Title: Author Study Finale: Report and Presentation
1Author Study Finale Report and
Presentation Report Due June 4th/ Presentations
June 6th Each of the group members should take
a different Job. Each team member should compare
a different combination of texts. Read and
follow directions carefully for YOUR job.
Clearly organize and label your page(s). Each
job needs to have its own Works Referenced Page.
Follow MLA guidelines. Entire report
should be typed and double-spaced include a
cover page with a title and each of your
teammates names. In the top right-hand corner
of each page, put the last name of the member in
charge of that section. You will be field
questions from the class as your presentation.
Know all the material comprehensively, so you can
answer questions extemporaneously.
- Job One
- A. Summary of Authors Life
- Give an overview of the authors life from
childhood to young adulthood. - Include significant images
- B. Compare/contrast
- Compare and contrast two of your authors major
works - Introduction
- The text, author and genre (TAG) of each work
- Basic background information on each work
- One clear statement that summarizes your
comparison of the two works - Body
- Discuss the similarities and differences in the
DICTION of both texts - Discuss the similarities and differences in the
IMAGERY of both texts - Conclusion
- Interpretations and conclusions you came to based
on the comparison - Connections to the author
- Some Notes
- Choose to compare a different combination of
works than the others in your group.
- Job Two
- A. Summary of Authors Life
- Give an overview of the authors life from
adulthood to present or death. - Include significant images
- B. Compare/contrast
- Compare and contrast two of your authors major
works - Introduction
- The text, author and genre (TAG) of each work
- Basic background information on each work
- One clear statement that summarizes your
comparison of the two works - Body
- Discuss the similarities and differences in the
DETAIL of both texts - Discuss the similarities and differences in the
SYNTAX of both texts - Conclusion
- Interpretations and conclusions you came to based
on the comparison - Connections to the author
- Some Notes
- Choose to compare a different combination of
works than the others in your group.
2- Job One
- A. Summary of Authors Beliefs and Philosophies
- Explain the authors beliefs about life and art.
- Include significant images
- B. Compare/contrast
- Compare and contrast two of your authors major
works - Introduction
- The text, author and genre (TAG) of each work
- Basic background information on each work
- One clear statement that summarizes your
comparison of the two works - Body
- Discuss the similarities and differences in the
DICTION of both texts - Discuss the similarities and differences in the
IMAGERY of both texts - Conclusion
- Interpretations and conclusions you came to based
on the comparison - Connections to the author
- Some Notes
- Choose to compare a different combination of
works than the others in your group. - Provide enough background information, so an
intelligent individual who has not read the text
can follow your arguments.
- Job Two
- A. Summarize the major influences, motivations
and inspirations of the author. - Describe the people, events or ideas that
influenced the author. - Describe what motivated and inspired the author.
- Include significant images.
- B. Compare/contrast
- Compare and contrast two of your authors major
works - Introduction
- The text, author and genre (TAG) of each work
- Basic background information on each work
- One clear statement that summarizes your
comparison of the two works - Body
- Discuss the similarities and differences in the
DETAIL of both texts - Discuss the similarities and differences in the
SYNTAX of both texts - Conclusion
- Interpretations and conclusions you came to based
on the comparison - Connections to the author
- Some Notes
- Choose to compare a different combination of
works than the others in your group.
- JOB 5 Bring It all together! Do the following
with ALL your Team members. - A. Venn Diagram. Use a Venn diagram to compare
four of the authors works. - Compare style and content.
- B. Overall Analysis Spend some time reading
each others work. Check that it is excellent in
quality. - Then, thoroughly answer the following questions
together - In what ways do the authors works reflect
his/her life and times? - In what ways do the authors works reflect her
philosophies on life and art? - How do the authors influences and motivations
affect the works? - What major themes run through all the texts?
Why? - What other connections between the author and
his work can you identify and analyze?