Title: Game Playing, CLOS
1Game Playing, CLOS Logical Reasoning I
- Lecture 6-2
- November 4th, 1999
- CS250/350
- Midterms Back on Tuesday, maybe Thursday
- Assignment 3
- Projects
3Playing games
- Why study game playing?
- Techniques for efficiency
- Work smarter, not harder
4Chess versus Go
53 Big Ideas from Games
- Minimax (von Neumann Morgenstern)
- ?-? Search -- Stop when things cant get any
better - Even ?-? cant solve most games
6Dont know CLOS? Its your loss
7Do generic functions have the same quality as
name-brand functions, but at lower prices?
8Object-oriented programming
class cString private char badIndex
protected cString repaceOneChar(char
findChar, char
replaceChar, ...) public cString()
cString(const unsigned size,
const unsignedsizeIncrement)
9Message in an object
main () cString s1 "Now is the time for
all" s1.mapChars("0123456789",
")!_at_(", 10, 15)
10Message-passing is passé
- Objects have behaviors
- Methods implement behavior
- Ask objects to behave by calling an objects
method - s1.mapChars()
- Behaviors can be specialized for objects
- Generic functions are bundles of methods
- Methods are specialized for classes
11Example from Logic
There are three generic functions that
operate on knowledge bases, and that must be
defined as methods for each type of knowledge
base TELL, RETRACT, and ASK-EACH. Here we
show the implementation for literal-kb
elsewhere you'll see implementations for
propositional, Horn, and FOL KBs. (defmethod
tell ((kb literal-kb) sentence) "Add the
sentence to the knowledge base." (pushnew
sentence (literal-kb-sentences kb) test
'equal)) (defmethod retract ((kb literal-kb)
sentence) "Remove the sentence from the
knowledge base." (deletef sentence
(literal-kb-sentences kb) test
'equal)) (defmethod ask-each ((kb literal-kb)
query fn) "For each proof of query, call fn on
the substitution that the proof ends up
with." (declare (special no-bindings)) (for
each s in (literal-kb-sentences kb) do
(when (equal s query) (funcall fn
12Calling all methods
- How does Lisp decide which method of a generic
function to call?
- Most specific method defined
- Specialize on
- Classes defined with defclass
- Types
- Individual objects
13The Big Win for generic functions
- Multiple dispatch Specialize on multiple
arguments - C, Java are single dispatch
14Back to Knowledge
- A little logic goes a long way
15Keep your eye on the prize
- Why did we study heuristic search?
- How else can we incorporate knowledge
16Designing an Interplanetary Explorer
- Goals for the explorer
- Actions we can take
- Situations that might arise
Can we anticipate everything?
17Telling Your Computer about the World
- What you know
- How to go from what you know to what you dont
know - Will Rogers
18Knowledge Base
- Knowledge baseDatabase KnowledgeData
- KB stores what the computer knows about the world
- Knowledge representation language
- How we encode knowledge about the world
- Each bit of knowledge is a sentence
- Goals
- Gather core samples
- Gather rocks
- Video sequence of interesting places
- Actions
- Drill to depth d
- Move forward, backward
- Rotate r degrees
- Transmit audio/video
20Getting through to your computer
- KB Interaction
- Tell Add new sentences to the KB
- Ask Query whats known (or what follows from
what is known)
21Tell-Ask.lisp I
Main Functions on KBs Tell, Retract,
Ask-Each, Ask, Ask-Patterns First we
define a very simple kind of knowledge base,
literal-kb, that just stores a list of literal
sentences. (defstructure literal-kb "A
knowledge base that just stores a set of literal
sentences." (sentences '()))
22Tell-Ask.lisp II
There are three generic functions that
operate on knowledge bases, and that must be
defined as methods for each type of knowledge
base TELL, RETRACT, and ASK-EACH. Here we
show the implementation for literal-kb
elsewhere you'll see implementations for
propositional, Horn, and FOL KBs. (defmethod
tell ((kb literal-kb) sentence) "Add the
sentence to the knowledge base." (pushnew
sentence (literal-kb-sentences kb) test
'equal)) (defmethod retract ((kb literal-kb)
sentence) "Remove the sentence from the
knowledge base." (deletef sentence
(literal-kb-sentences kb) test
'equal)) (defmethod ask-each ((kb literal-kb)
query fn) "For each proof of query, call fn on
the substitution that the proof ends up
with." (declare (special no-bindings)) (for
each s in (literal-kb-sentences kb) do
(when (equal s query) (funcall fn
23Tell-Ask.lisp III
There are three other ASK functions, defined
below, that are defined in terms of ASK-EACH.
These are defined once and for all here
(not for each kind of KB)." (defun ask (kb
query) "Ask if query sentence is true return t
or nil." (ask-each kb (logic query)
'(lambda (s) (declare (ignore s)) (RETURN-FROM
ASK t)))) Omitted pattern-matching ASKs
24Knowledge-Based Agents
- Agents perceive the world around them
- Perceptions are recorded in the KB
- Actions are chosen based on the KB
- Results of actions are recorded
25Levels of Agents
- Knowledge level
- What an agent knows
- Planetary core samples must be taken at least
100mm below the surface - Logical level
- Knowledge is encoded at this level
- MinDepth(CoreSample,100)
- Implementation level
- Inside the machine
26Building Knowledge Agents
- Lean on the inference mechanism
- Tell agent what it needs to know
- Declarative
- Declare the state of the world, and let er rip
- Adding learning
- Reacting to percepts
27Separate Domain-Specific from the General
28Wumpus World
29Specifying the Wumpus World
- Percepts?
- Actions?
- Goals?
30Describing the Wumpus World
- Is the world
- Deterministic
- Fully accessible
- Static
- Discrete
31One Environment is Easy
- If we know the environment well, can engineer it
- Range of environments?
32Exploring the world
Perception Stench, Breeze, Glitter, Bump, Scream
Perceive None, None, None, None, None
33Move Forward to 2,1
34Perception after One Move
Stench None Breeze Yes Glitter None Bump None
Scream None
35What Does the World Look Like?
36Knowledge Representation
- Not just computer readable
- computer reasonable as well
- Syntax - Rules for building expressions
- Semantics - Relationship between facts in the
world and sentences - Examples?
- What follows from what
- Entailment is relationship among sentences
- KB entails a
- Follows is a relationship among facts in the
world - Inference procedures that generate only entailed
sentences is sound
38Logical Committment