Title: An Analysis of Crop Diversification
1An Analysis of Crop Diversification
- Dr. Rajiv Mehta
- Member Secretary, CACP
- Ministry of Agriculture
- Government of India
- National Conference on Agriculture for Kharif
Campaign-2005 - 22nd 23rd March 2005
- New Delhi
2Crop Diversification
- An effective strategy for achieving
- food nutrition security,
- income growth,
- poverty alleviation,
- employment generation,
- judicious use of land and water resources,
- sustainable agricultural development,
- and environmental improvement,
- (FAO 2001 Singh 2001).
3Catalysts for crop diversification
- Demand
- Supply response
- Price
- Market mechanism
- Competitiveness
- Sustainability
- Response for efficient resource use
- Policy Stimulants
4Crop Diversification Macro-perspective
- Land - an inelastic factor of production.
- Declining net area sown 141 million hectares
- Slow vertical expansion
- Gross Cropped Area 1990-01 1999-2000
- (million hectares) 185 190
- Depleting Water Availability
- Stress on Soil quality
- Skewed Cropping Pattern
- Area under foodgrains - 66 percent.
- Area under rice and wheat - 37per cent
- Area under oilseeds 14 per cent.
- Area under Cotton Sugarcane 7 percent
- Share of other crops - 13 per cent.
5Analysis of Crop Diversification
Macro-perspective .contd
6Analysis of Crop Diversification State
- Crop Abbreviations
- PDY-k Paddy Kharif
- PDY-r Paddy Rabi
- WHT Wheat
- CCL-k Coarse Cereals-Kharif
- CCL-r Coarse Cereals-Rabi
- PLS-k Pulses-Kharif
- PLS-r Pulses-Rabi
- OLS-k Oilseeds-Kharif
- OLS-r Oilseeds-Rabi
- CTN Cotton
- SCN Sugarcane
- OTH Others
- All the crops except in Others are covered in MSP
- Quantitative Analysis covers 9 States
- Rice Wheat rotation states
- Punjab
- Haryana
- Uttar Pradesh
- Rice dominant states
- West Bengal
- Bihar
- Other states
- Andhra Pradesh
- Karnataka
- Maharashtra
- Rajasthan
7Existing Cropping Pattern
8Change in Cropping Pattern percentage(From TE
1990-91 to TE 2000-01)
9Index of Crop Diversification
Index in 1990-91 2000-01 Change
in Diversification Index
10Value of Agricultural Output Per
Hectare (Current Prices) Annual Growth
In Value of Output /HA ( In Constant Prices)
11Crop Diversification Road aheadMacro Issues
- Food Security
- Foodgrain Requirement 2006-07 2009-10
- (Million. Tonns) 230 245
- Other Demand Issues
- Oilseeds Pulses Demand outpacing domestic
supply -
- Demand (2006-7) Oilseeds Pulses
40 Mn. Tns 18 Mn. Tns - Existing Import substitution - 40 15
- Rising Demand for Horticulture, Livestock and
12Crop Diversification Road ahead State /Region
Specific Issues
- Sustainability
- Land, Water, Soil
- Demarcation - Regions Districts
- Supply Issues
- Demand Supply Gap
- Productivity
- Regional Imbalance
- Potential in Eastern and North eastern States
- Quality and Premium variety potential e.g. Wheat
- Increasing demand / supply of Horticulture-
Livestock products
- Comparative Advantage
- Existing yield gaps.
- Stagnant Productivity
- Alternative Cropping Choices
- Research Extension Linkages
- Export Opportunity
- Market and Institutional issues
- Backward Forward linkages
- Infrastructure
- Value Addition
- Revisiting land reforms
- Market Reforms
13- Thanks
- E-mail rajivmehta2003_at_rediffmail.com