Title: Life%20and%20Science
1Life and Science
- Chapter 1
- Open Textbook to page 3
- the total collection of knowledge gained through
man's observations of the physical world
- man's observations of the world God created and
man's use of those observations to make decisions
4Life Science
- The study of living things
5Science is NOT wicked
- Observations are not sinful.
- What man does with these facts may be
- Man may interpret observations in a wrong way or
he may use them to sin.
6Three Basic Ways of Knowing What is True or False
- Historical Facts
- Scientific Facts
- Biblical Truth
7Historical Fact
- a statement about the existence of something or
about a past event
8Our knowledge of history is limited how?
9How to Judge Historical Facts
- By Physical Evidence
- By Recorded Evidence
10Physical Evidence
- Normally a good method of determining something
existed. - Deciding what the physical evidence means is more
11Recorded Evidence
- evidence which men have written or recorded in
some way
12Problems with Recorded Evidence
- people may record things that they believe to
true but that are actually false - people may intentionally write things to deceive
others - people often interpret recorded evidence in ways
that suit them best
13Scientific Fact
- Key words observablemeasurable repeatable
- what we can tell about our surroundings by using
our senses
15Good Scientific Observations
16Types of Scientific Facts
- direct observations
- indirect observations
17Limitations of Scientific Facts
- They must be measurable.
- They must be repeatable.
- They cannot be universal statements.
- They cannot make value judgments.
18Universal Statement
- either excludes or includes everything
All cats have tails.
Uses words like all or none.
19Universal Negative
- a blanket statement of denial
There are no aliens.
20Value Judgment
- deciding whether something is right or wrong,
good or bad, valuable or worthless
This painting will look great in your living room.
21Biblical Truth
Only one that is true ALL the time.
22Types of Biblical Truth
- record of history
- prophecy of the future
- revelation of spiritual and moral truth
23Limitations of Biblical Truth
- Is NOT limited by inaccuracy
- Does not deal with all physical things.
24How We Know that the Bible is the Infallible,
Inerrant Word of God
- Faith (a position of belief)
- Fulfilled Prophecy
- Accurate record of history
- Accurate description of the physical world
- Inner testimony of the Holy Spirit