65Selecting Auto Setup
Press SAVE when completed
After selecting the type of signal and the
channel press SAVE to progress to Lab Scope
66Testing Crankshaft Position Sensors (Hall type)
Engine idling
20 m/s time-base is set for testing during
crank conditions. If testing with the engine
running reduce the time base.
To change the time-base, touch the side arrows or
select SET TIME
67Testing Crankshaft Position Sensors (Hall type)
Engine idling
To change the voltage level, touch the up/down
arrows or select SET VOLT
68Testing Crankshaft Position Sensors (Hall type)
Voltage scale set to 2v (per division)
Time-base adjusted to 2 m/s (per division) for
testing with the engine running.
Cylinder ID Signal.
Typical Crank Angle Sensor signal at idle.
69Changing the Screen Settings.
Changing the Screen settings To change the
screen settings touch SCREEN
70Changing the Screen Settings.
Changing the Screen settings Waveform only
Screen selected
71Changing the Screen Settings.
Digital readings displayed
Changing the Screen settings Digital Display
Screen selected
72Changing the Screen Settings.
Changing the Screen settings To change grid
settings touch GRID
73Changing the Screen Settings.
To change the grid settings, select one of the
above on the left.
74Changing the Screen Settings.
To remove the grid (as seen above), touch
75Changing the Screen Settings.
To display quarter grid (as seen above), touch
76Selecting a second channel
77Selecting a second channel for testing
Press SAVE when completed
After selecting the second channel press SAVE
to progress to Lab Scope screen.
78Testing Crankshaft and Camshaft Position Sensors
(Hall type)
Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP).
Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP).
79Testing Crankshaft and Camshaft Position Sensors
(Hall type)
Crankshaft Position Sensor (CKP).
Camshaft Position Sensor (CMP).
5 m/s time base selected
80Faulty Crank Angle Sensor Signals
81Faulty Crank Angle Sensor Signal during crank.
At first glance this pattern looks quite normal,
however, if you study it closely you will see
its definitely not normal.
Problem was caused by a faulty Crank Angle Sensor
Approx 1.0v
Ground 0v
The vehicle here would not start as the hall
sensor failed to switch the signal fully to
ground (0v). Because of this, the ECM would not
fire the Ignition.
82Faulty Sensor signal captured on Carman Scan 1
Duty cycle varying.
(Should have been a constant 50 duty cycle on
this vehicle)
The uneven duty cycle resulted in dramatic
ignition timing problems, causing backfiring,
misfiring and impossible driving conditions.
Problem was caused by a brand new faulty Crank
Angle Sensor.
Please Note
1. The VG is always recording whilst in the Lab
Scope mode.
2. To end the recording, Press STOP.
3. If STOP is pressed before the full record
time has elapsed, the VG will display a
message to say it is saving data, please wait
4. The length of the record time will depend on
the time base selected.
84Recording waveforms
To stop waveform recording, press STOP
85Recording waveforms
After pressing STOP, the above message will be
86Replaying the recorded waveform.
87Replaying recorded waveforms
Progression indicator.
To replay the waveforms, Press the left arrow.
88Recording waveforms
Waveform Paused.
To Pause the waveforms, Press the Pause.
89Recording waveforms
To Save Recorded waveforms to the VG hard drive,
Press FILE.
90Recording waveforms
After pressing SAVE the above message will be
displayed whilst saving.
Previously saved recordings can be found by
pressing OPEN.
91Zooming recorded waveforms
Time base zoom
Voltage zoom
Previously recorded waveforms can be Zoomed in
or out for better viewing by pressing ZOOM.
92Recording waveforms
Waveforms can be zoomed, both in voltage and
time, by touching the arrows above.
93Recording waveforms
Note here that the time base has been divided by
2, making the time base 5 ms / div instead of 10
ms as it was when recorded. It may also be
94Recording waveforms
Note here that the voltage scale has been
multiplied by 2, making the Voltage 1v / div
instead of 2v as it was when recorded.
95Trigger Settings
Before discussing the various possible trigger
settings available on the Carman Scan VG, it
should be noted that in most cases the VG user
doesnt have to make any changes at all to
trigger settings.
This Powerful, user friendly Oscilloscope
automatically sets all the basic scope settings
ready for testing by any user, whether highly
experienced or a total novice.
96Setting a Trigger point on an Oscilloscope, gives
the scope a reference point at which to start
the pattern display on the screen.
The trigger point can be set at any position, and
on any channel of the scope.
An example of using a trigger would be When
displaying Secondary Ignition patterns, the
trigger pickup is attached to 1 HT lead.
This means that the first cylinder to be
displayed on the screen will be 1 (the trigger
cylinder) followed by the remaining cylinders in
the firing order. If we removed the trigger
pickup, the patterns may still be displayed,
however, there would be no way of identifying
the correct cylinders on the screen as the scope
would have no reference point.
97When using a Lab scope, setting a trigger point
will keep the pattern steady on the screen.
If measuring signals on more than one channel at
a time, the trigger can be set on any channel.
Triggered signals on one channel can be
referenced against signals on other channels
for exact timing etc.
E.G.1 Using a Trigger pickup on 1 HT lead, you
can reference exactly when 1 spark plug or coil
is being fired in relation to the Crankshaft
Position Sensor (being measured on another
E.G.2 When testing the timing of the Camshaft
Position Sensor to the Crankshaft Position
Sensor, triggering the two patterns together will
allow you to check the exact position of the
sensors in relation to each other, without
physically removing any parts.
98Checking timing of CMP to CKP Sensors
Crankshaft (CKP) and Camshaft (CMP) Sensors.
Checking correct timing of CMP Sensor
99Trigger Settings (Note a trigger gives the scope
a reference point, allowing the pattern to be
repeated over and over again at the same position
on the screen)
Trigger on channel 1
Making changes to the trigger settings can be
done by either touching the appropriate section
on the screen or by touching TRIGGER
100Trigger Settings
Trigger on channel 1
To change trigger settings select one of the
101Trigger Settings After touching TRIGGER the
following selections can be made.
Trigger now on channel 2
Changing the Trigger channel - Touch CHANNEL or
touch the screen here.
102Trigger Settings Moving the Trigger Point.
Trigger Point
Drag this to wherever you want
To move the trigger point to a new position,
simply touch the screen in the upper left section
and drag the trigger point to a new position on
the scope.
103Trigger Settings Changing the Trigger Type
Triggering on a rising signal
Oscilloscope triggered on a Rising signal. To
make the oscilloscope trigger on a falling
signal, touch TYPE or touch the screen here.
104Trigger Settings Changing the Trigger Type
Triggering on a falling signal
Oscilloscope now triggered on a falling signal.
105Trigger Modes
106The mode used to trigger the scope can be
changed to suit the user or the test being
Trigger Modes available include
1. Auto Mode (Default mode)
In this mode the VG automatically displays the
pattern, regardless of the Trigger level
2. Normal Mode
In this mode the pattern will not be displayed
until the preset trigger voltage has been
reached. If selected whilst patterns are
currently being displayed, the patterns will be
frozen on the screen until the correct trigger
level has been set.
3. Single Mode (Snap-shot mode)
In this mode the VG automatically freezes the
patterns on the screen as soon as the correct
trigger voltage has been reached.
107Trigger Settings Changing the Trigger Mode.
To change the trigger mode from Auto to
Normal, touch MODE or touch the screen here.
108Trigger Settings Changing the Trigger Mode.
Trigger mode changed from Auto to
Normal. Touch again to change from Normal
mode to Single mode
109Trigger Settings Changing the Trigger Mode.
Trigger mode changed from Normal to Single.
110Trigger Settings Changing the Trigger Mode.
When in Single mode, the scope will capture a
single screen shot only. To display a new screen
shot touch Run/Stop
111Testing Injector Patterns
To test an injector pattern, connect one of the
lab scope leads to the Negative terminal of the
Injector to be tested.
112Testing Injector Patterns
Press SAVE when completed
After selecting Inject and the Channel press
SAVE to progress to Lab Scope screen.
113Testing Injector Patterns
Injector Off Spike ( Usually 70 100v).
Battery volts.
Battery volts.
Zero volts.
Injection Duration.
Typical Injector Pattern at Idle. To check the
exact injector duration use the Cursors.
114Testing Injector Patterns
Curser. 1
To use the Cursers touch CURSER once to bring
up the first curser. Drag the first curser to the
start of injection. Touch CURSER again for the
second Curser. Drag the second cursor to the end
of injection.
115Testing Injector Patterns
Second Curser.
The Injection duration (3.36 m/s is displayed as
SET TIME at the bottom of the screen. The
voltage difference is also displayed (13.25v)
116Testing MAP and Throttle Position Sensors
Engine drivability problems can often be caused
by incorrect operation of MAP or Throttle
Position Sensors.
The Oscilloscope is an excellent way of testing
both of these sensors for correct operation.
117Testing Throttle Position Sensor and Map Sensor
Press SAVE when completed
After selecting the second channel press SAVE
to progress to Lab Scope screen.
118Testing Throttle Position Sensor and Map Sensor
Full Throttle
Throttle Position Sensor Signal
Map Sensor Signal
Maximum Vacuum during deceleration
Check for smooth rise and fall in signals as
accelerator is snapped open and closed.
119Testing Throttle Position Sensor and Map Sensor
Approx 4.3v
Throttle Position Sensor Signal
Approx 0.35v
Approx 4.0v
Map Sensor Signal
Approx 1.3v
Approx 0.7v
Typical Readings.
120Testing Idle Control Motors
Opening side
Closing side
121Testing Idle Control Motors
With 3 wire type Idle Control Motors, the centre
terminal is usually supplied with battery volts,
while the two outside wires are switched to
ground by the ECM using a variable duty cycle at
a constant frequency.
One side is the opening side and the other is the
closing side. The duty cycle on one side is
inversely proportional to the duty cycle on the
other side.
E.g. If the duty cycle on the opening side is
70, the duty cycle on the closing side will be
30 and visa versa.
122Testing ISC Duty Cycle Motor Type
Opening Side Approx 35
Closing Side Approx 65
Testing IAC Motor at hot idle with no load.
123Testing ISC Duty Cycle Motor Type
Opening Side Approx 42
Closing Side Approx 58
Testing IAC Motor at hot idle with Air
Conditioning on.
124Testing Oxygen Sensors
There are two main types of oxygen sensors used
on vehicles today.
1. Zirconium (voltage generator type)
2. Titanium (variable resistor type)
As the Oxygen sensor is such an important part of
the Closed Loop feedback system, it is
extremely important that you have a thorough
understanding of the correct testing procedures.
A faulty Oxygen Sensor not only has a detrimental
affect on vehicle emissions and fuel economy, it
can also cause dramatic drivability problems.
The following is a description of the testing
procedure for a Zirconium Oxygen Sensor.
125Testing Oxygen Sensors
126Selecting Oxygen Sensor Test
Press SAVE when completed
After selecting the type of oxygen sensor and the
channel Press SAVE to progress to Lab Scope
127Good Oxygen Sensor Pattern at 2500 RPM
1 Second
5 Crossovers
The crossover is the point where the 02 sensor
signal crosses the midway (approx 500mv) point
in the signal. The oxygen sensors speed is
measured as the number of Crossovers per Second
128Good Oxygen Sensor Pattern at Idle
1 Second
2 Crossovers
Note the slower speed of the 02 Sensor at idle.
129Bad Oxygen Sensor Pattern at 2500 RPM
02 sensor voltage staying high (approx 800mv)
To test if the 02 sensor is causing the fault,
disconnect an injector and check for a sharp
drop in the signal. If the signal drops sharply
the 02 sensor is OK and the high signal voltage
is caused by an over rich air fuel ratio.
This may be caused by an over-rich air fuel
mixture or a faulty (possibly contaminated) 02
130Bad Oxygen Sensor Pattern at 2500 RPM
Sharp drop in 02 sensor voltage as injector is
This indicates that the high voltage is caused by
an over rich air fuel ratio, not a faulty 02
131Bad Oxygen Sensor Pattern at 2500 RPM
To test if the 02 sensor is causing the fault,
snap the throttle rapidly a few times or feed
some LPG into the intake. If the 02 sensor
voltage now increases the 02 sensor is OK and the
low signal voltage is caused by a lean air fuel
02 sensor voltage staying low (0v)
This may be caused by a lean air fuel mixture, a
faulty 02 sensor or grounded wiring.
132Bad Oxygen Sensor Pattern at 2500 RPM
Sharp increase in 02 sensor voltage as throttle
is snapped open a number of times.
This indicates that the low voltage is caused by
a lean air fuel ratio, not a faulty 02 sensor or
grounded wiring.
133Current Ramping
Theres no doubt about the value of a current
probe for quick accurate diagnosis.
More and more technicians are now starting to
realise the value and are using a low current
probe to test things like
- Ignition coil operation/available current
- Coil on plug and DIS operation
- Injector operation/available current
134Testing Fuel Pump Waveforms
(Using Optional Low Current probe).
To test a fuel pump waveform, connect the low
current probe around a single wire going to the
fuel pump.
The electrical condition of a fuel pump can be
assessed by viewing the current waveform for
Fuel Pump wear can be determined before complete
failure occurs.
135Typical Fuel Pump Waveforms
Good Fuel Pump
Faulty Fuel Pump
Faulty Fuel Pump
136Testing Fuel Pump condition using VG
Low current probe connected around fuel pump
power supply wiring.
Normal waveform for good Fuel Pump.
137Testing DLI Ignition System using Low Current
Current Probe around coil power supply wire
1 Trigger Pickup Signal
1 4 Spark Plugs firing here
Dwell starts here
1/4 Coil
3/6 Coil
5/2 Coil
1/4 Crank Angle Sensor Signal from 3 x sensor
Normal waveforms.
138AC Coupling
Every signal we have tested up to this point has
been with the Oscilloscope set to DC coupling.
DC Coupling is the Default screen and is the best
way to test most Sensors and Actuators etc.
AC Coupling can be very valuable however for
testing for noise on power supplies, checking
Alternator diodes etc. or for testing Knock
Sensor signals.
Only Channel 1 can be AC Coupled
139Channel 1 connected to vehicle battery with DC
Coupling selected
To select AC Coupling touch AC.
Approx 14 volts
0 volts
Note Pattern is DC Coupled at this time
Note Only Channel 1 can be AC Coupled.
140Channel 1 connected to vehicle battery with AC
Coupling selected
Pattern is now AC Coupled.
Approx 14 volts AC Coupled
Note To check for any fluctuations in battery
voltage change voltage scale to either 50m/v or
100m/v per div.
141Channel 1 connected to vehicle battery with AC
Coupling selected
Voltage scale set to 100mv/Div
Approx 14 volts AC Coupled
Note To check condition of Diodes, load
Alternator by operating accessories. Maximum
variation should be approximately 300m/v
142Analysing by Trouble Type
Another very Powerful feature of the Carman VG is
a feature called Analyse by Trouble Type.
With this feature, you can select from a list of
possible faults or symptoms and the VG will
automatically select the components to be tested
for analysing the fault.
Each component will be allocated a channel for
testing and the Oscilloscope channels will be set
up with appropriate voltage and time base
143Analysing by Trouble Type
Touch theAnalyse by Trouble Type Icon.
144Analysing by Trouble Type
Vehicle Fault
Press SAVE when completed
After selecting the type of fault, the components
requiring testing will be allocated their
channels. Next select SAVE to progress to the
145Analysing by Trouble Type
Next select the type of sensors on the vehicle
(highlighted in bold) and touch OK to progress
to the Oscilloscope.
146Analysing by Trouble Type
Oscilloscope channels are now set ready for
testing of components.
147In Conclusion
The knowledge gained by attending this course can
only be of benefit if put into practice as soon
as possible.
Specialists are not created overnight.
They are created by PRACTICE and the willing to
Diagnostics is not magic, it perfected by
applying BASICS.
A knowledge of how a system or component operates
is one of the most valuable tools when trying to
diagnose a problem.
Study the operation of various components and you
will find that it wont matter what type of
vehicle you are working on. They all operate in a
very similar manner.
and Carman Scan VG
Your Partners for the Road Ahead!