After serving four years as the wine steward for a Dallas-based fine dining ... of the Fine Spirits Emporium in Alamo Heights, an upscale community just north ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
To build and support a nation-wide association of Wine UnClub Member Stores that all wish to implement a professionally designed, user-friendly program of connecting, educating and informing their existing staff and clientele, as well as attracting new wine customers through an entertaining, relationship-oriented approach to the complex world of wine.
3 Historical Overview
After serving four years as the wine steward for a Dallas-based fine dining establishment (Arthur's), Don created the Fine Spirits Wine UnClub in 1984 (while managing a legendary San Antonio wine shop). This Un-Club was originally intended as a user-friendly program to help wine enthusiasts learn more about the subject while enjoying wine as an everyday pleasure. It was determined that an alternative wine club was needed to accommodate those individuals who weren't part of the more exclusive wine societies then in place in the U.S.
Don's focus on fun and friendly wine education was further developed through his local involvement with offering extensive 4-part wine appreciation classes under the auspices of the Texas Department of Agriculture (at the former Joske's Store in San Antonio). Don also was until recently a long-term steering committee member of the KLRN Annual Wine Cuisine Tasting (now called the Winter Wine Festival). In 2000 Don innovated an educational dinner tasting series based on The Home Wine Course called The Wine Olympics, a judged wine competition with audience participation benefiting Special Olympics and Big Brothers/Big Sisters of South Texas.
Don currently is the 'cellarmaster' of the Fine Spirits Emporium in Alamo Heights, an upscale community just north of downtown San Antonio. The Fine Spirits Emporium is a proof-positive 'bricks mortar' example of the proposed National Wine UnClub program, available for all to see.
4 Features
12-Part Home Wine Course - available online at - can be used by your customers as a presentation-oriented traditional wine course program or for home-based study. Allows for an in-store Region of the Month soft-sell display as well as a source of ideas for theme-based wine events. Also useful as a staff-training tool to quickly qualify owners, managers new staff.
A Discovery Wine is recommended regularly via internet with full color photos and short, pithy reviews. These wines can be displayed in a front area of the Member Store to build sales as well as to form a week-by-week monthly Discovery Wine program that can be further promoted through traditional print ads or e-mail ads.
Recommended Wines for Tasting in Inexpensive and Moderate categories are offered for each of the twelve segments of The Home Wine Course to help you facilitate your customers wine exploration.
Recommended Wines for Tasting are also useful as ideas for a core wine-set for new stores or regular store re-sets.
Monthly Newsletter- Use this as a mailer to your in-store wine un-club members or just offer it to your general clientele as they shop your store. Stamp the generic newsletter with your individual store name to personalize. Include your own inserts for special wine sales, events, or other general info you want to include.
Universal Wine UnClub Member cards a national Wine UnClub Member card used to identify store wine customers (either sold as membership dues or given away to top wine customers to build your clientele). Used by your customer to get store wine discounts. This card can be serialized and tracked nationally by bar code and computer so that your customer can use his/her card at Member Stores around the U.S. This card helps to create the overall cohesiveness of the National Wine UnClub program.
9 Member Store Dues Start-Up
Each Member Store pays annual dues in the amount of 500. This qualifies them for the full range of management and consulting services offered through the National Wine UnClub program.
Each paid-in-full Member Store will receive The Home Wine Course reference book and how-to manual as well as 100 Universal Wine UnClub membership cards to help them initiate the program in their location.
10 Target Stores
The National Wine UnClub program is designed to help the fledgling wine shop that is seeking a way to build customer relationship and loyalty.
Possibilities in this regard include Mom and Pop stores to upscale groceries and small chains that havent yet developed a cohesive wine sales strategy. This program can also be used by a non-retail wine society.
11 Contact Info
To contact Don White for more information on The National Wine UnClub program