Title: Transfund Presentation
1- Transfund Presentation
- RCA Forum
- 29th August 2003
2 - Presentation Outline
- The National Land Transport ProgrammeThe 10 Year
Forecast - The Land Transport Management Bill
- The New Zealand Transport Strategy The Funding
Allocation Framework Review - The Financial Assistance Rate Review
3NLTP 2003/2004
- A land transport programme
- Roading dominates
- Maintenance a high priority
- Urban focus for new construction
4NLTP 2003/2004
- Opportunity window for new city roads closing
- Some vital links to complete
- Rural NZ not neglected
- Programme expenditure - 1.19 billion
- Anticipated benefits - 4.5 billion
5RESULTS 1998 Maintenance per km Maintenance
per Vkm Smooth ride Skid resistance
6National Land Transport Programme2003/2004 NLTP
NLTP up 90 million up 8
7NLTP 2003/2004
- Northland, Tairawhiti regional development
- Walking and cycling
- Passenger Transport patronage growth
- Passenger rail development
- 10 year plan transparency raising debate
- Reflects what we know now
810 Year Forecast
- The deficit is hypothetical
- Forecast reflects a push to deliver
- Forecast is a result of todays process
- Includes a lot of provisional allocations
- Forecast assisted 03/04 NLTP
9Land Transport Management Bill
- Expecting enactment later this year
- Expected to reinforce the NZ Transport Strategy
- Transfund will be required to achieve broad
objectives - Effectiveness of investment will be our focus
- Effectiveness includes economic rigour
- Future programmes will be strategy driven
10The Funding Allocation Framework
- Transfunds main task is to prepare and operate a
National Land Transport Programme - Our primary methodology is the Funding Allocation
Framework - This is under review now
- It will be different from the current one
- We have a busy time ahead to make it useful to
you for your 2004/2005 budgeting
11Transfunds Funding Allocation Framework - Past
Area andFunction Strategies
National LandTransport Programme
12Transfunds Funding Allocation Framework - Present
FundingAllocationFramework (1)
Government Priorities
Area andFunction Strategies
National LandTransport Programme
BCR 4Past
13Transfunds Funding Allocation Framework - Future
FundingAllocation Framework (2)
NZ StrategiesNZTS
Area andFunction Strategies
Government Priorities
National LandTransport Programme
BCR 4Past
14New Zealand Transport Strategy
- Objectives
- Assisting economic development
- Assisting safety and personal security
- Improving access and mobility
- Protecting and promoting public health
- Ensuring environmental sustainability
15Transfund New Zealand
- Objectives like these suggest
- your LTCCPs will have to address them
- Transfund will need to use your processes to meet
its requirements - project evaluation still important
- but building a programme requires longer term
strategic overview
16Financial Assistance Review
- Process
- Scoping study of financial assistance policy
- Emphasis on maintenance and construction of local
roads - Board approved terms of reference November 2002
- Discussions at staff level with 32 RCAs
- Recommendations considered by Board August 2003
- Views from Discussions
- Mixed views on current FAR methodology
- Urban authorities relatively happy
- Rural authorities relatively unhappy
- Basic maintenance being sustained
- But at cost of increasing rate burden
- Necessary improvements not affordable for some
Repeatedly raised issues
- Rating increases - infrastructure
investment - environmental requirements - Rising property values - FAR goes
down - pressure on limited resources - Urban fringe - infrastructure investment - reside
ntial and commercial development - Arterial roads - heavy through traffic - higher
maintenance costs- same FAR - Rural roads - width and strength
below requirements - logging harvest
- Preliminary Assessment
- Network has been improving over time
- No evidence national network is being under
maintained - Not clear whether necessary construction
investment is in decline - More work needed on improvement trends (looking
- Preliminary Assessment
- Fair funding balance difficult to quantify
- No perfectly fair formula
- International research shows no superior system
- NZ formula does take into account relevant
factors - large networks with high costs attract higher FAR
- sudden changes in land value damped
- Boards direction
- Adjusting the formula to increase the range
- Lifting the overall contribution
- Increase FAR for construction