Title: Turnitin'com
2Quickstart Tutorial for Students
This Student user guide will walk you through the
steps necessary to start submitting papers to
your instructors class.
- Internet-based plagiarism detection service.
- Turnitin has been helping millions of faculty and
students in 51 countries to improve writing and
research skills, encourage collaborative online
learning, ensure originality of student work, and
save instructors' time.
- Step 1 - Setting Up Your User Profile
- Step 2 - Logging In
- Step 3 - Enrolling in a Class
- Step 4 - Submitting a Paper
- Option 1 - by cut and paste
- Option 2 - by file upload
- Step 5 - Viewing Your Submissions
5Step 1-Setting Up Your User Profile
- All Turnitin users must have a user profile.
- Click create a user profile to create a new
user profile - The new user wizard will walk you through the
profile creation process.
6Setting Up Your User Profile-continue
- Follow the on-screen instructions.
- Select student to be the type of user.
7Setting Up Your User Profile-continue
- Once you have created your profile, you can use
the class enrollment wizard to enroll in your
first class by clicking the start class
enrollment wizard link.
8Setting Up Your User Profile-continue
- If you would prefer to login and enroll in your
class manually, click the "return to login page"
9Step 2-Logging In
- To login to Turnigin, enter your email address
and password. Click login to open your student
10Step 3-Enrolling in a Class
- Unless your instructor has added you to his or
her class, you will need to enroll in your class
manually. To enroll in a class, click the "enroll
in a class button or here.
11Enrolling in a Class-continue
- On the next screen, enter the class id and
enrollment password. Please contact your
instructor if he or she has not provided you with
this information. - Click submit to enroll in the class and add it to
your homepage.
12Step 4-Submitting a Paper
- Your class now appears on your homepage. Click on
the name of the class to "enter" your class and
access your class portfolio.
13Submitting a Paper-continue
- You have now opened your class portfolio. Your
portfolio shows the assignments your instructor
has created. To submit a paper to an assignment,
click the submit button next to an assignment.
14Submitting a Paper-continue
- The paper submission page will open.
- You can submit a paper in two ways
- By cut and paste
- By file upload
15Option 1-by cut and paste
- Select cut and paste form the submission
pulldown menu. - Enter a title for your paper.
- Then cut and paste your paper into the text box.
16Option 2-by file upload
- Select file upload form the submission pulldown
menu. - Enter a title for your paper.
17File upload-continue
- To select a paper for submission, click on the
"browse" button and locate the paper on your
computer. - Papers can be submitted in MS Word, WordPerfect,
RTF, PDF, PostScript, HTML, and plain text
formats. - Once you have completed the form, click on the
"submit" button.
18File upload-continue
- Click yes, submit to confirm your submission.
19Step 5-Viewing Your Submissions
- After you confirm your submission, a digital
receipt will be shown. This receipt will also be
sent to you by email. To return to your portfolio
and view your submission, click the portfolio
20Viewing Your Submissions-continue
- Then you will see your portfolio and the name of
paper you submit. - Every paper you submit can be viewed online by
clicking on its title in your portfolio.
- you will have access to Originality Reports from
your class portfolio only if your instructor
allows students to view Originality Reports.