Title: Basics of Genetic Algorithms and some possibilities
1Basics of Genetic Algorithmsand some
- Peter Spijker
- Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Department of Biomedical Engineering
- Division of Biomedical Imaging and Modeling
- California Institute of Technology
- Materials Process and Simulation Center
- Biochemistry Molecular Biophysics
- November 25, 2003
2Presentation Overview
- Purpose of presentation
- General introduction to Genetic Algorithms
(GAs) - Biological background
- Origin of species
- Natural selection
- Genetic Algorithm
- Search space
- Basic algorithm
- Coding
- Methods
- Examples
- Possibilities
3Purpose of presentation
- Optimising parameters of force fields is a
difficult and time consuming task - Use of optimising methods might be of use
- Methods
- steepest descent
- simulated annealing (Monte Carlo)
- genetic algorithms
- Brief introduction to genetic algorithms in
lecture style
4General Introduction to GAs
- Genetic algorithms (GAs) are a technique to
solve problems which need optimization - GAs are a subclass of Evolutionary Computing
- GAs are based on Darwins theory of
evolution - History of GAs
- Evolutionary computing evolved in the 1960s.
- GAs were created by John Holland in the
5Biological Background (1) The cell
- Every animal cell is a complex of many small
factories working together - The center of this all is the cell nucleus
- The nucleus contains the genetic information
6Biological Background (2) Chromosomes
- Genetic information is stored in the chromosomes
- Each chromosome is build of DNA
- Chromosomes in humans form pairs
- There are 23 pairs
- The chromosome is divided in parts genes
- Genes code for properties
- The posibilities of the genes for one
property is called allele - Every gene has an unique position on the
chromosome locus
7Biological Background (3) Genetics
- The entire combination of genes is called
genotype - A genotype develops to a phenotype
- Alleles can be either dominant or recessive
- Dominant alleles will always express from the
genotype to the fenotype - Recessive alleles can survive in the population
for many generations, without being expressed.
8Biological Background (4) Reproduction
- Reproduction of genetical information
- Mitosis
- Meiosis
- Mitosis is copying the same genetic
information to new offspring there is no
exchange of information - Mitosis is the normal way of growing of
multicell structures, like organs.
9Biological Background (5) Reproduction
- Meiosis is the basis of sexual reproduction
- After meiotic division 2 gametes appear in
the process - In reproduction two gametes conjugate to a
zygote wich will become the new individual - Hence genetic information is shared between
the parents in order to create new offspring
10Biological Background (6) Reproduction
- During reproduction errors occur
- Due to these errors genetic variation exists
- Most important errors are
- Recombination (cross-over)
- Mutation
11Biological Background (7) Natural selection
- The origin of species Preservation of
favourable variations and rejection of
unfavourable variations. - There are more individuals born than can
survive, so there is a continuous struggle for
life. - Individuals with an advantage have a greater
chance for survive survival of the fittest.
12Biological Background (8) Natural selection
- Important aspects in natural selection are
- adaptation to the environment
- isolation of populations in different groups
which cannot mutually mate - If small changes in the genotypes of individuals
are expressed easily, especially in small
populations, we speak of genetic drift - Mathematical expresses as fitness success in
13Presentation Overview
- Purpose of presentation
- General introduction to Genetic Algorithms
(GAs) - Biological background
- Origin of species
- Natural selection
- Genetic Algorithm
- Search space
- Basic algorithm
- Coding
- Methods
- Examples
- Possibilities
14Genetic Algorithm (1) Search space
- Most often one is looking for the best
solution in a specific subset of solutions - This subset is called the search space (or state
space) - Every point in the search space is a possible
solution - Therefore every point has a fitness value,
depending on the problem definition - GAs are used to search the search space
for the best solution, e.g. a minimum - Difficulties are the local minima and the
starting point of the search
15Genetic Algorithm (2) Basic algorithm
- Starting with a subset of n randomly chosen
solutions from the search space (i.e.
chromosomes). This is the population - This population is used to produce a next
generation of individuals by reproduction - Individuals with a higher fitness have more
chance to reproduce (i.e. natural selection)
16Genetic Algorithm (3) Basic algorithm
- Outline of the basic algorithm
0 START Create random population of n
chromosomes 1 FITNESS Evaluate fitness f(x) of
each chromosome in the population 2 NEW
RECOMBINATION Cross-over chromosomes 2
MUTATION Mutate chromosomes 3
ACCEPTATION Reject or accept new one 3
REPLACE Replace old with new population the
new generation 4 TEST Test problem
criterium 5 LOOP Continue step 1 4 until
criterium is satisfied
17Genetic Algorithm (4) Coding
- Normal cells are diploid (containing 2 complete
sets of chromosomes) - On the contrary gametes are haploid
- Formalizing diploid reproduction is much more
difficult than haploid - Diploid populations have an extra dimension
compared to haploid populations - For simplicity therefore only haploid genetic
18Genetic Algorithm (5) Coding
- Chromosomes are encoded by bitstrings
- Every bitstring therefore is a solution but not
necisseraly the best solution - The way bitstrings can code differs from problem
to problem - Either sequence of on/off or the number 9
19Genetic Algorithm (6) Coding
- Recombination (cross-over) can when using
bitstrings schematically be represented - Using a specific cross-over point
20Genetic Algorithm (7) Coding
- Mutation prevents the algorithm to be trapped in
a local minimum - In the bitstring approach mutation is simpy the
flipping of one of the bits
21 Genetic Algorithm (8) Coding
- Both recombination and mutation depend a
lot on the exact definition of the problem and
the choice of representing the chromosomes
(e.g. no bitstrings) - Different encodings can be used
- Binary encoding
- Permutation encoding
- Value encoding
- Tree encoding
- Focus in this presentation stays with binary
22Example Minimum of Function (1)
- First example shows how to find the minimum
of a function
Minimum f(x) at x 809
23Example Minimum of Function (2)
Mean fitness
Best fitness
Best individual
24Example Minimum of Function (3)
- Interactive show of this algorithm with Matlab
- Using the function genalg2()
- Variables
- Population size
- Bitstringlength
- Mutation chance
- Recombination chance
- Starting population adaption
25Genetic Algorithm (9) Remarks
- It is clear from the example that the
convergence speed of the algorithm depends on
many factors - Population size
- Mutation probability
- Recombination probability
- Elitism
- Selection methods
- Random selection of parents
- Roulette wheel selection of parents
- Strong point GAs mutation prevents from
falling in a local minimum, recombination
initiates a fast first convergence
26Example Checkboard (1)
- We are given an n by n checkboard in which
every field can have a different colour from
a set of four colours. - Goal is to achieve a checkboard in a way that
there are no neighbours with the same colour
(not diagonal)
27Example Checkboard (2)
- Chromosomes represent the way the
checkboard is coloured. - Chromosomes are not represented by bitstrings
but by bitmatrices - The bits in the bitmatrix can have one of the
four values 0, 1, 2 or 3, depending on the
colour - Crossing-over involves matrix manipulation
instead of point wise operating. Crossing-over
can be combining the parential matrices in a
horizontal, vertical, triangular or square way - Mutation remains bitwise changing bits in either
one of the other numbers
28Example Checkboard (3)
- Fitnesscurve for the checkboard example
- This problem can be seen as a graph with n nodes
and (n-1) edges, so the fitness f(x) is easily
defined as f(x) 2 (n-1) n
29Example Checkboard (4)
- Fitnesscurves for different cross-over rules
30Example Checkboard (5)
- Interactive show of this algorithm with Matlab
- Using the functions
- main()
- checkers()
- bestindividual()
- mutate()
- recombine()
- select()
- showbestindividual()
- Using the genetic algorithm to optimise
parameters for a force field - Parameters are real numbers, so adaptations of
these algorithms is required - Value incoding vs. bitstring encoding
- Difficulties
- Definition fitness function
- Integration algorithm with software
32Further Questions