Title: Lets Learn about Map Elements
1Lets Learn about Map Elements
- North America, Washington, D.C. and Maryland
- By Barb Cino
2Be a Spy! Look for these map elements!
- Title
- Author
- Key
- Scale
- Compass Rose
3- Can you identify the title?
- Can you identify the author?
- Can you identify the scale?
- Can you identify the compass rose?
4 Identify the major map element that is missing
from this map. Explain why it is important to
include this element.
5Answer the questions on the next few slides about
this map. Double-click on the word Title to
create a title for this map.
This was adapted from Newsbank KidsPage.
6Lets practice using the compass rose!
- 1. The White House is ---- of the Washington
Monument. - a. north c. East
- b. south d. West
7Ready for another question?
2. The Lincoln Memorial is ---- of the Washington
Monument. a. east c. north b. west d. south
8Heres another question.
3. Find the Potomac River. It is located west of
the --- a. White House c. Lincoln Memorial b.
Washington Monument d. compass rose
9Give me 3 - 2 - 1!
- 3 things you have learned about map elements
- 2 things you want to know more about
- 1 question you still have