Title: New Developments at Landmap
1New Developments at LandmapCreating Web Map
Services to Enhance Geodata Interoperability
- Kamie Kitmitto
- Gail Millin
- Satellite Image Data Service Landmap Products
- New Envisat data ASAR Image Mode, Alternating
Polarisation and Wide Swath - Other new data products
- Geodata Interoperability Project
- New Web Mapping Interface for Landmap
- Image Streaming
- Image Processing Course
3MIMAS Organisation
4Satellite Image Data Service
- Supports a large geographic data resource
- Require CHEST license and payment of a JISC data
hosting charge. - Web-based access to a range of satellite imagery
for the British Isles for research and teaching
purposes - Landmap Datasets
- Infoterra Satellite Data Archive
- Mediterranean data
- New ENVISAT Datasets
- Image processing course
- New download interface to access the Landmap data
- Orthorectified satellite images from four
satellites - Landsat5
- Landsat7
- Also Available -
- Digital Elevation Model of the British Isles
- KGPS survey,
- Projected SRTM data
6Landsat band combinations for different
applications of satellite data
7Summary of Data Products
8New ENVISAT Data Advanced Synthetic Aperture
9New ENVISAT Data Advanced Synthetic Aperture
- ASAR imagery, British Isles coverage, GB National
Grid and Irish Grid Coordinates. - Provided in WMS and WCS services for
- Image Mode (IS2 Swath),
- Alternating Polarisation,
- Wide Swath
- Future Work
- Provide data at different times of the year
seasonality - Create Coherence Colour Composite Multi Images
and interferograms. - Provide on-line learning support materials for
ASAR data
Image Mode Coherence Colour Composite
10New Data Products Coming Soon
- LiDAR sample data available soon!
Disaster Monitoring Constellation
Licenses to be finalised with the suppliers
11Interoperability Project
Aim to prove the feasibility of delivering
geo-spatial data using OGC standards for GIS web
services Primary objective was to develop a set
of demonstrator applications (urban/planimetric
use case) which promote interoperability between
distributed data sources at EDINA, UCL ICEDS
MIMAS Project funded by JISC
12Data Preparation
- Landsat 5, Landsat 7 (Pan and fused), SPOT,
Ortholandsat 5/7 and Hillshade from Landmap
http//www.landmap.ac.uk - Pyramiding 25m, 50m and 100m resolution for
ortholandsat 5 and 7 stretched mosaics. - Tiling Shapefile index created for tiled data,
improve server response time by requesting tiles
that fall into the bounding box defined by the
user. - Band Combinations Landsat 5 mosaic bands 7,4,2
highlight urban areas in pinkish purple colour
for the urban use case.
13OGC Services
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) - a non-profit,
international, voluntary standards organization
that is leading the development of standards for
geospatial services Their aim is to advance
geo-processing interoperability across the GIS
industry WMS web application which provides a
portrayal of geographic data which is stored on
the server. WCS defines how to provide
satellite data over the internet. This differs
from WMS as actual data values are sent
MapServer is a freely available, open source
development environment, offering support of WMS
and WCS http//mapserver.gis.umn.edu/ Requires a
variety of supporting libraries e.g. - PROJ 4
for on-the-fly projection - Geospatial Data
Abstraction Library (GDAL) a translator
library for raster data MIMAS installed
MapServer 4.4.1 on Windows Server 2003 using IIS
15MapServer ConfigurationMapfile Structure
16MapFile - WMS Layer Element
17MapServer WMS GetCapabilities Request
- GetCapabilities request
- http//camber.mc.man.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map
UESTGetCapabilities - Discover information about a WMS,
- What layers are contained in the WMS,
- Projection the data is being served in
- Metadata information
- Access constraints
- Contact information
18MapServer WMS GetMap Request
- http//camber.mc.man.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map
7Mosaic15mFORMATimage/jpeg - As part of the interoperability project
- GetMap requests have been produced for
- - Orthospot mosaic,
- - Landsat 7 15m 25m mosaics,
- - Landsat 5 mosaics,
- - Ortholandsat 5 and 7 stretched
- mosaics
- TIFF and ECW format
- .
19MapFile WCS Configuration
20MapServer WCS GetCoverage Request
- When using the below URL a download dialogue box
will appear and will prompt the user to save the
file. -
- http//camber.mc.man.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?ma
SY25FORMATecw - The data can then be viewed and used in an image
processing or GIS package e.g. ERDAS Imagine and
ER Mapper.
21ER Mappers RightWebMap Planimetric Use Case
22Chameleon 2.0 Urban Use Case
23Project Outcomes
- A range of OGC based web services (WMSWFSWCS)
(MIMAS, UCL, EDINA and NERC) - A basic annotation web service (XIMA) (CCG, Leeds
University) - A series of demonstrator clients. The clients
illustrate - Access to data
- A teaching focused use case (Urban Expansion)
- A research focused use case (Planimetric - based
on dynamic image registration using web services) - A report on the utility and issues surrounding
implementation of open standards for geospatial
data within JISC, including an assessment of
security and access authorisation issues
24New Interactive Mapping Interface!
Powered by MapServer Customised Chameleon 2.0
25Image Streaming ER Mappers Image Web Server
- Another product for serving imagery is Image Web
Server 7.0 - Image Web Server provides ECW high speed
streaming for all Landmap imagery and also serves
OGC WMS - ECW streamed imagery can be accessed at
- GetCapabilities request for IWS is
26New Image Streaming Interface!View New Envisat,
Landsat, DEM and SPOT imagery real time roam and
zoom capability.
27Learning MaterialsNew Image Processing Courses
- Modules include -
- Information Extraction
- Spectral Mapping
- Georeferencing
- Structural Mapping
- Vegetation Mapping
- Land Cover Classification
- Meterology
- Sea-Surface Temperature Mapping
- Coastal Mapping
- Integration with GIS
- Mineral Exploitation
- Adapted for -
- ERDAS Imagine
- Idrisi Kilimanjaro
- Visit - www.landmap.ac.uk/ipc
- Requirements -
- Athens Username Password
- Attend a subscribed institution
28Service FeedbackEmail - spatial_at_mimas.ac.uk
Questionnaire - www.landmap.ac.uk/questionnaire/i
- Comments
- Website Input
- Request Data
- Course Feeback
- Users views
- Future Developments
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