Title: Girl Scout Basics in a Bag
1- Basics in a Bag will include
- Vest (or tunic for Daisy Girl Scouts)
- Handbook(s)
- Council ID Set (except for Daisy Girl Scouts)
- 3-Troop Numbers
- American Flag Patch
- Tab
- World Association Pin
- Membership Level Pin
- The cost will range from 34-53 depending on
level and size of the vest/tunic.
Girl Scout Basics in a Bag
- Bridging Kits will include
- Bridging Certificate
- Bridges
- Wings (if applicable)
- Star and disk
- Pin for next level
- Pricing
- Bridge to Brownie Girl Scouts--4.35
- Bridge to Junior Girl Scouts--5.75
- Bridge to Cadette/Senior Girl Scouts--5.75
Girl Scout Bridging Kit
2(No Transcript)
3Come to the Council Shop during our
multi-cultural Duck Sale! (Week of February
11-15, 2008) Customers may pick up a duck at
check-out to receive a 1, 5, or 10 discount on
that days purchase. There will be one special
duck and the customer who receives this duck will
receive free merchandise up to a value of 25.00.