Title: Accountability Integration Dashboard AID Project Priorities
1The Road to Data AccuracyAYP and QPA
Mar Apr May
June July
Aug Sept Oct
Mar Apr May
June July
Aug Sept Oct
Return Assessments to CETE
Media Briefings and Release to SBOE
Submit QPA Quality Criteria
Data Collection Review Review KIDS AUPD, EOYA,
EXIT Reports Provide accurate NT
Accommodations to CETE
Use Accountability Data Checklist/Signoff to
review and signoff on data sets used for AYP
reporting and QPA determination
2Access to the Accountability Data
Checklist/Signoff application will be available
via the KSDE Authentication System
31. Is the grade span on the AYP Report
Correct? The highest grade served determines the
performance goals for a school. For 2007, if
your school reported any students with 10th, 11th
or 12th graders, its AYP reading goal was 73.7
and its math goal was 57.0. If the highest grade
served was less than 10th grade, then its reading
goal was 71.7 and its math goal 67.2. For
writing, the goal is 67 at standard or above for
schools serving 6th graders or below 73 for
schools serving 8th graders or below and 76 for
schools serving 11th graders or below. The grade
span is based upon the students you reported
serving in KIDS. If, for example, you serve
grades 6 through 8, but also reported serving
some 9th and 10th grade special ed students in
your school, the grade span will show the 10th
grade as the highest grade served and your
buildings goals will correspond with the 9-12
goals in reading and math, and the 8th grade
goals in writing. or do we want to use 11th
grade goals? To Make Corrections If there is
an error, this implies that there were students
submitted to KIDS with the incorrect grade
levels. To correct this, the first step is
always to correct the data in your own Student
Information System so that the error does not
repeat itself in other reports. Then you will
need to contact your KIDS data coordinator and
resubmit the appropriate KIDS records with the
correct data. 2. Is the Title I school status
correct? The official designation that a public
school is a Title I school is through in the
Local Consolidated Plan Application which was
submitted by your district earlier this year and
approved by KSDE. If your school received Title
I funds, then it is a Title I school. In
2006-2007, all districts are Title I districts.
Schools and districts receiving Title I funds are
subject to the requirements and sanctions of the
No Child Left Behind Act. To Make Corrections If
the Title I status is incorrect, contact the
State and Federal Programs at KSDE
judim_at_ksde.org or (785) 296-5081. Districts may
have to resubmit their LCP Application to correct
any errors. 3. Under the column, standard or
above, valid n, the number should equal the
school-wide total with valid tests who were
enrolled by September 20th. Is the reading valid
n correct? Is the math valid n correct? All the
tested grades in the school have been combined to
determine the percent at standard and above. For
schools with less than 30 in the All Students
group, the data from the previous year has been
combined with the current years, or, if the
total is still less than 30, with the previous 2
years data. There are numerous ways to check
this total CETE (www.cete.us) will list the
students tested, as well as the test records that
need correction. KIDS AUPD records will list
the students reported to KSDE as tested or
eligible for testing (see https//online.ksde.org/
authentication/login.aspx). You can also see
the student level AYP Reports within the same
KSDE Web Applications. The AYP / QPA Reports
allow you to download student lists into Excel so
that you can compare them with your local student
lists. To Make Corrections The corrections will
depend on the error you find. The first step is
always to correct the data in your own Student
Information System so that the error does not
repeat itself in other reports. If a student is
missing, that means that
- For each set of data instructions the link
provides information regarding - what data to review,
- what the data represents, and
- how it can be corrected.
4The Road to Data AccuracyAYP and QPA
Mar Apr May
June July
Aug Sept Oct
Mar Apr May
June July
Aug Sept Oct
Return Assessments to CETE
Media Briefings and Release to SBOE
Submit QPA Quality Criteria
Data Collection Review Review KIDS AUPD, EOYA,
EXIT Reports Provide accurate NT
Accommodations to CETE
Use AYP/QPA Verification Check to review and
signoff on data sets used for AYP reporting and
QPA determination
Use AYP/QPA Data Correction Request to request a
window for submitting to KIDS (AUPD, EOYA, EXIT)
to correct your data
5To correct data after the data submission window
closes youll submit a request to open the window
for KIDS and submit the corrected data.
6The Road to Data AccuracyAYP and QPA
Mar Apr May
June July
Aug Sept Oct
Return Assessments to CETE
Media Briefings and Release to SBOE
Submit QPA Quality Criteria
Data Correction KIDS AUPD, EOYA, EXIT
Data Collection Review Review KIDS AUPD, EOYA,
EXIT Reports Provide accurate NT
Accommodations to CETE
Decision Appeals AYP QPA
Use AYP/QPA Verification Check to review and
signoff on data sets used for AYP reporting and
QPA determination
Use AYP/QPA Decision Appeal tool to file your
appeal for a change in your AYP status or QPA
Use AYP/QPA Data Correction Request to request a
window for submitting to KIDS (AUPD, EOYA, EXIT)
to correct your data
7To appeal either your AYP Status or QPA
Determination youll provide information
regarding what youre appealing and the
supporting information for your appeal.
8The Road to Data AccuracyAYP and QPA
Mar Apr May
June July
Aug Sept Oct
Return Assessments to CETE
Media Briefings and Release to SBOE
Submit QPA Quality Criteria
Data Correction KIDS AUPD, EOYA, EXIT
Data Collection Review Review KIDS AUPD, EOYA,
EXIT Reports Provide accurate NT
Accommodations to CETE
Decision Appeals AYP QPA
Use AYP/QPA Verification Check to review and
signoff on data sets used for AYP reporting and
QPA determination
Use AYP/QPA Decision Appeal tool to file your
appeal for a change in your AYP status or QPA
Use AYP/QPA Data Correction Request to request a
window for submitting to KIDS (AUPD, EOYA, EXIT)
to correct your data