Title: Prepared by: Joshua McLeod
1Prepared by Joshua McLeod
Jenna Jellison
Prepared for Rolf Butz, E-Commerce, Dickinson
State University
- Company
- 12-Step Program
- Industry Analysis Competitors
- Strengths Weaknesses
- Recommendations
- Conclusion
- Protect small companies
- Implement program
- Internet Security Alliance
- Non-Profit
- Main goal
4Internet Security Alliances 12 Step Program
5Step OneUse Strong Passwords and Change Them
- Step TwoLook Out for Email Attachments and
Internet Download Modules
Step ThreeInstall, Maintain, and Apply
Anti-Virus Programs
Step FourInstall and Use a Firewall
6Step FiveRemove Unused Software and User
Accounts Clean Out Everything on Replaced
Step SixEstablish Physical Access Controls for
All Computer Equipment
Step SevenCreate Backups for Important Files,
Folders, and Software
Step EightKeep Current With Software Updates
7Step NineImplement Network Security and Access
Step TenLimit Access to Sensitive and
Confidential Data
Step ElevenEstablish and Follow a Security
Financial Risk Management Plan Maintain Adequate
Insurance Coverage
Step TwelveGet Technical Expertise and Outside
Help When You Need It
8Industry Analysis Competitors
- Largest
- Microsoft
- Internet Security System, Inc.
- Center for Internet Security
- Future trends
9- Strengths
- Up-to-date info.
- Expansion
- Cost effective method
- Weaknesses
- Cost
- Lack of advertisement
- networking
10Recommendationsfor Small Businesses
- Worth every penny
- Specialists
- Budgeting
- Accomplish all stages
- ISAlliance 12 Step Program
- Industry and Competitors
- Strengths and Weaknesses
- Recommendation for Small Businesses
12The End
Any Questions??
13Picture Sources
- http//www3.ca.com/analyst/
- http//www.aju-rental.co.kr/business/computer/main
.asp - http//www.infotechlive.com/jsp/sponsorDetail.jsp?
sectionIDcrmsponsorIDiss - http//blog.pc-actual.com/blogpca/
- http//www.ebusinesscables.com/USB_Products.htm
- http//www.keirsuccess.com/nasd/series_51/series_5
1_recommendations.asp - http//www.opm.gov/hrd/lead/ila/ilarpt-5.asp
- http//www.cheap-discount.com/best_deals_on_comput