Title: Zigbee Nations
1Zigbee Nations
- Team IPA
- Kirill Belyayev
- Amjad Chaudhry
- Arush Dhawan
- Aditya Kaundinya
- Bilal Yousufi
2Amjad ChaudhryIntroduction/Zigbee Outline
3In-Car Automation and Monitoring System
- Sensors are placed throughout a car and
wirelessly send data back to a central terminal - Data displayed on LCD
- Zigbee is used to transmit and receive Data
- Audio and Visual Warnings will be given if a
sensor detects something has fallen below the
4What is Zigbee?
- Zigbee is a short-range wireless connectivity
option ideal for low- power and low data rate
applications based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard - Zigbee devices may run for several years with
an original battery because of its low power
consumption. - It works well in noisy environments, mesh
networking - Zigbee operates at 2.4 GHz
- We will use Zigbee technology to measure
different components of a car and display the
data on a main LCD screen. - Tire Pressure
- Temperature
- Battery Voltage
- Proximity Sensor
- Fluid Sensor
- If any of the sensors detect a critical level our
system will be used to provide audio/visual
warnings to the driver.
- The basic steps in order to accomplish this goal
are to - Implement Zigbee Wireless Configuration. We send
one digital value from one chip to other chip. - Send Multiples Values and store them in some
database. - A/D Converter Convert Some Analog Signal to
Digital - Display the data on an LCD screen
- Our primary goal would be to make this system
modular. - For example, we could add any type of sensor, and
it would integrate into the system
- Minimum
- Zigbee Based Tire Pressure Monitor that transmits
data to a central terminal where it can be
displayed on a LCD - Optimal
- Multiple Sensors that transmit through Zigbee
Wirelessly to a central terminal, where that data
can be stored, manipulated, and displayed on a
Increase Reliability
Save Fuel. Increase Efficiency
- A 15 psi loss from the optimal tire pressure will
increase fuel consumption between 10 to 15 - Proper tire inflation will increase tire life by
over 25 - Proper tire inflation will also increase the
tires responsiveness, traction, and handling. - Other sensors will monitor the different
components of the car.
9System Architecture
10Bilal YousufiPower
11Physical Issues
- The Final Build will need to be hardened against
the elements such as - Shock (i.e. Bumpy Roads)
- Extreme Weather (Operating Temperature between
-20 C to 50 C - Sensors should have small temperature
coefficients or will need compensated based on
environmental factors - Waterproofed
12Power System
13Power Architecture for Primary Terminal
LCD Screen
Car Battery
Buck Converter
Main Terminal
Voltage Sensor
14Issues with using a Car Battery
- Battery Drain
- Auto-Off Switch if Battery Voltage drops too low
- Mechanical Hard Switch when not in use
- Power Surges on Car Start-Up
- Possible Solutions
- Capacitors in parallel with Battery
- UPS Connected to Battery
15Development Phase Overview
- We will use AC/DC Power Supplies to power up our
16Actual Build Overview
- The Car Battery will be the main source of power.
- A DC-DC Converter will be used to step-down to
the appropriate voltages - A Voltage Regulator will be used to ensure the
the microchips are safe from variations in the
battery voltage, temperature, and other
environmental factors
17Zigbee, Sensors, and Microcontrollers
- Burst Transmissions
- Development Phase
- Power Adapters
- Final Build
- Main Board will be Connected to Car Battery
- Sensors, and attached Zigbee will be powered by
18Zigbee, Sensors, and Microcontrollers
- Sensor and Zigbee Power Supply Issues
- The Wireless Sensors that are placed throughout
the car will need an independent power source - Sensors Maximum Power Dissipation 20mA
- Zigbee Transmitters Run at 3.3V. The sensors we
will using will run at voltage between 3V to 6V - Solution Buck-Boost Converter
19Kirill BelyayevUser Interface/Software
20Main Terminal
- OPTREX F-51851
- Graphic Monochrome LCD
- 240 x 64 dots
- 8 bit parallel
22Development Board 13192DSK-A0E
- Two 2.4 GHz wireless nodes compatible with the
IEEE 802.15.4 standard - MC13192 2.4 GHz RF data modem
- MC9S08GT60 low-voltage, low-power 8-bit MCU for
baseband operations - Integrated sensors
- MMA6261Q 1.5g X-Y-axis accelerometer MMA1260D
1.5g Z-axis accelerometer - Printed transmit-and-receive antennae
- Onboard expansion capabilities for external
application- specific development activities
- Onboard BDM port for MCU Flash reprogramming and
in- circuit hardware debugging - RS-232 port for monitoring and Flash programming
- LEDs and switches for demonstration, monitoring
and control - Connections for nine-volt battery or external
power supply - Hardware supports Freescale's IEEE 802.15.4 MAC
and example SMAC software - Preprogrammed accelerometer demonstration and
additional downloadable sample applications
- Metrowerks' CodeWarrior Development Studio for
HCS08 special edition Includes USB HCS08
BDM Multilink Programmer (13192DSK-BDM only)
NOTE Requires a HCS08 BDM Multilink
Programmer for debug and program capability
23Development Board
24Software Overview
- We will use CodeWarrior (developed by Freescale
Semicondoctor) as our programming environment. - The Microcontroller utilizes MAC(Media-Access-Con
trol) functions to instruct the Zigbee
transceiver. - We will be writing our code in the C language
with the use MAC functions. - Code will be written for the data
transmission/collection and the user interface.
25Aditya KaundinyaSensors
Micro Controller
Built Into Sensor Chip
27Tire Pressure Monitoring
- Used to warn driver of below-optimal tire
pressure. - GE NPX-1 sensor
- Battery Supply Voltage typically 3 V
- Digital output
- 450-1400 kPa pressure range
28Distance Sensor
- Used to warn driver of objects when backing out
of driveway, etc. - IR Proximity Sensor - Sharp GP2Y0A21YK
- 4.5 V to 5.5 V operating voltage
- 30 mA average current consumption
- 10 cm to 80 cm range (4" to 32")
29Temperature Sensor
- Can be used to automatically adjust temperature
within the car. - Sensirion - SHT10 sensor
- Temp. accuracy /- 0.5C _at_ 25 C
- Calibrated digital output (2-wire interface)
- Low power consumption (typ. 30 µW)
30Arush DhawanSensors/Logistics
31Voltage and Current Sensor for Battery
- A voltage sensor for detecting a terminal voltage
of a battery connected to a load. - A current sensor for detecting a current flowing
from the battery to the load. - Means for collecting the voltage value detected
by the voltage sensor and the current value
detected by the current sensor every
predetermined time. - The voltage and current values are then
transmitted to the main terminal which is then
displayed on the LCD screen. - Audible and/or visual warning when Voltage
becomes low (falls below 12V)
33Division of Labor
35Risks and Fallback Options
- Digital Wireless Technology is unfamiliar
technology for us. We are lacking experience with
Zigbee, and we might run out of time. - It will take at least a month to familiarize
ourselves with the technology. For this reason,
our project is scalable, and we can add or
subtract sensors depending on how much time we
have. - Sensors implementation ( Specifically - Sensor to
Zigbee Communication) will take significant time
to fully understand.
- Implement OBD (On-Board Diagnostics) with Zigbee
- Nearly all cars made after 1998 have a built in
OBD system that uses sensors all around the car,
usually only available to mechanics. - Not a Standardized System
- Proprietary Software used to download data from