Title: Social Promotion
1Social Promotion
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- Foundations II
- November 21, 2003
- Completed by
- Heather OConnell
- Ron Unson
2If a student fails to meet the requirements, they
may either be Socially Promoted or Retained
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- Social Promotion allowing students who have
failed to meet performance standards and academic
requirements to pass on to the next grade with
their peers instead of completing or satisfying
the requirements. - Retention student is held back in the grade
level that they did not pass.
3Results of Social Promotion(Passing on Failure)
- Unprepared for college and future employment
- Undermines students futures when they fail to
develop critical study and job-related skills - Reduces the value of diplomas
- Decreases other students motivation
- Does nothing to increase student achievement
- Little worth
- Ignores and hides student failure
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4Results of Retention
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- Drop-out rates increase by 20-40 percent
- Lowered self-esteem and reduced self confidence
- Typically do worse academically
- Higher deficit in the area of reading
- Increased behavior problems
- Increased risk of health-compromising behaviors
such as emotional distress, cigarette use,
alcohol use, etc - Generates anxiety
- Every 9 seconds a child drops out of school
5Both Social Promotion and Retention are
inadequate choices because
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- Neither choice is preventative of failure
- Both try to remedy the problems after they have
occurred and it is usually too late --- damage
has been done - Neither closes the learning gap for low-achieving
students - Neither is an appropriate response to the
academic needs of students experiencing
difficulty in mastering content
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- Provide early reading programs
- Implement tutoring and mentoring programs with
peer, cross-age, or adult tutors - Provide appropriate education services
- Extend learning time
- Restructuring the learning environment
- Individualized improvement
- Alternative schools
- Transitional programs
- Summer school
- multi-age and multi-grades
- Schools-within-a-school
- Looping
7Early Intervention is occurring more to serve as
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8Works Sited
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- http//www.ncrel.org/sdrs/areas/issues/students/at
risk/at800.htm - Retention vs. Social Promotion http//www.edletter
.org/past/issues/1999-jf/retention.shtml - Social promotion and grade retention
on.html - Psychologists view http//www.nasponline.org/info
rmation/pospaper_graderetent.html - Ending Social Promotion - http//www.ed.gov/pubs/s
ocialpromotion/intro.html - Social promotions and students with disabilities
- http//www.ldonline.org/ld_indepth/legal_legislati
ve/nceo_synthesis_report34.html - Should we end social promotion? Truth vs
Consequence http//
ieUTF-8 - http//highered.mcgraw-hill.com/sites/0072397810/s
tudent_view0/chapter10/multiple_choice_quiz.html - No social promotion no kidding http//www.national