Title: Gibbs energy and spontaneous change
1 Lecture 7
- Gibbs energy and - spontaneous change
- - equilibrium
- - non-volume work
2 Reaction at given P,T
Gibbs energy G tells us whether reaction
A B C ?G
will occur spontaneously or not, without looking
at the surroundings.
3 Gibbs energy G
T constant
heat qP
Ssur changes due to qP
Define ?Gsys ?Hsys - T?Ssys
lt 0
gt 0
favourable ?Ssur gt 0
Thus ?Gsys lt 0 ?Stot gt 0 , for
given P,T
equivalent with
4 Gibbs energy determines for given P,T the
spontaneous direction of a reaction
A B C ?G
?G lt 0 ?Stot gt 0 spontaneous ?G 0 ?Stot
0 equilibrium ?G gt 0 ?Stot lt 0 not allowed
by Second Law
?G is the basis of all equilibrium chemistry
?G ?H T?S P, T constant
5 How to maximise electrical work we (and
minimise q) ?
First Law ?U q w
we electrical work 0 when ..
Electro- chemical reaction
?G 0 when . Conclusion ?
A ? B G
6 Gibbs energy G and reversible, non-volume work
P,T constant
Equilibrium wrev,e 0 Spontaneous wrev,e
lt 0
7 Nb. dH is obtained as follows
Definition H U PV dH dU PdV
VdP First Law dU dq dw dqrev
dwrev dqrev PdV wrev,e Second
8 Lecture 8
- Summary of the First and Second Law
- Entropy determines direction of heat flow
- Maximal work is reversible work
- The Claudius inequality
9 Alternative Formulation Second Law
10 Reversibility vs. irreversibility
?U qirr wirr qrev wrev wirr gt
wrev Example -10 kJ gt -100 kJ
we get more work from the system
11 An irreversible spontaneous direction of a
reaction increases the total entropy
12 Reversibility vs. irreversibility
Spontaneous, irreversible
Clausius Inequality