Title: Protection
Tier 1 Definition The ability to
prevent/mitigate adverse effects of attacks on
personnel (combatant/non-combatant) and physical
assets of the United States, allies and friends.
- Issues
- Seam between Protection and Force Application,
particularly in regards to offensive measures
taken to prevent an attack. Combating WMD
community want Elimination to remain a tier 4.
Aspects of Mission visibility, aspects of
Capability Portfolio Management
as of 20 Jul 07
2Force Application
Level 1 Definition The ability to integrate the
use of maneuver and engagement to create the
effects necessary to achieve mission objectives.
- Issues
- FA Influence, particularly in the area of
Information Operations. Force Application feels
strongly that Electronic Attack and Computer
Network Attack are applied force and not within
the Influence definition. - FA and Logistics still need to agree on the
wording of where movement ends and maneuver
begins (probably when unit being moved is in a
combat ready formation). - Joint Targeting is a seam between w/ BA C2.
- Combat Engineering is a seam with Logistics not
sure where enhancing mobility/counter-mobility
fit in the construct. - Seam with Protection mentioned above.
Level 1 Definition The ability to shape the
decisions, action, and/or perceptions of key
leaders and relevant populations by delivering
thematic messages and conducting activities in
order to advance the interests of the USG and its
key partners, while strengthening key U.S.
international relationships.
- Issues
- Influence is the least well-understood tier 1
JCA. It lacks mature source documents such as
doctrine, schoolhouse literature, etc. to draw
on. - Seam with Force Application. This was initially
worked out during the phase 1 of the JCABR by the
inclusion of enemy in the Force Application
definition, and its absence in the Influence
definition. This amounted to meaning anything
done to influence enemies belonged in Force
Application, and influencing all others belonged
to Influence. This relationship is being
revisited to determine the best way to
distinguish between these two tier 1 JCAs.