Title: European policy in eHealth
1European policy in eHealth
- National discussion forum, ICT for Health
Sofia, Bulgaria -
- Diane Whitehouse
- ICT for Health
2eHealth Communication and Action Plan WHY?
- eHealth is not anymore about what will be
there are many real life solutions that have
proven to deliver real benefits - There is an added value of collaboration at EU
level eHealth deployment (and not only on
research) - to learn what has not worked and to exchange
experiences - to ensure minimum interoperability conditions to
support continuity of care and mobility - to address many regulatory (market), legal and
ethical issues in coordinated manner - to provide framework for all the stakeholders to
come together at international level that could
be used also on national and regional level
3Main areas of progress (1/
- Establishment of eHealth Working Group and
Stakeholders group for the follow up of the
action plan - Establishment of a roadmap regarding the tasks on
interoperability leading to interoperability
working paper ( March 2006) to EC Recommendation
on eHealth Interoperability (2007) - Launching of projects/studies that address many
tasks in the action plan - Best practices (ERA Health, Health Impact, new
Study) - Interoperability (I2Health, Semantic Health,
RIDE) - Patient identifier (new study, eTen workprogramme
06) - Legal issues (new Study)
- Labelling and certification (Q-REC, new Study)
4Progress eHealth roadmaps and action plans -
- Replies have come from 15 of 25 Member States, as
well as Bulgaria and Turkey - 13 of these came from a Ministry of Health (4
from other Ministries) - eHealth info sources 34 web links
- Best (or good) practice examples 35
5Coordination of eHealth Action Plan in Europe
Telecom Council
EPSCO Council
European Commission
EHealth Conferences
Ministers High Level Participants
High Level group on Health Services and
Medical care
eEurope Advisory group
eHealth Working Group
Subgroup Health Information and eHealth
Stakeholders Group CEN TC 251, ETSI, CENELEC, ISO
TC 215, CEN/ISSS, Health practitioners (doctors,
nurses, etc.), Patients, Health Managers,
Hospitals, Media Industry (EHTEL (ind.) , IHE,
ERA) and studies
6eHealth ERA
i2HEALTH Identification doctors/patient Messages/
SHARE Healthgrid
Certification EHR SSA
RIDE Interoperability
Semantic Health Interoperability
TMA Bridge Interoperability approach
Long term research
Short term research
7Economic and productivity Impact of eHealth study
Best practices study
Legal aspects of eHealth study
Certification and accreditation eHealth study
Patient ID2
Patient identity study
I2HEALTH Identification doctors/patient Messages/
Certification EHR Specific Support Action
TMA Bridge EHR structure Interop. approach
eHealth ERA NET
CEN TC 251
Language Classification Terminology Coding
SSAs Semantic Interoperability
8Main areas of progress (1)
- Development in progress confirmed in most Member
States (MS) - UK Connecting for Health (the National Programme
for IT) - Several MS confirmed roadmaps by end 2005
- Planned/on-going major eHealth applications in a
few countries - Health cards, ePrescription, interoperability
specifications/data standards.
9eHealth Action Plan results to date
- General, and patient mobility
- Launch of i2010 initiative (includes eHealth)
- eHealth progress report publication start 2006
- HLG on health services and medical care further
progress in health information and eHealth - SANCO and INFSO have agreed to co-organise
eHealth and health information meetings
10eHealth Action Plan results to date
- eHealth interoperability
- Approval of 24-month planning (preparatory
document series of workshops 2007
Recommendation) - eTen TMA-Bridge completed i2Health good
progress - DG ENTR successful collaboration CEN/ISSS/ETSI
next steps - IDABC interoperability and integration
11eHealth Action Plan results to date
- European health insurance cards and health cards
- eHIC (European health insurance cards)
continuing progress - Netc_at_rds concrete progress collaboration among
MS includes news partners and new countries
12eHealth Action Plan results to date
- Good or best practices
- eHealth IMPACT case studies underway coverage
at WSIS Tunis, November 2005 - eHealth ERA - launched, website, first
deliverables ready, technical review complete,
Gastein workshop, HLG (SANCO) workshop - 4 studies call opened in 2005 studies have
started in 2006
13eHealth Action Plan results to date
- Public health portal, and management of health
threats - Three workshops convened to ensure appropriate
design and content launch will be in 2006 - MEDIEQ (quality labelling of medical content)
project accepted for funding in 2005 - Inter-service consultation on management of
health threats and challenges begun, after
receiving inputs from Member States
14eHealth Action Plan results to date
- Conferences and special events
- eHealth 2005 successfully completed
- eHealth 2006 conference launch meeting, October
2005 - EHFG (Gastein), October 2005 Health-e Europe
- World Summit on Information Systems latest info
on eHealth in Europe, good practice - eHealth working group, meetings planned in 2006
- Inter-service group on eHealth, start delayed
15eHealth 2006 conference
- For your diary NOW!!
- Prospects and planning for the eHealth 2006
conference which will be held in Malaga, Spain on
May 10-12 2006. - Eventual website address http//www.ehealth2006co
16eHealth Action Plan results to date
- Legal, regulatory, and other issues
- Studies, closure October 3 2005
- ESDIS working paper, to be completed circa
October 2005 - Liaison with DG EMPL mainstreaming of
occupational health and safety issues, e.g., on
public health portal
17eHealth action plan main areas of progress
- Will be issuing eHealth interoperability
guidelines at EU level (Recommendation in 2007) - Involving all Member States and all relevant
stakeholders (firm commitment) - Ensuring political support
- Moving towards implementation, along lines of
Action Plan - Increasing efficiency pursuing tangible results
- - from content, to process, to structure-
ensuring cooperation among initiatives - - limiting numbers of meetings/WGs
18Summary of main areas of progress
- Over next 12 months
- major focus on eHealth interoperability
- crucial concentration on regional and/or local
dimension of eHealth
19eHealth Action Plan Quick summary of progress
on some actions
- National/regional roadmaps (MS, 2005)
- ERA Health, presentations at eHealth 2006
conference - Best practice collection, dissemination (EC
2004-2008) - Health Impact, ERA Health, New Study, eTen 2006
- Common approaches for patient identifier (ECMS,
2006) - New Study, eTen 2006
- Interoperability approaches and guidelines
(ECMS,2006) - TMA Bridge, I2Health, Semantic Health, RIDE,
Semantic Mining - Conformity testing and accreditation (MS 2007)
- Legal framework, certification of qualifications
(ECMS,2009) - New Study, 2006
20Conclusions and Discussion
- We welcome feedback and questions from all
parties, associations, industry and companies,
Member States, accession countries - diane.whitehouse_at_cec.eu.int