Title: LiMON in Intensive Care Medicine
1LiMON in Intensive Care Medicine
- The Plasma Disappearance Rate of ICG-PULSION
(PDR) is influenced by liver function and liver
perfusion. - Changes of ICG-PDR within a short period of time
are reflecting liver respectively splanchnic
perfusion, as the function of liver cells does
not change rapidly. - LiMON provides an easy, fast and non-invasive
monitoring of liver and splanchnic perfusion.
3Scientific facts I
- PDR as parameter of prognosis of survival
- ICG-PDR is perfectly suited as parameter for
prognosis of survival of surgical intensive care
patients compared to the complex scores SAPS II
Sakka S, Reinart K, Meier-Hellmann A Chest 122
(5), 1715-1720, 2002
4Scientific facts II
- PDR and mortality
- 2/3 of surgical intensive care patients qualified
for advanced hemodynamic monitoring exhibit
reduced ICG-PDR values, accompanied with a
significantly increased mortality.
- PDR threshold value
- An ICG-PDR ? 16 /min requires intervention.
Sakka S, Reinart K, Meier-Hellmann A Chest 122
(5), 1715-1720, 2002
5Scientific facts III
- PDR in septic shock
- Patients in septic shock will not survive if a
reduced ICG elimination can not be increased
within the first 120 hours.
According to Kimura S, Yoshioka T, Shibuya M,
Sakano T, Tanaka R, Matsuyama S Crit Care Med 29
(6), 1159-1163, 2001
6Scientific facts IV
- Multi-Organ-Management
- The combination of PiCCO and LiMON enables
optimized volume therapy. In case of volume
withdrawal due to increased lung water,
splanchnic perfusion can be monitored and a
cut-off point for volume withdrawal can be
Sakka S, Meier-Hellmann A Int J Intensive Care 9
(2), 66-72, 2002
7Recommendations for application in intensive care
- ICG-PDR monitoring
- In all critically ill patients at least once per
day - In patients undergoing volume withdrawal or
inotropic/vasoactive therapy a more frequent
monitoring is recommended - Therapeutic recommendations (please refer to
check list) - Reduction of hepatotoxic substances
- Optimization of hemodynamics
- Liver support therapy
- ICG-PDR target value
- ICG-PDR gt 16/min
- Measurement site
- Disposable sensor at the ear lobe
- ICG dosage
- 0.25 mg/kg body weight per measurement
8LiMON Therapeutic check list
ICG-PDR ? 16 /min
Optimize global hemodynamic situation
Reduce/stop hepatotoxic drugs
Liver support therapy
? Advanced hemodynamic monitoring (PiCCO
Technology) ? Optimize splanchnic inflow by -
Optimizing cardiac preload - Positive
inotropic or vasoactive drugs1
? Contact liver specialist
? Treatment of alcoholic hepatitis3
? Optimize venous return by - Reduction of
intrathoracic pressure - Reduction of intra
abdominal pressure - Improvement of (right)
heart function2
? Install extracorporal support system (MARS)
ICG-PDR gt 16 /min
1 dobutamine, phosphodiesterase III inhibitor,
prostaglandin 2 dobutamine, phosphodiesterase
III inhibitor, adrenaline, prostaglandin, NO
inhalation 3 steroids, pentoxyfylline
- Routine monitoring of ICG-PDR (minimum once
daily) may contribute to an early detection or
prevention of reduced liver/splanchnic perfusion. - Previous studies demonstrated that ICG-PDR values
? 16/min are requiring intervention. Thus, a
goal-directed therapy to achieve an ICG-PDR gt
16/min is recommended. - An early detection and, if necessary, a
goal-directed therapy of a reduced splanchnic
perfusion contributes to a prevention of
complications and therewith to cost reduction.
- ICG dosage
- ICG-PDR can be measured accurately with a reduced
ICG dosage of 0.25 mg/kg body weight.
Sakka S, Koeck H, Meier-Hellmann A Intensive
Care Med 30 (3) 506-509, 2004