Title: The Mobile Manager: Increasing Your Personal Productivity
1The Mobile Manager Increasing Your Personal
1.00 Introduction Warren Westcott State
Director ACHSE What is Mobile
Computing? Clinical Professional
Applications of Handheld Computing 3.30 Afternoon
Tea What Mobile Computing means for the work
/ life balance Future developments in mobile
computing 5.00 Conclusion of workshop
3What Sort of Uses for the PDA?
- The Usual
- Contacts
- Appointments
- To Dos
- Email
- Memos
4What Sort of Uses for the PDA?
- But also you can
- read books on your PDA (if you really want to!)
- use it with spreadsheets
- and databases
- Airline check in desks
- Post codes
- Clothing size conversion
- Morse code and more
- and checklists
5What Sort of Uses for the PDA?
- Health specific
- Pharmacopoeia
- Articles to read
- Specific databases for clinical areas
- Specific application for tasks and/or departments
6What Sort of Uses for the PDA?
It can be really useful when you are traveling
- As many international times as you want
- An alarm clock
- A currency converter
- A specialised itinerary tracker
7What Sort of Uses for the PDA?
- And there are also
- Games of course!
- Your personal training record
- Expense tracker
- Phone call log
- ...... and just about anything else you can think
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9Web Sites
- http//www.palm.com/
- http//www.handango.com
- http//www.palmpilot.com/
- http//www.palmgear.com/
- http//www.pilotzone.com/
- http//www.palmblvd.com/
- http//www.eurocool.com/
- http//www.isaac.cs.berkeley.edu/pilot/
10Digital Cameras
11Digital Cameras
- Uses
- Sending images
- Storing images
13How well do you manage your email?
- Often fail to read all your new messages on the
day? - Have trouble identifying the important messages?
- Dread returning to a full inbox?
- Dont have time to sort and file your email?
- Often store messages to deal with later?
- Frequently need to find email messages but cant?
14Managing your Email - 1
To help you manage your email
- Set up folders for subject areas or recipients
and direct your emails to them - Flag emails you need to respond to
- File attachments where you can find them
- Link your mail to appointments to-dos
15Managing Your Email - 2
- Here are more things you can do to manage your
- Set up rules to highlight important emails
- Set up rules to forward automatic replies
- Organise your emails by date or by sender
- Filter emails
- Add or remove fields
16HTML or not to HTML?
- HTML is a special format in which your mail can
be sent. You can send in fancy formats, include
photos, art work, colours, special fonts etc. - BUT Remember
Some people can only receive plain text and
will not be able to read your email
Its easy to attach just about anything to an email
- Receiving
- Do you know the sender?
- Are you expecting the email attachment?
- What if I cant open it?
- Sending
- Are the recipients likely to be able to open it?
- What is the size of the attachment?
18What do I do if the file I receive is Zipped?
- Zip files are "archives" used for distributing
and storing files. Zip files contain one or more
files. Usually the files "archived" in a Zip are
compressed to save space.
- Yes, you can pick up a virus just about anywhere
- You NEED anti-virus software
- At home as well as work
20Review How to Manage Mail
5 Principles of good email management Manage
your mail dont let it manage you
- Email is only one method of communication
sometimes other ways are more appropriate - Set aside time each day to answer your mail
rather than looking at it over the day - Use follow-ups to ensure you dont miss items
- Use folders and categories to organise your mail
- Link your mail with appointments, contacts and
to-do lists
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