Title: SOA and MAA Entry points : Issues and Analysis
1SOA and MAA Entry points Issues and Analysis
- Presenter Juwel Rana
- Research Methodology
- DIT, Trento (2006-07)
- To present design and architectural issues of
Multi-Agents systems and web services - Enabling interoperability between Software Agents
and Semantic Web Services
- Web Service Architecture
- Multi-Agent Architecture
- Interoperability Issue of Web Services and
Software Agents - Bridging Multi-agent System and Web Services
(Case Study)
4Web Service
- A Web service is a software application
identified by a URI, whose interfaces and binding
are capable of being defined, described, and
discovered by XML artifacts, and supports direct
interactions with other software applications
using XML-based messages via Internet-based
protocols. - Three rolesService Provider
- Service Requester
- Service Broker
- Three operationsPublish
- Find
- Bind
5Multi-Agent Systems
- A Multi-Agent System is a distributed system
composed of autonomous entities, called agents.
These agents need to interact and cooperate in
order to achieve global tasks. Agents communicate
using an Agent Communication Language.
6Software Development Life Cycle
- Software Elements Analysis
- Specification
- Software Architecture
- Implementation
- Testing
- Documentation
- Maintenance
7Web Service Life Cycle
- Web service design and build stage
- Web service Test stage
- Web service Deploy and Execute stage
- Web service Management stage
- Auditing, Monitoring, and Troubleshooting
8MultiAgent Systems Engineering (MaSE)
- Initial System Specification and Defining roles
- Applying Use Cases
- Refining Roles
- Creating Agent Classes
- Constructing Conversations (Interaction)
- System Design and Implementation
9What We Find
- Agent based System and Web Services both are
Software Applications and successful
implementation is possible using current
technology(XML, JAVA).
10FIPA Agent Architecture
Reference D. Greenwood, FIPA, Whitestein
Technologies AG 10/05/2004
11Web Service Architecture
12Interoperability Issues
13(No Transcript)
14(No Transcript)
Response Message lt?xml version'1.0'
encoding'utf-8'?gt ltsoapenvEnvelope
elope/"gt ltsoapenvBodygt ltnsgetPriceResponse
lt/nsgetPriceResponsegt lt/soapenvBodygt lt/soapenv
- Request Message
- lt?xml version'1.0' encoding'utf-8'?gt
- ltsoapenvEnvelope xmlnssoapenv"http//schemas.xm
lsoap.org/soap/envelope/"gt - ltsoapenvBodygt
- lttnsgetPrice xmlnstns"http//quickstart.sam
ples/xsd"gt - lttnssymbolgtWSOlt/tnssymbolgt
- lt/tnsgetPricegt
- lt/soapenvBodygt
- lt/soapenvEnvelopegt
16So the Question is
- How to provide interoperability to these
demanding technologies?
17Different Possibilities
- There are two possibilities to work with Software
Agent and Web Services - Develop bridge to work as a gateway for web
service and Software Agent - Modify Current Specification
- FIPA (Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents)
- W3C
18Bridging Multiagent systems and Web Services
- Sermantic web services envisions Web Services to
be - Dynamically discovered
- Composed
- Invoked
- Exeecuted
- Software Agent provides flexible autonomous
action in a - Dynamic
- unpredictable
- open environment
19MiddleWare (AgentWeb)
W3C Web Services Framework
20AgentWeb Gateway Middleware
21Features of AgentWeb
- Software agent can discover web services in web
service registry - Software agents can publish their services in web
service registry(UDDI) - Software agents can invoke web services
- Web service client can discover software agents
in Directory Faciliator (DF) of Agent Platform - Web Services can be published in the directory
faciliator of agent Platform - Web service client can invoke software agent
22Service Discovery Converter(Helps Software Agent
to search for the services at Web Service
Repository UDDI)
- DF to UDDI Search Query COnverter
- Software agent look up for the agent service ín
directory faciliator(DF) by sending
DF-agent-Descrition. - In case of failure DF sends ACL message to the
Middleware. - Generates Business Entity and Business service
and forwarded to UDDI search Query Builder. - A search is performed in and UDDI returns SOAP
based response to middleware. - It convert again the message into ACL and send it
back to DF.
23Service Discovery Converter1(Helps Web service
client to search for the services at Agent
- UDDI to DF Search Query COnverter
- SOAP based Web service client performs lookup for
the service in UDDI - if the UDDI doesnt have the required service, it
redirects its search to the middleware by sending
SOAP. - Middleware passes it to UDDI search query
analyzer which extracts business entity and sent
to Agent description builder. - It forwards Business Service to service
description builder and property builder where
service name and type is used for building
service description and inputs and output
parameters are used for building property.
24Service Discovery Converter2(Helps Web service
client to search for the services at Agent
- UDDI to DF Search Query COnverter
- Agent understandable description forwarded to DF
search query builder where DF-Agent-Description
is generated and forwarded to DF of search. - Directory Facilitator of the Agent Platform
performs a search. - If required service is found, a message is
returned by the DF of that remote Agent Platform
to the agent at our middleware which transforms
ACL based DF search response back to SOAP based
UDDI search response and sends to the UDDI lookup
service which further forwards message
25Service Description Converter
- DF-Agent-Description to WSDL COnverter
- WSDL to DF-Agent-Description COnverter
26Communication Protocol Converter
27Example (SOAP ACL)
- SOAP Request
- POST /InStock HTTP/1.1
- Hosthttp//
s - Content-Type application/soapxml charsetutf-8
- Content-Length nnn lt?xml version"1.0"?gt
- ltsoapEnvelope
- xmlnssoap"http//www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelop
e" - soapencodingStyle"http//www.w3.org/2001/12/soap
encoding"gt - ltsoapBody
- xmlnsm"http//
r.jws"gt - ltmaddgt
- ltmi1gt2lt/mi2gt
- ltmi1gt3lt/mi2gt
- lt/maddgt
- lt/soapBodygt
- lt/soapEnvelopegt
Transformed ACL Request (request sender
(agent-identifier name Gateway78166138202_at_ Cern1
-7 addresses (sequence http//
/acc)) receiver (set (agent-identifier name
MathAgent_at_ 78166138202_at_Cern1-7 addresses
(sequence http// cont
ent "(action (addAgentAction properties
(set (property i1 2) (property i2 3)))")
- M. Omair Shafiq, Ying Ding, Dieter Fensel,
Bridging Multi Agent Systems and Web Services
towards interoperability between Software Agents
and Semantic Web Services, Proceedings of the
10th IEEE InternationalEnterprise Distributed
Object Computing Conference (EDOC'06). - http//www.fipa.org/
- http//www.w3.org/TR/ws-arch/
- Mark F. Wood Scott A. DeLoach An Overview of the
Multiagent Systems Engineering Methodology , In
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering Proceedings
of the First International Workshop on
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering, 10th June
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