Title: CapProbe: An Efficient and Accurate Capacity Estimation Technique
1CapProbe An Efficient and Accurate Capacity
Estimation Technique
- Rohit Kapoor, Ling-Jyh Chen, Li Lao, M.Y.
Sanadidi, Mario Gerla - Qualcomm Corp RD
- UCLA Computer Science Department
2The Capacity Estimation Problem
- Estimate minimum link capacity on an Internet
path, as seen at the IP level - Design Goals
- End-to-end assume no help from routers
- Inexpensive Minimal additional traffic and
processing - Fast converges to capacity fast enough for the
- Adaptive multimedia streaming
- Congestion control
- Capacity planning by ISPs
- Overlay network structuring
- Wireless link monitoring and mobility detection
4Packet Pair Dispersion
5Ideal Packet Dispersion
Capacity (Packet Size) / (Dispersion)
6Expansion of Dispersion
- Cross-traffic (CT) serviced between PP packets
- Second packet queues due to Cross Traffic (CT )gt
expansion of dispersion gtUnder-estimation - More pronounced when CT pkt size lt probe pkt size
7Compression of Dispersion
- First packet queueing gt compressed dispersion gt
Over-estimation - More pronounced when CT pkt size gt probe pkt size
8Previous Work
- Jacobsons Pathchar
- Estimates capacity for every link
- Sends varying size packets
- Relies on round trip delays
- Packet Pairs (PP)
- Crovella
- Capacity is reflected by the packet pair
dispersion that occurs with highest frequency - Lai
- Filters samples whose dispersion reflects a
capacity greater than their potential bandwidth - Both these techniques assume unimodal
distribution - Paxson showed distribution can be multimodal
9Previous Work
- Dovrolis Work
- Analyzed under/over estimation of capacity
- Designed Pathrate
- First send packet pairs
- If multimodal, send packet trains
- Identifies modes to distinguish ADR (Asymptotic
Dispersion Rate), PNCM (Post Narrow Capacity
Mode) and Capacity Modes - Previously proposed techniques have relied either
on dispersion or delay
10Key Observation
- First packet queues more than the second
- Compression
- Over-estimation
- Second packet queues more than the first
- Expansion
- Under-estimation
- Both expansion and compression are the result of
probe packets experiencing queuing - Sum of PP delay includes queuing delay
11CapProbe Approach
- Filter PP samples that do not have minimum
queuing time - Dispersion of PP sample with minimum delay sum
reflects capacity - CapProbe combines both dispersion and e2e transit
delay information
12Techniques for Convergence Detection
- Consider set of packet pair probes 1n
- If min(d1) min(d2) ? min(d1d2), dispersion
obtained from min delay sum may be distorted - Above condition increases correct detection
probability to that of a single packet (as
opposed to packet pair) - If above minimum delay sum condition is not
satisfied in a run - New run, with packet size of probes
- Increased if bandwidth estimated varied a lot
across probes - Errors in dispersion measured by OS
- Decreased if bandwidth estimated varied little
across probes - Packet sizes too large to go through without
- Simulations
- TCP (responsive), CBR (non-responsive), LRD
(Pareto) cross-traffic - Path-persistent, non-persistent cross-traffic
- 6-hop path capacities 10, 7.5, 5.5, 4, 6, 8
Mbps - PP pkt size 200 bytes, CT pkt size 1000 bytes
- Path-Persistent TCP Cross-Traffic
- PP pkt size CT pkt size 500 bytes
- Non-Persistent TCP Cross-Traffic
- Non-Persistent UDP CBR Cross-Traffic
- Case where CapProbe may not work
- UDP (non-responsive), extremely intensive
- No correct samples are obtained
17CapProbe Accuracy
- Sufficient requirement
- At least one PP sample where both packets
experience no CT induced queuing delay. - How realistic is this requirement?
- Internet is reactive (mostly TCP) high chance of
some probing samples not being queued - To validate, we performed extensive experiments
- Only cases where such undistorted samples are not
obtained is when cross-traffic is UDP and very
intensive (typically gt75 load)
18Probability of Obtaining Sample
- Assuming PP samples arrive in a Poisson manner
- Poisson cross-traffic product of probabilities
- No queue in front of first packet p(0) 1 ?/µ
- No CT packets enter between the two packets
(conservative estimate) - Only dependent on arrival process
- p p(0) e- ?L/µ (1 ?/µ) e- ?L/µ
- Analysis also for Deterministic and Pareto
19Probability of Obtaining Sample (cont)
Avg number of samples required to obtain an
unqueued PP for a single link Poisson
Avg number of samples required to obtain an
unqueued PP for a single link LRD cross-traffic
20Effect of Packet Size on Accuracy
- For CapProbe to estimate accurately
- Neither packet of the PP should queue due to
cross traffic - Second packet of PP
- Smaller ? less chances of queuing due to
cross-traffic - First packet of PP
- Probability of queuing independent of size
(queuing theory) - Thus, smaller PP packets ? higher probability of
sample not subject to queuing - Previous authors (Dovrolis) have shown that
- Smaller packets reduce chances of
under-estimation but increase chances of
21Effect of Packet Size on Accuracy
- Our observations are entirely consistent with
earlier ones - For the second packet, smaller packet size ?
Smaller probability of being queued ? Relative
probability of queuing of first packet is
increased ? Chances of over-estimation are
Frequency of occurrence of bandwidth samples when
packet size of probes is (a) 100 and (b) 1500
22Measurements- Internet, Internet2 (Abilene),
Wireless (802.11, Bluetooth)
- CapProbe implemented using PING packets, sent in
- CapProbe may be implemented either in the kernel
or user mode - Kernel mode more accurate, particularly over
high-speed links - One-way or round-trip estimation
- One-way
- Requires cooperation from receiver
- Can be used to estimate forward/reverse link
- Active vs passive
- Probing packets or data packets used as probes
- Heavy cross-traffic/extremely fast links
- Difficulty in correct estimation
- CapProbe is accurate, fast, and inexpensive,
across a wide range of scenarios - Potential applications in overlay structuring,
and in case of fast changing wireless link speeds - High-speed dispersion measurements needs more
investigation - CapProbe website http//nrl.cs.ucla.edu/CapProbe