Title: Transitioning the Adolescence Life Cycle
1Transitioning the Adolescence Life Cycle
- St. John Lutheran Church
- Columbia, MD
- Latin to grow up
- Puberty to adulthood / maturity
- Latin to grow up
- Puberty to adulthood / maturity
- Physiological menarche menstruation
- Latin to grow up
- Puberty to adulthood / maturity
- Physiological menarche menstruation
- 1800s over 16
- Latin to grow up
- Puberty to adulthood / maturity
- Physiological menarche menstruation
- 1800s over 16
- Mid-1900s 13
- Latin to grow up
- Puberty to adulthood / maturity
- Physiological menarche menstruation
- 1800s over 16
- Mid-1900s 13
- Now 11
- Latin to grow up
- Puberty to adulthood / maturity
- Physiological menarche menstruation
- 1800s over 16
- Mid-1900s 13
- Now 11
- Changes begin 18 months before first period
Clark. Preto.
- Physio-logical menarche menstruation
- Physio-logical menarche menstruation
- Psycho-logical mind behavior
- Physio-logical menarche menstruation
- Psycho-logical mind behavior
- Socio-logical relationships human
12Begin with the end in mind
13Begin with the end in mind
- Bundle of ________
- Why are our lives intersecting with adolescents?
14Begin with the end in mind
- Bundle of ________
- Why are our lives intersecting with adolescents?
- Mini-Me?
15Begin with the end in mind
- Bundle of ________
- Why are our lives intersecting with adolescents?
- Mini-Me?
- Mature, interdependent adult followers of Jesus
16Characteristics of mature Christians
- Seek spiritual growth, alone w/ others
17Characteristics of mature Christians
- Seek spiritual growth, alone w/ others
- Believe God is present in the world
18Characteristics of mature Christians
- Seek spiritual growth, alone w/ others
- Believe God is present in the world
- Act out of a commitment of faith
19Characteristics of mature Christians
- Seek spiritual growth, alone w/ others
- Believe God is present in the world
- Act out of a commitment of faith
- Are active with Gods people
20Characteristics of mature Christians
- Seek spiritual growth, alone w/ others
- Believe God is present in the world
- Act out of a commitment of faith
- Are active with Gods people
- Possess a positive, hopeful spirit
21Characteristics of mature Christians
- Seek spiritual growth, alone w/ others
- Believe God is present in the world
- Act out of a commitment of faith
- Are active with Gods people
- Possess a positive, hopeful spirit
- Live out a life of service
22Characteristics of mature Christians
- Seek spiritual growth, alone w/ others
- Believe God is present in the world
- Act out of a commitment of faith
- Are active with Gods people
- Possess a positive, hopeful spirit
- Live out a life of service
- Live a Christian moral life
23Transitioning the adolescence life cycle
24Transitioning the adolescence life cycle
- the task of adolescents
- how different styles of parenting interact with
this task
25Task of Adolescence Individuation
26Task of Adolescence Individuation
- Not rebellion
- Not growing a new brain
27Task of Adolescence Individuation
- Not rebellion
- Not growing a new brain
- Not irresponsibility
28Task of Adolescence Individuation
- Not rebellion
- Not growing a new brain
- Not irresponsibility
- IS becoming ones own person
29Task of Adolescence Individuation
Dependence Interdependence
30Task of Adolescence Individuation
Parental Subset Part of Community
31Task of Adolescence Individuation
32Task of Adolescence Individuation
33Parenting Styles
- Disconnected ? ? Enmeshed
34Proverbs 226
- Train up a child in the way he should go and
when he is old, he will not depart from it.
New Revised Standard Version
- Clark, Chap. The Changing Face of Adolescence A
Theological View of Human Development in
Starting Right Thinking Theologically about
Youth Ministry, eds. Kenda Creasy Dean, Chap
Clark, and David Rahn. Grand Rapids, MI
Zondervan Publishing House for Youth Specialties
Academic, 2001. - Martinson, Roland, Project Director. The Spirit
of Youth Ministry National Conference.
Presenting the results of the national,
ecumenical research study Congregations with
Youth of Vital Faith. Marriott Farmington Hotel,
Hartford, CT, August 4-6, 2005. - McQuaid, Meghan E. Photograph of carousel horse
taken at The Mall in Columbia, Columbia,
Maryland, 2007. - Olson, David H. and Amy K. Olson. Empowering
Couples Building on Your Strengths. Minneapolis,
Minnesota Life Innovations, Inc., 2000. - Preto, Nydia Garcia. Transformation of the
Family System in Adolescence in The Changing
Family Life Cycle A Framework for Family
Therapy, eds. Betty Carter and Monica McGoldrick.
Second edition. Boston Allyn and Bacon, a
Division of Simon Schuster, 1989.