Title: Presentation SGG THERMOVIT elegance
1Use of the presentation and its content only
with proof of origin and explicit authorization
of KINON Aachen GmbH SAINT-GOBAIN Deutsche
At first the glass radiator is put into two
carton pockets (see picture 1).In these carton
pockets the radiator is loaded into the shipping
box (see picture 2).
Carton pockets
Picture 2
Picture 1
Shipping box
Padding boxes
Four carton padding boxes are put on top of the
radiator into the shipping box.Cut-outs in the
padding material leave space for the packaging of
fittings and extra material, such as the
remote-control thermostat and the towel rail (see
picture 3).
Picture 3
accessory boxes
towel rail boxes
Accessory boxes are then put in the cut-outs of
the padding material. The accessory boxes contain
fittings, screws, tools and the remote-control
thermostat (see picture 4).In addition a
multilingual installation- and operation manual
is inserted in the shipping box. The standard
languages are German, English and French.
Picture 4
Finally the shipping box is closed and put on a
special palette (see picture 5).Up to eight
boxes are loaded and tied onto one palette and
then shipped. The dimensions of the shipping
box are128cm x 70cm x 11cm (Length x Width x
Length 128cm
Width 70cm
Height 11cm
Picture 5
SAINT-GOBAIN Deutsche GlasKINON Aachen GmbH
Axel Berger 49 241 / 9667 231 axel.berger_at_saint