Title: Collecting VTEA Data: How to verify your VTEA Headcount
1Collecting VTEA Data How to verify your VTEA
- Chuck Wiseley
- CCC Chancellors Office
- Why bother
- VTEA requirements
- Money
- Students
- Certification What is it?
- VTEA reports 1 2
- Question break
- Data
- What data?
- Data sources
- Ways of Collecting the data
- Auditable sources
3Vocational Technical Education Act (VTEA)
- Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Technical
Education Act of 1998 (aka VTEA) - Special Populations
- Program Improvements Student Success
- Funding distribution formula
4VTEA Special Populations
- Earmarks assuming service Reporting
outcomes - Special Pops Source
- individuals with disabilities
- individuals from economically disadvantaged
families, including foster children - individuals preparing for nontraditional training
and employment - single parents, including single pregnant women
- displaced homemakers and
- individuals with other barriers to educational
achievement, including individuals with limited
English proficiency.
5VTEA Student Performance Skill Attainment 2004-5
6VTEA Student Performance Skill Attainment 2004-5
7Why focus on low performance?
- It is the Right thing to do!
- Eliminating/Reducing Barriers
- We can only help students succeed when we know
who needs our help. - Reauthorization of Perkins
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- Program Improvement Status
- Annual Yearly Progress (AYP)
- Negotiated Performance Targets
- Applications must address low performance areas
- On ALL measures for all populations
8State split of funds
- California Community Colleges (CCC) California
Department of Education (CDE) - Vocational students
- Vocational Flag on TOP Code () and/or
- SAM Priority A D
- Section 132 - Postsecondary Funds to districts
- Vocational Economically Disadvantaged counts
- CDE - Regional Occupational Centers/ Programs
Adult Education - CCC - Credit and Non-Credit Programs
9VTEA funding distribution requirements
- The Act (VTEA)
- Section 132(a)
- (2) - Pell grant Bureau of Indian Affairs
assistance recipients - (b) Waiver
- California State Plan Appendix J - Waiver
- 1. Board of Governors Grant (BOGG)
- 2. Pell Grant
- 3. CalWORKs (formerly AFDC)
- 4. WIA/JTPA (Workforce Investment Act)
- 5. Supplementary Security Income (SSI)
- 6. General Assistance
- 7. Bureau of Indian Affairs assistance
- 8. An adult who is eligible for economic public
assistance or student fund aid and/or an annual
income below the poverty line as defined by the
county of eligibility - 9. Other economically disadvantaged individuals
10Certification What is it?
- Audit document
- Limits CO audits to data submission
- Supporting documents held at district
- Certification language
- Final expenditure reports
- YTD expenditure reports
- VTEA Allocation certification
- Auditable source
- Documents,
- Data, and/or
- Process of validation in place
11VTEA Final Report of Expenditures
Certification All expenditures shown on this
claim are supported with documentation and comply
with applicable State and Federal regulations
12supported by documented deliverables
13Supported by auditable sources
14VTEA reports 1 2
- MIS data submitted to CO
- Report 1
- Categories of Unduplicated Headcounts by College
- Report 2
- Vocational Education Student Duplicate Counts by
Economic Disadvantaged Categories - Data Collection Specifications
15(No Transcript)
16VTEA Report 1
17VTEA Report 2
Financial Aid CalWORKs JTPA / WIA
Supplemental data - self declared, Docs data
matches auditable Other
Eligible for CDSS???
18VTEA Rpt 1, Column 6 Goes here
19Data resubmission timeline
- November
- Timeline memo
- December or January
- Preliminary Reports run
- January
- Data resubmission window
- February
- Final Report run
20Validating MIS submissionsCCCCO MIS Data
Submissions Annual Headcounts
21(No Transcript)
22The magic happens here!
Chancellors Office
District data
VTEA counts
23The magic explained here!
Chancellors Office
District data
VTEA counts
Data Collection Specifications
24Question Break
- Topics
- Special Pops
- Performance
- Reauthorization
- VTEA Reports 1 2
- Certification
- Validation process
25The data
- Data to Reports
- SAM Codes
- TOP Codes
- Data Elements
- Data Flow
- Maximizing identification of Special Pops
26Student Accountability Model (SAM)Priority Code
For Courses
- A - Apprenticeship
- Has approval of the Division of Apprenticeship
Standards - B Advanced Vocational
- No more than two courses in any one program
- Has a C prerequisite in the same program area
- C Clearly Occupational
- Taken in the middle stage of a program, detracts
"drop-ins." (Job specific skills) - D Possibly Occupational
- Taken in the beginning stages of a program
- Can be survey course
- E Non-Occupational
- Appendix 10 of the California State Plan for VTEA
- http//www.cccco.edu/divisions/esed/cte/resources/
27Taxonomy of Programs
- Course and Program
- Vocational Flag () on TOP code
- Designed to identify vocational Programs for
federal reporting - Vocational content for courses
- Taxonomy of Programs,
- Fifth Edition, February 1995
- Sixth Edition, Nov. 2004, Corrected Version
- Example
28(No Transcript)
29Course Voc Status/SAM Report
30Data ElementsMIS System
- General Elements
- Student Characteristics
- Demographics
- Academic
- Program Status
- Financial Aid
31Data Elements, ContinuedMIS System
- Course Elements
- Section Elements
- Session Elements
- Enrollment Elements
- Program Award
32Data Elements, ContinuedMIS System
- Student VTEA Data Elements
- Economically Disadvantaged
- Single Parent
- Displaced Homemaker
- Cooperative Work Experience Education
- Tech Prep
33Data Flow College
Data collection
Types of data
34Data Flow Chancellors Office
35Data Summary
- All of the MIS data is important
- Relational database
- Data Integrity
- Complete
- Accurate
- Reliable
- Timely
- Your Data
- http//www.cccco.edu/divisions/tris/mis/dedmain.ht
36Data types
- Static
- Gender (determining nontrad)
- Limited English Proficient
- Disabled
- Temporal
- Single Parent including single pregnant female
- Displaced Homemaker
- Economically Disadvantaged
37Data sources
- Student Services
- CalWORKs
- Financial Aid
- County Matches
- Meds, SSI/SSP, Public benefits
- Student self reporting
38Ways of Collecting the data
- Self reported data
- Supplemental data collection
- Classroom Surveys
- Paper (scanned)
- Electronic
- Registration
- Web, Phone, Paper (scanned)
- Student Services
- Financial Aid, EOPS, DSPS, CalWORKs
- Vocational courses or all students
39Supplemental data collection Classroom surveys
- Faculty participation
- Buy-in ( deans)
- Letters (process) Scripts
- Labor intensive
- Logistics
- Distribution, collection, input
- Coverage
- 70 of faculty agree
- 70 of students complete survey
- 49 coverage
- Impacts the learning process
40Supplemental data collectionAt Registration
- Maximizes coverage
- Least impact on learning process
- Requires collaboration across campus
- Students complete as a requirement to enroll
- Who?
- Required for Voc course enrollment only
- All students at registration
- Gap analysis possible for all program areas
- Free up resources for analysis
- Service gaps
- Performance gaps and exceptional practices
41Considerations for questions
- 3-4 questions
- Single parent
- Displaced homemaker
- Economically disadvantaged
- Household/Family size
- Household/Family Income
- Use BOG family/income standards for eligibility
- Change annually
- Market BOG waiver
- In 5 Eligibility receipt
- Collecting Data for Special Populations VTEA
Supplemental Data Collection Study Early
Results (Wiseley, 2002) - Avoid labeling (e.g., Are you Economically
42Collecting Data for Special Populations excerpts
- In one question (current BOG table goes to 8
43Another example in one question
44Some do both
- Household size income
- Determine eligibility
- BOG fee waiver standards
- Receipt of financial assitance
45Determine Eligibility
46Self-reported receipt
47Retention of paper surveys after scanning or key
- Title 5 sections 59022-59027 apply.
- Keep a master copy of the survey,
- Document the scanning/input of the surveys into
the database, - Verify certify that the database accurately
reflects the hard copy, - Keep sample and printed database records used to
validate scanning with certification, - Keep electronic records seven years after use,
- Dispose of the surveys.
48Certification of Auditable sources
- Validating MIS submission
- Rejected records
- Duplicate counts in local data
- Validated scanning documents on file
- Copies of supplemental data collection
instruments - Change each year Keep BOG income standards
- Certification of auditable sources
- Collecting Data for Special Populations - Early
Results http//www.cccco.edu/divisions/esed/cte/re
sources/resources.htm - Myrna Huffman
- (916) 327-2246
- mhuffman_at_cccco.edu
- Chuck Wiseley
- (916) 327-5895
- cwiseley_at_cccco.edu