Title: Template
Quadrupole Models TQ and HQ LHC IR Upgrades
Workshop October 3-4, 2005 Gian Luca Sabbi
2LARP Magnet Program Goals
Overall goal Provide options for future
upgrades of the LHC Interaction Regions
FY09 Milestone Demonstrate viability of
Nb3Sn technology for Quad-first option
1. Capability to deliver predictable,
reproducible performance TQ (Technology
Quads) D 90 mm, L 1 m, Gnom gt 200 T/m 2.
Capability to scale-up the magnet length
LQ (Long Quads) D 90 mm, L 4 m, Gnom gt 200
T/m 3. Capability to reach high gradients in
large apertures HQ (High Gradient Quads) D
90 mm, L 1 m, Gnom gt 250 T/m
3Model Magnet Parameters Aperture
- Optimal aperture for the LHC IR upgrade may be
larger than 90 mm - Difficult to finalize choice until several more
years - A 90 mm aperture was chosen for the quadrupole
models, because
- A) It is directly applicable to the LHC IR
upgrade - IR upgrade scenarios using 90 mm quads have
been developed - B) It is sufficient to investigate the critical
magnet RD issues - Conductor/cable designs and performance
- Magnetic design peak fields in the coil up to
15 Tesla - Mechanical design conductor stress up to
150-200 MPa - C) Larger apertures would lead to more costly,
less effective RD - Cross-section area increases linearly with
aperture - Conductor requirements for 4-m long and high
gradient models - Several models for each type are needed, with
practice spare coils - Larger aperture also impacts cost for tooling,
structures, testing etc.
4Model Parameters Gradient, Length
Gradient/coil field
- Quadrupole magnets are generally characterized
in terms of gradient - For magnet RD the coil peak field is a better
performance indicator - Goal of high gradient models is to demonstrate
15 Tesla coil field - Results can help determine the maximum
performance characteristic - Quad aperture/gradient will be scaled following
IR optimization - Benefits of moderate aperture choice apply to
high field model RD
Scale-up to long Nb3Sn magnets is a major RD
- fabrication of long lengths of conductor/cable
with uniform properties - stress control during coil reaction handling of
reacted coils - support structures, magnet assembly
A 4 meter length is considered adequate for
technology proof Magnetic parameters will be the
same for LQ as for TQ
5Technology Quads (TQ)
- Objective contribute to developing the
technology base for LQ HQ - evaluate conductor and cable performance
stability, stress limits - develop and select coil fabrication procedures
- select the mechanical design concept and support
structure - demonstrate predictable and reproducible
performance - Implementation two series, same coil design,
different structures - TQS models shell-based structure
- TQC models collar-based structure
- Magnet parameters
- 1 m length, 90 mm aperture, 11-13 T coil peak
field - Nominal gradient 200 T/m maximum gradient
215-265 T/m
6Conductor Coil Design
- Conductor
- Strand diameter 0.7 mm
- Cable 27 strands
- 1.0 degrees keystone
- Width 10.05 mm
- Mid-thickness1.26 mm
- Insulation S-2 glass sleeve
- Coil
- double-layer shell
- one (inner layer) wedge/octant
TQ1a/2a coil cross-section
7TQS01 Shell-based Structure
- Concept
- Aluminum shell over yoke and pads
- Assembly based on bladders and keys
- Advantages
- Can deliver very high pre-stress
- Large pre-stress increase at cool-down
- Easy assembly/disassembly/reassembly
- RD issues
- Coil alignment, field quality
- Long vs. segmented shells
TQS01 test expected to take place in
February-March 2006
8TQC01 Collar-based Structure
- Concept
- Support by thick SS collars
- Assembly w/external press
- Advantages
- Proven coil positioning
- Proven length scale-up
- RD issues
- Deliver required pre-stress
- Pre-stress overshoot
- Flexibility for RD
TQS01 test expected to take place in April-May
9High-Gradient Quads (HQ)
Goal achieve 15 T coil field (300 T/m in the
90 mm aperture)
3-layer G260-290 T/m
4-layer G280-310 T/m
10HQ Design Issues
Conductor - strand (optimal design, critical
current at high field) - cable (limits on
maximum width keystone angle) Magnetic -
number of layers (cable design, winding
issues) - use of wedges, conductor grading, end
field optimization Mechanical - collar-based
vs. shell-based structure - structure and coil
alignment - end axial support Integration -
coordination with model magnet, supporting
RD - coordination with IR magnets study -
fabrication, cost and schedule considerations -
target parameters, design features, RD plan
11IR Quad Design Space