Title: Welcome to the Carman Collegiate Course Selection Evening
1Welcome to the Carman CollegiateCourse
Selection Evening
- Credit Information and Options
- Grade 9
2Province of Manitoba Graduation Requirements
- Gr. 9 -----------30 credits
- Credits required Compulsory 17 Credits.
- Optional 13
Credits. - Diplomas Offered English Diploma
- Dual Diploma
- Dual Diploma requires a minimum of 8 credits in a
selected Technology Field.
3Educational Codes
ELA 10 F
- First character in number refers to grade
- 1 is grade 9
- 2 is grade 10
- 3 is grade 11
- 4 is grade 12
Letter following number is course type F is
Foundation G is General S is Specialized
- Second character in number refers to credit value
or nature of development - 0 is full credit course
- 5 is half credit course
- 1 is full credit course developed by school (SIC)
4Educational Codes
- Examples
- ELA 10F Grade 9 English Foundation course worth
1 credit (for all students). - Futures in Business 25G- Grade 10 Business
general course worth .5 credits.
5Grade 9 Compulsory Courses
- English Language Arts 10F
- Mathematics 10F
- Science 10F
- Social Studies 10F
- Physical Education/Health 10G
- Provincial Requirements
6Grade 10 Compulsory Courses
- English Language Arts 20F
- Mathematics 20S
- Essential Math
- Introduction to Applied and Pre-Calculus Math
- Geography 20G
- Science 20F
- Physical Education/Health 20G
- Provincial Requirements
7Grade 11 Compulsory Courses
- English Language Arts 30S
- Mathematics 30S
- Pre-Calculus Math
- Applied Math
- Essential Math
- History 30S
- Physical Education 30
- Minimum of 5 credits at the Grade 11 level
- Provincial Requirements
8Grade 12 Compulsory Courses
- English Language Arts 40S
- Comprehensive Focus, or
- Transactional Focus
- Mathematics 40S/45S
- Pre-Calculus Math 40S
- Applied Math 40S
- Essential Math 40S
- Physical Education 40
- Minimum of 5 credits at the Grade 12 level
- Provincial Requirements
9Grade 10 Grade 12 Mathematics
Math 10 Grade 9 Essential Math 20 Intro
to Applied and Pre-Calc Math 20 Essential
Math 30 Applied Math 30 Pre-Calculus Math
30 Essential Math 40 Applied Math
40 Pre-Calculus Math 40
10Grade 10 Grade 12 Mathematics
Essential Mathematics This pathway is designed to
provide students with the mathematical
understandings and critical-thinking
skills identified for entry into the majority of
trades and for direct entry into the work force.
Topics include algebra, geometry, measurement,
number, statistics and probability.
11Grade 10 Grade 12 Mathematics
Applied Mathematics This pathway is designed to
provide students with the mathematical
understandings and critical-thinking
skills identified for post-secondary studies in
programs that do not require the study of
theoretical calculus. Topics include financial
mathematics, geometry, logical reasoning, measurem
ent, number, relations and functions,
statistics and probability.
12Grade 10 Grade 12 Mathematics
Pre-Calculus Mathematics This pathway is designed
to provide students with the mathematical
understandings and critical-thinking
skills identified for entry into post-secondary
programs that require the study of theoretical
calculus. Topics include algebra and number,
measurement, permutations, combinations and
binomial theorem, .relations and functions, and
13(No Transcript)
14What is Career and Technology Studies?
- CTS is a strategy developed by the Prairie Rose
S.D. - Enables students to access Senior Years
Technology Education options. (not a vocational
school but opportunities) - CTS aligns learning opportunities in school and
community settings that result in highly
individualized, flexible programming. - Optional courses from Technology Education
(Electronics, Building Systems, Home Economics,
and Business/ Computer Studies) are combined with
community-based Career Internship, and Career
Path Management activity from across the
curriculum to create 'programs'.
15Technology Education
- Lab Courses
- Electronics
- Building Systems Technology
- Home Economics
- Business courses
- Computer Education
- Art Mentorship
16Technology Education
- Integrating technology into classrooms
- - Soil and Water kits
- - Precision Ag Biotechnology
- - Lego Mindstorms (Robotics)
- - Wind Turbines
- Summer Camps RRC
- - Animation Club
- - Girls in Gaming
17Career Internship
- Community-based options and credits
- Subject specific mentorship
- Senior Years Apprenticeship Option
18Career Development or Career Path Management
- Exploration
- Planning for the future
- Learning about the world of work
- Portfolio building
- Post-secondary connections
- Articulation agreements
- Memo of understanding
19Grade 9 Course Selection
- All grade 9 students are signed up for
- Compulsory Courses (5 credits) ELA 10, Math 10,
Science 10, Soc. St. 10, PE/Health 10 - Optional Courses (3.5 credits) ICT I and II 15
(computer literacy courses), French 10, Business
15 and 25, Drama 15. - Transitional Math will be required by assigned
students. - Students have the following choices
- Pick one of
- Music 10
- Art 10
20Grade 9 Course Selection
- Check your choice for Home Ec / IA
- Clothing, Housing, and Design 15
- Foods 15
- Technology Studies 10
- Combination of Wood Working and Electronics
- All students will be registered for IA / Home Ec
courses (1 credit). Full attempt is made to
accommodate all student requests for IA / Home
Ec, but the school must ensure that class sizes
are reasonable. - Depending on course selections, student could
exit grade 9 with 10 to 11 credits.
21Course Selection Forms
- Please complete and turn in form with parent
signature to Jeannette at front office by Tuesday
May 5, 2009