Title: Comparative Review of Resettlement in Europe
1Comparative Review of Resettlement in Europe
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
2Something about ICMC and Resettlement
- Past
- Processed 700,000 refugees since its creation in
1951 - Present
- Office (OPE) Turkey processes refugees to USA and
provides CO - ICMC / UNHCR Deployment Scheme
- Identification of vulnerable cases Jordan
- Advocacy through Brussels, Geneva and Washington
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
3Practical Cooperation for a European Resettlement
- Co funding ERF Community
- Actions -12 months
- Goals
- To increase operational
- resettlement capacity
- To establish an ongoing trans-
- national cooperation structure for
- exchange of best practices and resettlement
training - (with UNHCR Resettlement Services)
- Output Welcome to Europe
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
4Why Resettlement Network?
- European Resettlement is growing steadily need
for stocktaking / monitor new info - Need for multi stakeholder exchange between
resettlement countries UNHCR, Govt, NGO,
service provider, municipalities - Need for exchange between resettlement countries
emerging resettlement countries - Need to reflect on European Resettlement
Programmes common actions
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
5Project Partners
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
6Methodology for Welcome to Europe Publication
- UNHCR resources
- Stakeholder meetings at national levels / UNHCR
consultation throughout - European Resettlement Training
- Interviews with stakeholders
- Approved texts consent
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
7Considerations when establishing a resettlement
- Quotas/UNHCR criteria
- Dossier and selection missions
- Special vulnerable groups model to ensure
flexibility - Throughout consideration of reception and
integration needs - - Involvement NGOs/local authorities
and refugees in the resettlement
process - - Mobilisation of host
communities/public opinion
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
8European quotas
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
9New Developments
- France 100 cases
- Germany large scale ad-hoc resettlement of
Iraqis under discussion (Spiegel). - UK expanding quota
- Iraqi refugee crisis is mobilizing debate
- local churches, NGOs, press, communities
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
10UNHCR resettlement criteria
- Legal protection and physical protection
- Survivors of violence and torture
- Women at risk
- Medical needs urgent and emergency
- Family reunification
- Refugees without local integration prospects
- Children and adolescents
- Elderly refugees
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
11Selection dossier basis or selection mission
- Most cases are selected on missions (Burmese,
Iraqis, Congolese by several EU Member States) - Dossiers by Sweden (800), UK (100), Finland
(100), Ireland (40) - Special programmes TOM, VOT, UAC, WAR
- Need to share best practices on dossier selection
to provide for more flexibility and meeting
protection needs world wide
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
12Good Practice - Swedish quota 2008 - 1900
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
13Government resettlement criteria
- Most Government only follow UNHCR resettlement
criteria - Assessment of the conditions of reception and
integration Integration Potential (DK)
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
14Prepare reception through selection
- Good information collection / sharing is
needed to prepare reception - 1- UNHCR provides information on the Resettlement
Referral Form - 2 - Some agencies participate in selection
missions to have better understanding of special
needs to be addressed (DRC,COA, municipalities) - 3 - Assessment of the conditions of reception
and integration (Finland/ ,UK) - 4 Cultural Orientation to manage expectations
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
15Reception and Integration models in Europe
- Centralised Reception NL and Ireland
- Direct Placement or resettled refugees in
Municipality - A mainstream services for resettled
refugees - B specialised services for resettled
refugees (UK)
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
16The Experience of the Centralised Reception
centre in Amersfoort (COA)
- Only for refugees selected on missions
- Groups 20 30 persons of same ethnic background
to build mutual support structures - Up to 3 months introduction programme
- NGO support provided through Vluchtelingen Werk
- COA then places out to municipalities
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
17Mainstream approach immediate reception in
municipalities (DK, Finland, Sweden)
- Municipalities involved in reception, integration
or resettled refugees obligatory or voluntary - Geographical distribution mostly outside large
cities - Available housing important factor
- Integration programs 1 to 3 years
- Personalised integration programs recommended
different actors/tailor made - Funding allocations vary
- Fostering independence welfare state
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
18Specialised Resettlement services at the
Municipal Level UK experience
- 12 months financial support and integration
support through Gateway Programme contracts
with service providers - Special consideration vulnerable cases
- Support services provider home visits, drop in
centers, group sessions, housing support, access
to benefits system - Monitoring results feed back to national level
GPP Steering Group (RIAP UNHCR other Govt
department services)
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
19Crosscutting Issues in integration
- Best practices widely dispersed need for more
research and exchange - Fostering independence to be promoted as part
of introduction / integration programme - subjective nature of integration
- Active engagement of host communities vital
- Refugees as agents or integration / promotion
community development
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
20Crosscutting Issues in integration Contd
- Need for bottom up approach to promote
quality resettlement - Develop local initiatives to receive resettled
refugees (churches, cities, other partnerships) - Consider sponsorship programmes
- Establish multi-stakeholder coordination and
exchange - Use ERF to introduce local programmes
- Involve media to explain resettlement/ build
support - Involve refugee groups in service
development/provision/community building.
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net
21To know more
- Please contact Petra Hueck ICMC Europe
(hueck.icmc.net) - Deployments to the field Jared Bloch ICMC
(Geneva) (bloch_at_icmc.net)
April 2008
European Resettlement Network www.icmc.net