Title: The U'S' Environmental Protection Agencys
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4The U.S. Environmental Protection Agencys
Is this rocket science?
5U.S. EPA / Region 9San Francisco
- Shelly Rosenblum
- Indoor Air Program
- 415-947-4193
- rosenblum.shelly_at_epa.gov
- www.epa.gov/iaq
6U.S. EPA / Region 9San Francisco
Indoor Environments Team
- Shelly Rosenblum
- 415-947-4193
- rosenblum.shelly_at_epa.gov
Barbara Spark 415-947-4189 spark.barbara_at_epa.gov
7Used by thousands of schools across the
country. It works.
We have lots of experience with working with it
in many different kinds of districts small
large rural urban rich and poor.
It can help you conserve your resources and
sometimes your sanity.
Tailor it. Modify it. Adapt it. Abbreviate it.
Expand it. Get students to do it but Make it
11Working With Your Community
- Trust Credibility
- How To Earn It
- How To Keep It
And living to talk about it!
12Inquiring Minds Want To Know
Indoor Air Investigator In Training
13As superintendents
you know what it takes to educate the next
- Importance of IAQ
- Taking the IAQ Journey
- Where are we?
- Where do we want to go?
- Causes and Root Causes of IAQ Problems
- (continued)
15Agenda (continued)
- Photo walk-through
- Identify root causes
- Apply common sense solutions
- Whats in the Tools for Schools Kit?
- How does it address root causes?
16What does it take to educate kids?
Decent facilities
Alert students
Excellent teachers
17But trying to teach and learn, in a less than
optimal indoor environment is like a trying to
sprint in work boots.
Some indoor conditions are more like a ball and
18A New Issue?
In the construction of buildings, whether
for public purposes or as dwellings, care
should be taken to provide good ventilation
and plenty of sunlight. school rooms are
often faulty in this respect. Neglect of
proper ventilation is responsible for much of
the drowsiness and dullness that make
the teachers work toilsome and
ineffective. Health Reformer, 1871
19A poor habitat threatens achievement.
20I am persuaded that no common air from without
is so unwholesome as air within a closed room
that has been often breathed and not changed.
An early protector of the indoor habitat.
21Florence Nightingale
221893 New Hampshire Ventilation Codes
231893 New Hampshire Ventilation Codes
It is certain that the additional annual expense
per pupil of the best ventilation need not exceed
the price of one or two cheap lunches. The
effect of perfect ventilation, where it has been
tried, is to increase the pupils power of work
about 50 percent
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25But even worse he has
26CASBO Journal of School Business Management,
Winter 2000/2001
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29Why is IAQ important?
Americans spend about 90 of their day indoors -
in classrooms, in offices, at home. Pollution
indoors is two to five times and occasionally
more than 100 times higher than out door levels.
30Why is IAQ important? (continued)
EPA, its Science Advisory Board and others
consistently rank indoor air pollution among the
top four environmental health risks facing the
American people.
31When we hear the word environment what comes to
32Sometimes environments get damaged and people try
to restore them.
We call that habitat restoration. Duh!
33EPA can help you restore an important habitat.
Nope! Not this one.
34There is another important environment or habitat.
The environment inside our buildings.
35These habitats may need restoring also.
36Our schools are habitats for important species
Kidus precocious Teacher eruditus
Their habitat is often polluted. Theyre not
endangered yet -but theyre suffering and their
work is impaired.
37The air in this habitat is often polluted.
GoodHouse- keepingMay,1999
38Possible health effects
- Increased spread of infectious disease
- Coughing, bronchitis
- Asthma episodes
- Headaches
- Allergic reactions
- Carbon monoxide poisoning
- Legionnaires disease
39Possible effects on our kids
- Affects their ability to learn
- Asthma episodes triggered
- Some harm may be long-lasting or permanent
40Were all different
Some more than others!
41Animals have been building homes for millions of
years and theyve learned how to build them to
meet their needs. Were still experimenting on
Dr. J. Scott Turner of the State University of
New York. Visit his web site
Termite mounds are ventilation systems for the
colony below ground.
Engineers took lessons from termite mounds when
they designed the ventilation system for the
Eastgate Complex in Zimbabwe.
42Maintenance was marginal in the past but today
- Too few custodians
- Too few ventilation mechanics
- Too few trades people of all kinds
- Students / teachers / staff health academic
achievement are suffering.
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44How does our indoor air get contaminated?
The indoor environment is an enclosed habitat.
Now lets add a few people, some building
furnishings, etc. What goes into the air? Where
can it go?
It wasnt me!
45What do we add to our air?
This is our totally enclosed room. Doors,
windows closed and no ventilation. Now lets add
a few people, some building furnishings,
etc. What goes into the air?
It wasnt me!
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49If youve got good air exchange ventilation -
you can get away with adding contaminants to your
air to some extent.
It wasnt me!
50If you dont, make sure you know how to keep your
bubble of air as clean as possible.
I wont eat that again!
51There are two sides to IAQ coin
School Occupants
- Building structure
- Ventilation
- Landscaping / pest control
- Etc.
- Art science materials
- Household cleaners
- Personal care products
- Activities, awareness, etc.
52There are two sides to IAQ coin
School Occupants
And now, research shows that outdoor ozone can
react with these products as well as other
building materials creating additional harmful
substances and more off-gassing.
- Building structure
- Ventilation
- Landscaping / pest control
- Etc.
- Art science materials
- Household cleaners
- Personal care products
- Activities, awareness, etc.
53Schools are unique!
- Tight budgets (ya think!?)
- Densely populated space
- Old buildings / deferred maintenance
- Special sources of pollution
- Inventive space utilization
- Additions / Temporary space
54Major causes of poor IAQ
- Pollution sources
- Improperly operated and maintained HVAC
- Building occupants and their activities
But these arent Root Causes !
55Take control of your IAQ by understanding the
root causes of poor IAQ
Look for these in the photos
- Basic knowledge
- Typical activities
- Poor Communication
56Tools for Schools is a response to these Root
- Provides basic knowledge
- Checklists point out typical activities
- Channels for good communication
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58What does it take to create an IAQ problem?
59What does it take to create an IAQ problem?
Driving Force
60Passive or Natural Ventilation
Convection Cool air pushes in if warm air is
allowed to exit.
61Learn a little about how your ventilation system
Outside air gets pulled in here.
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63Bus Stop
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65A School Walk-Through
66Wild Fang dog of the suburbs!
Isnt it time for my latte?
67How about cleaning my cage?!
Well, Im allergic to you too!
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69A waste of energy, money staff time.
70Looks like my kids room!
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75Nothin says lovin like plastic from the oven!
76You dont have to test to know you have a problem
and what to do about it!
77For air to come out of here
It has to get in there
A waste of energy, money staff time.
78A waste of energy, money staff time.
No wonder the air wasnt moving!
Somebody missed this filter!
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85Whats inside the door?
86Rat poopies!
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89Outside air intake
Blower 1
Blower 2
90The Solution
92Planning / Contracting
The IAQ Team
School staff
School Board
Facilities / Maintenance
93Ive got the shirt for the job!
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95Model Tools for Schools Time Line
This is also an IAQ management plan!
(Activities by both site and district personnel.)
Prioritize Findings / Boiler- Plate Report
Brief Staff Recruit Volunteers
Collect Checklists
Evaluate Checklists
Simple Things Fixed
IAQ Coordinator or Team learns about TfS
Address more challenging findings
Distribute Checklists
This is the Key Point most findings are easily
96ImplementationMinimum Starting Point
- IAQ Coordinator or Team appointed
- Management Plan developed
- Checklists teacher, maintenance, HVAC filled out
- Walkthrough / Priorities / Repairs
97IAQ Management Plan
- Brief your staff
- Distribute checklists and backgrounder
- Collect and examine checklists
- Walk-through findings priority list
- Fix the easy stuff
- Inform community about the difficult stuff!
- New Year go back to top!
98IAQ Management Plan
- Consider developing policies
- Overall IAQ policy
- Flooding response
- IAQ emergencies
- Purchasing or contracting
99IAQ Management Plan
- Consider expanding scope
- Lead
- Radon
- Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- ??
100Student IAQ Management Plan
- 10 min presentation to faculty meeting
- Distribute checklists and backgrounder
- Collect and examine checklists
- Walk-through findings priority list
- Fix the easy stuff
- Inform faculty school board about the
difficult stuff! - New Year go back to top!
101A Simple Priority Scheme
- Immediately important for health or safety OR
Easy to fix! - Some time or money required
- Wish list
Divide list into responsibility District /
102You may already be doing much of this, but
- Its better if you involve teachers and staff.
- Its better with an open line of communication.
- Its better if you follow a plan and document
103Your first steps
Speak with Mark Fulmer hes been there!
- Speak with your maintenance director.
- Speak with your teachers.
- Find out if they speak with each other.
104Maintenance investigates a complaint.
Statement 2
Statement 1
I cant find anything wrong.
But if your teachers were part of the process,
trust and credibility would have already been
105Animals have been building homes for millions of
years and theyve learned how to build them to
meet their needs. Were still experimenting on
Dr. J. Scott Turner of the State University of
New York. Visit his web site
Termite mounds are ventilation systems for the
colony below ground.
Engineers took lessons from termite mounds when
they designed the ventilation system for the
Eastgate Complex in Zimbabwe.
106What comes out of the process?
A healthier and more productive place for
teachers to teach and children to learn!
107Protect our indoor habitat for our native species.
I cant believe you put that under the scope!
Let me look!
Boys! What can you expect?!
108Thanks for your attention!
109- Why indoor air quality (IAQ) is important in
California schools - Why many people dont get it
- Do slashed maintenance budgets mean that schools
are an indoor air/asthma crisis waiting to
110Consequences of Poor IAQ
- Health Problems
- Student and Teacher Performance
- Loss of Public Trust
- Liability Issues
- Negative Media Coverage
- Accountability to School Board and Other School
111You cant and cant just simply take the
temperature of a building (or its occupants)
112Where does the public learn about IAQ?
113 Common IAQ misunderstandings
- Test my air
- doesnt exceed the standards
- Use with adequate ventilation
- If theyre allowed to sell it, it must be
safe to use. - So what if half the kids are coughing, theyll
be in a new classroom next year.
114 Common IAQ misunderstandings
- How I experience indoor air can tell me how it
affects other people - I dont smell anything
- Its all in their heads
- Its just a headache
115 Uncommon IAQ understandings
People are different from each other in their (a)
perception of IAQ problems, and their (b)
susceptibility to them (formaldehyde eye
irritation example) Children are different from
adults Children can become different from how
they are or were
116Who Endorses/Supports IAQ Tools for Schools?
- California Legislature (ACR 075)
- CA Dept. of Health Services and CARB (IAQ Report
to Legislature, Portable Classroom Study, etc. - California Dept. of Education
- ACSA, CASBO (mous), CSBA (mou to come)
- Health organizations (ALA, RAMP, CAFA)
- ASCIP, other insurers, County Offices of Ed.,