Your local area Venturing Crew Boy Scout Troop
1717 is selling mulch in order to raise money to
send our scouts to summer camp. We will be in
your area taking mulch orders on the weekends in
the month of February and March. We will be
delivering your order to your home on March 21,
2009. Below are the types of mulch available
along with their price per bag. Most bags will
fill a 2 foot x 3 foot x 2 inches deep area.
Soil conditioner bags are 40 lbs and can be used
to regenerate your lawn or for flower beds.
If you have a neighbor who is a member of
Venturing Crew or Boy Scout Troop 1717, please
contact him for your mulch order. You can also
place your order online to benefit
___________________________ or one of our
Crewmembers at www.crew1717.org.
Your local area Venturing Crew Boy Scout Troop
1717 is selling mulch in order to raise money to
send our scouts to summer camp. We will be in
your area taking mulch orders on the weekends in
the month of February and March. We will be
delivering your order to your home on March 21,
2009. Below are the types of mulch available
along with their price per bag. Most bags will
fill a 2 foot x 3 foot x 2 inches deep area.
Soil conditioner bags are 40 lbs and can be used
to regenerate your lawn or for flower beds.
If you have a neighbor who is a member of
Venturing Crew or Boy Scout Troop 1717, please
contact him for your mulch order. You can also
place your order online to benefit
___________________________ or one of our
Crewmembers at www.crew1717.org.