Title: Land Resource Valuation
1Land Resource Valuation
- Chapters 2, 3, 4 in the text
- AGEC 432
- Dr. Curtis F. Lard
- Appraisal an opinion of the present market
value of a real property. - Conditions
- An adequate description
- A specific date
- Supported by market date and data analysis
- Made by a qualified real estate professional
3Economic Value
- Economic Value has three components
- Utility must be able to satisfy a want
- Scarce in Supply otherwise it would be free
- Appropriable It can be possessed and traded
4History of Value
- Adam Smith 1776
- Thomas Malthus 1798
- Karl Marx 1867
- Alfred Marshall 1890
5Value Depends Upon
- Internal Characteristics
- Soil Quality
- Topography
- Minerals
- Drainage
- External Characteristics
- Time
- Location
- Size
- Relative
- Absolute
6Forces that Influence Real Property Values
- Social Attitudes of Buyers and Sellers
- Economic Prices, costs, interest rates,
inflation - Government Taxation and zoning
- Environment Climate, yield, etc.
7Market Value
- Connotes what a property is actually worth
- The most probable price in terms of money which a
property should bring in a competitive and open
market under all conditions requisite to a fair
sale, the buyer and seller, each acting
prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price
is not affected by undue stimulus
8Approaches to Real Estate Valuation
- Cost Approach An estimate of the land value
plus the depreciated reproduction cost or
replacement cost estimate of the improvements - Income Approach Appraisal analysis that
converts anticipated benefits to be derived from
ownership of property into a value estimate - Sales Comparison Approach An analysis of
similar, recently sold properties in order to
derive an estimate of the most probable sales
price of the subject property
9Some Uses of Appraisals
- Transfer ownership of property rights
- Financing and Credit Use
- Legal Matters, such as
- Eminent Domain
- Division of properties
- Environmental Issues
10Some More Uses of Appraisals
- Taxation of Real Property
- Assessed values
- Separation of property rights (interests)
- Estate Plans
- Inheritance taxes
11Some More Uses of Appraisals
- Investment opportunities
- Counseling
- Decision Making
- Accounting of Asset Values
- Real Estate Markets for Agricultural Lands
- Production Market
- Investment (Inflation) Market
- Consumption Market (Held for Non-market Reasons)
12Economic Principles Involved in Appraisal
- Highest and Best Use
- Anticipation
- Supply
- Demand
- Competition
- Substitution
- Balance
- Contribution
- Surplus Productivity
- Conformity
- Externalities
- Professional Designations
- AFM (Accredited Farm Managers by ASFMRA)
- ARA (Accredited Rural Appraiser by ASFMRA)
- MAI (Member of the Appraisal Institute by the
Appraisal Institute) - SRA, SREA, and SRPA (by the Society of Real
Estate Appraisers)
13The Appraisal ProcessScientific Method or
Research Problem
- Define the Problem
- Preliminary Survey and Plan
- Data Collection and Analysis
- Discuss Land Valuation
- Apply all three approaches
- Sales Comparison Established Value
- Cost Established Value
- Income Established Value
- Reconciliation
- Final Establishment of Value
14Helpful Hints for Class Presentations or Real
Estate Research Projects
- Introduction
- The team members
- The project problem identification
- Statement of objectives
- Define your study
- Description of the Surrounding Environment
Subject Property
15continued Helpful Hints for Class Presentations
or Real Estate Research Projects
- Relevant Demographic and Economic Characteristics
- Descriptive Analyses
- Regional Analysis 7 County Area
- Neighborhood Analysis Brazos County
- Site Analysis Defined by your product
- Legal Description
- Plat Plan
- Zoning
- Tenants
- Improvements
- Economic and Financial Conditions of the Subject
Property - Tenants
- Vacancy Analysis
- Income projections through the next five years
16continued Helpful Hints for Class Presentations
or Real Estate Research Projects
- Methodology (procedures and techniques)
- Supply and Demand Analysis
- Analysis of your problem and recommendations and
conclusions - Assumptions and limiting conditions
- Appendix (may include data, maps, etc.)
17Code of Ethics for Appraisers
- Procedures
- Conflicting Interests
- Disclosure
- Before Accepting a job
- In the Report
- Unity of Report
- Adverse Conditions
- Clients Property
- Hypothetical Reports
- Must Use Appraisal Methods
- New Business
- Advertising
- Solicitation
- Type of Work
- Funds Fees