Title: Welcome to the Malls Capital of India
1 Welcome to the Malls Capital of India
2130 Stores, 7 Restaurants, 4 Pubs and 4 Screen
Movie theatre
- DLF City Centerwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
3150 Stores, 20 Restaurants, 5 Pubs and 8 Screen
Movie theatre
- MGF Metropolitanwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
4Largest mall in Gurgaon, India, in terms of total
covered area.
- MGF Metropolitanwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
5Metropolitan food court estimated to generate
high revenue probably more than the whole mall
- The Famous MGF Food Courtwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls
6120 Stores, 11 Restaurants, 4 Pubs, Karaoke
lounge and a 3 Screen Movie Theatre.
- DLF Mega Mallwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
7100 Stores capacity, 8 Restaurants and the
largest Retail Store.
- MGF Mega City Mallwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
8100 Stores capacity, 3 restaurants functional,
largest book store in town.
- DLF Grand Mallwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
942 stores, 4 Restaurants, Speciality mall on Home
and Furnishing.
- MGF Plaza Mallwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
10Semi-functional mall, more than 150 stores
capacity 1 functional theatre.
- Omaxe Mall Gurgaon (SRS)www.GurgaonShoppingMalls.
11Mall, Hotel Restaurants. 50 Stores capacity, 4
- The Galaxy Mallwww.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com
12Combined Facts
- 10 functional malls.
- More than 600 stores.
- 65 Restaurants.
- 20 Pubs and Bars.
- 20 Movie Theatres.
- 70 Stores on Apparels.
- 15 Restaurants.
- 8 new malls under construction.
13Upcoming Malls
- 8 new malls under construction.
- AMBI Mall (1 KM Shopping area on each floor)
- DLF Star Mall
- MGF Metropolis
- The Wedding Mall
- Raheja Mall
- Regent Square Mall
- City Mart
- Senior Mall
14Its all in a mall or is it not!
- www.GurgaonShoppingMalls.com