Title: Hydrodynamic Instability in the QuarkGluon Plasma
1Hydrodynamic Instabilityin the Quark-Gluon Plasma
- Carlos E. Aguiar
- Instituto de Física - UFRJ
C.E.A., E.S. Fraga, T. Kodama, nucl-th/0306041
2- Outline
- Introduction explosive hadronization
- Thermodynamics of the chiral phase transition
- Supercooling and spinodal decomposition
- Hydrodynamics of the chiral phase transition
- Fluid mechanical instability in the QGP
- Comments
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4Heavy Ion Collisions at High Energies
5Heavy Ion Collisions at High Energies
SPH calculation
6Explosive Hadronization?
___ strong 1st order ...... weak 1st order - - -
crossover D. Zschiesche et al. Phys. Rev. C 65
(2002) 064902
sudden emission
7The Phase Diagram of Strongly Interacting Matter
8Lattice QCD and Freezeout States
Z. Fodor and S. D. Katz, Phys. Lett. B 534
(2002) 87, JHEP 0203 (2002) 014
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11Thermodynamics of theChiral Phase Transition
Linear sigma model
12Partition function
Effective potential
- mean field approximation ? ? lt?gt
13Effective Potential
14Supercooling and Spinodal Decomposition
15Pressure and Chiral Field
First order
17Pressure and Chiral Field
19Chiral Phase Diagram
20T-n Diagram
21Hydrodynamics of the Chiral Phase Transition
22Chiral Hydrodynamics
23Wave Motion
Perturbation ofequilibrium
24Chiral and Sound Modes
Dispersion relation
Long wavelengths
sound waves
chiral waves
25Hydrodynamic Instability
then ?s2 lt 0, and the sound modes become
unstable, growing exponentially instead of
propagating. This instability occurs before the
chiral spinodal line (m?2 0) is reached. More
importantly, the crossover region (m?2 ? 0) is
26Hydrodynamic Instability in the QGP
27Instability Line in the T-n Plane
28- In summary
- The nonequilibrium chiral condensate changes
qualitatively the hydrodynamical behavior of
the QGP - Explosive hadronization doesnt need spinodal
decomposition, and can occur even in the
crossover region.
29- Final comments
- This is a very general effect it doesnt depend
on specific aspects of the sigma model. - The instability develops even for very slow
cooling, contrary to spinodal decomposition. - Finite size effects may be important in nuclei
?min 5 fm at the critical point - Implications for the hadronization process in
- heavy ion collisions (?)
- early universe (!)