Title: ATAC SIMMOD Development and Maintenance Activities
1ATAC SIMMODDevelopment and Maintenance Activities
- European SIMMOD
- Users Group
- London, UK
- 6 - 7 October 2005
2Simmod PLUS! / PRO!
- Simmod PLUS! version 7.1 released in July 2005
- Major restructuring of source code
- Patch to update to version 7.1.1 to be released
in October 2005 - Curved ground links were not properly modeled.
The Network Builder generated incorrect link
lengths and the Animator moved the aircraft icons
only on a straight path between the nodes of the
curved link. - Minor changes in response to user requests
3SIMMOD Engine Maintenance
- Engine ground logic changes
- Fixed the gate selection logic to function
correctly if the airline identifier contained a
- Corrected the input logic to properly read all
the staging data for a gate.
- Corrected excessive waiting to leave the gate due
to an aircraft on a blocking link.
4SIMMOD Engine Maintenance
- Engine ground logic changes
- Implemented gate holding when the staging area is
- Arrival staging area selection is now updated for
arrival flights that re-routed.
- Corrected taxi planning logic to re-examine the
GATERWY inputs for a different taxipath when an
aircraft was re-assigned to another gate at a
taxicheckpoint or staging pad.
5SIMMOD Engine Maintenance
- Engine ground logic changes
- New departure queue parameters
- Inverse airlink blocking duration
- Hold until runway clear
- Passing rule waiver
- Fixed a bug in which the last node of the runway
would not be blocked for arrivals using a high
speed exit.
6SIMMOD Engine Maintenance
- Engine airspace logic changes
- The movement logic now uses an aircrafts speed
on its next link rather than from its previous
link when calculating the separations leaving a
- The movement logic was corrected to ensure that
metering vector delay does not exceed the value
permitted on a given link.
7SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Runway Occupancy Time Existing logic -
User specifies speed and landing roll distance
final speed
initial speed
Landing Roll/Occupany Time
2 x distance
initial speed final speed
initial speed final speed
8SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Runway Occupancy Time Problem -
Difficult to calibrate with actual occupancy
time data
final speed
initial speed
Landing Roll/Occupany Time
2 x distance
initial speed final speed
initial speed final speed
9SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Runway Occupancy Time Solution -
Let the user specify the runway occupancy time
final speed
initial speed
Initial speed
- final speed
2 x distance
occupancy time
10SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Runway Occupancy Time SIMU07 ground inputs for
0.80 124 1 1.00 16 2
Probability that this exit link is selected Exit
link number Probability distribution from which
the occupancy time is chosen
11SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Runway Occupancy Time SIMU07 ground inputs for
Probability distribution from which the occupancy
time is chosen
12SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Departure Queues Existing logic -
The logic can only consider ordering and passing
for each individual departure queue.
Departure queue B
Departure queue A
13SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Departure Queues Existing logic -
The logic can only consider ordering and passing
for each individual departure queue.
Departure queue B
Departure queue A
14SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Departure Queues Problem -
There are situations in which you want multiple
departure queues to be treated as a single queue.
15SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Departure Queues Existing logic -
The logic can only consider ordering and passing
for each individual departure queue.
Departure queue B
Departure queue A
16SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Departure Queues Solution -
Allow the user to specify groups of departure
queues for the purpose of choosing a next
departure, passing, re-routing, etc.
17SIMMOD Engine Enhancement
Departure Queues SIMU07 ground inputs
DEPARTQ_GROUP 1 3 -1 8 4 5 6
Group number Number of aircraft that can be
passed Threshold above which aircraft will try
to re-route to other departure queues (-1
indicates this should be the sum of the
thresholds of the member departure
queue) Threshold above which this departure
queue group will not accept aircraft re-routed
from other departure queues (-1 indicates this
should be the sum of the thresholds of the member
departure queue) Member departure queues
18 19ATAC SIMMOD User Base
166 users (including 62 Simmod PLUS! customers)
have obtained the ATAC SIMMOD engine since the
release of version 2.5 in October 2001. These
users are from the following 33 countries
Argentina Australia Austria Bosnia and
Herzegovina Brazil Canada Chile China Croatia
Denmark Estonia France Germany Greece India Indone
sia Italy
Japan Kazakhstan Malaysia Mexico Poland Russia Sou
th Africa South Korea
Spain Sweden Taiwan Thailand Turkey UK USA Vietnam