Title: An Introduction to Point Processes
1- An Introduction to Point Processes
- Definitions examples
- Conditional intensity
Papangelou intensity - Models
- a) Renewal processes
- b) Poisson processes
- c) Cluster models
- d) Inhibition models
2 Point pattern a collection of points in some
Point process a random point pattern.
Centroids of Los Angeles County wildfires,
3(No Transcript)
4(No Transcript)
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6Aftershocks from global large earthquakes
7Epicenters times of microearthquakes in
Parkfield, CA
8 Marked point process a random variable (mark)
with each point.
Hollister, CA earthquakes locations, times,
9Los Angeles Wildfires dates and sizes
10Time series
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12Time series Palermo football rank vs. time
Marked point process Hollister earthquake times
13Antiquated definition a point process N(t) is a
right-continuous, Z-valued stochastic process
----x---x-x--------------- 0 t
T N(t) Number of points with times lt t.
Problem does not extend readily to higher
Modern definition A point process N is a
Z-valued random measure N(a,b) Number of
points with times between a b. N(A) Number
of points in the set A.
14- More Definitions
- s-finite finite number of pts in any bounded
set. - Simple N(x) 0 or 1 for all x, almost
surely. (No overlapping pts.) - Orderly N(t, t D)/D ----gtp 0, for each t.
- Stationary The joint distribution of N(A1u),
, N(Aku) does not - depend on u.
- Notation Calculus
- ?A f(x) dN ?f(xi ), for xi in A.
- ?A dN N(A) of points in A.
15- Intensities (rates) and Compensators
- -------------x-x-----------x-----------
----------x---x--------------x------ - 0 t- t t T
- Consider the case where the points are observed
in time only. - Nt,u of pts between times t and u.
- Overall rate m(t) limDt -gt 0 ENt, tDt) /
Dt. - Conditional intensity l(t) limDt -gt 0 ENt,
tDt) Ht / Dt, - where Ht history of N for all times before t.
- If N is orderly, then l(t) limDt -gt 0 PNt,
tDt) gt 0 Ht / Dt. - Compensator predictable process C(t) such that
N-C is a martingale. - If l(x) exists, then ?ot l(u) du C(t).
- Papangelou intensity lp(t) limDt -gt 0 ENt,
tDt) Pt / Dt, - where Pt information on N for all times
before and after t.
16 Intensities (rates) and Compensators ----------
---x-x-----------x----------- ----------x---x----
----------x------ 0 t- t
t T These definitions extend to space and
space-time Conditional intensity l(t,x)
limDt,Dx -gt 0 ENt, tDt) x Bx,Dx Ht / DtDx,
where Ht history of N for all times before
t, and Bx,Dx is a ball around x of size
Dx. Compensator ?A l(t,x) dt dx
C(A). Papangelou intensity lp(t,x)
limDt,Dx -gt 0 ENt, tDt) x Bx,Dx Pt,x /
DtDx, where Pt,x information on N for all
times and locations except (t,x).
17- Some Basic Properties of Intensities
- Fact 1 (Uniqueness). If l exists, then it
determines the distribution of N. - (Daley and Vere-Jones, 1988).
- Fact 2 (Existence). For any simple point process
N, the compensator C - exists and is unique. (Jacod, 1975)
- Typically we assume that l exists, and use it
to model N. - Fact 3 (Kurtz Theorem). The avoidance
probabilities, PN(A)0 for all measurable sets
A, also uniquely determine the distribution of N.
- Fact 4 (Martingale Theorem). For any predictable
process f(t), - E ? f(t) dN E ? f(t) l(t) dt.
- Fact 5 (Georgii-Zessin-Nguyen Theorem). For any
ex-visible process f(x), - E ? f(x) dN E ? f(x) lp(x) dx.
18- Some Important Point Process Models
- Renewal process.
- The inter-event times t2 - t1, t3 - t2, t4 -
t3, etc. are independent and identically
distributed random variables. - (Classical density estimation.)
- Ex. Normal, exponential, power-law, Weibull,
gamma, log-normal.
19- 2) Poisson process.
- Fact 6 If N is orderly and l does not depend on
the history of the process, then N is a Poisson
process - N(A1), N(A2), , N(Ak) are independent, and
each has the Poisson dist. - PN(A) j C(A)j exp-C(A) / j!.
- Recall C(A) ?A l(x) dx.
- Stationary (homogeneous) Poisson process l(x)
m. - Fact 7 Equivalent to a renewal process with
exponential inter-event times. - Inhomogeneous Poisson process l(x) f(x),
- where f(x) is some fixed, deterministic function.
20The Poisson process is the limiting distribution
in many important results Fact 8 (thinning
Westcott 1976) Suppose N is simple, stationary,
21Fact 9 (superposition Palm 1943) Suppose N is
simple stationary.
Then Mk --gt stationary Poisson.
22Fact 10 (translation Vere-Jones 1968 Stone
1968) Suppose N is stationary.
For each point xi in N, move it to xi yi, where
yi are iid. Let Mk be the result of k such
Then Mk --gt stationary Poisson.
23Fact 11 (rescaling Meyer 1971) Suppose N is
simple and has at most one point on any vertical
line. Rescale the y-coordinates move each point
(xi, yi) to (xi , ?oyi l(xi,y) dy).
Then the resulting process is stationary Poisson.
24- 3) Some cluster models.
- Neyman-Scott process clusters of points whose
centers are formed from a stationary Poisson
process. Typically each cluster consists of a
fixed integer k of points which are placed
uniformly and independently within a ball of
radius r around each clusters center. - Cox-Matern process cluster sizes are random
independent and identically distributed Poisson
random variables. - Thomas process cluster sizes are Poisson, and
the points in each cluster are distributed
independently and isotropically according to a
Gaussian distribution. - Hawkes (self-exciting) process mothers are
formed from a stationary Poisson process, and
each produces a cluster of daughter points, and
each of them produces a cluster of further
daughter points, etc. l(t, x) m ?
g(t-ti, x-xi). - ti lt t
25- 4) Some inhibition models.
- Matern (I) process first generate points from a
stationary Poisson process, and then if there are
any pairs of points within distance d of each
other, delete both of them. - Matern (II) process generate a stationary
Poisson process, then index the points j
1,2,,n at random, and then successively delete
any point j if it is within distance d from any
retained point with smaller index. - c) Simple Sequential Inhibition (SSI) Keep
simulating points from a stationary Poisson
process, deleting any if it is within distance d
from any retained point, until exactly k points
are kept. - Self-correcting process Hawkes process where g
can be negative l(t, x) m ?
g(t-ti, x-xi). - ti lt t
26Poisson (100) Poisson (5050x50y)
Neyman-Scott(10,5,0.05) Cox-Matern(10,5,0.05)
Thomas (10,5,0.05) Matern I (200, 0.05)
Matern II (200, 0.05)
SSI (200, 0.05)
27- In modeling a space-time marked point process,
usually directly model l(t,x,a). - For example, for Los Angeles County wildfires
- Windspeed. Relative Humidity, Temperature,
Precipitation, - Tapered Pareto size distribution f, smooth
spatial background m. - l(t,x,a)
- b1expb2R(t) b3W(t) b4P(t) b5A(t60)
- b6T(t) b7b8 - D(t)2 m(x) g(a).
- Could also include fuel age, wind direction,
28r 0.16
(sq m)
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30(sq m)
31- In modeling a space-time marked point process,
usually directly model l(t,x,a). - For example, for Los Angeles County wildfires
- Windspeed. Relative Humidity, Temperature,
Precipitation, - Tapered Pareto size distribution f, smooth
spatial background m. - l(t,x,a)
- b1expb2R(t) b3W(t) b4P(t) b5A(t60)
- b6T(t) b7b8 - D(t)2 m(x) g(a).
- Could also include fuel age, wind direction,
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34- In modeling a space-time marked point process,
usually directly model l(t,x,a). - For example, for Los Angeles County wildfires
- Relative Humidity, Windspeed, Precipitation,
Aggregated rainfall over previous 60 days,
Temperature, Date - Tapered Pareto size distribution f, smooth
spatial background m. - l(t,x,a) b1expb2R(t) b3W(t) b4P(t)
b5A(t60) - b6T(t) b7b8 - D(t)2 m(x) g(a).
- Could also include fuel age, wind direction,
35(Ogata 1998)
36- Simulation.
- Sequential.
- a) Renewal processes are easy to simulate
generate iid random variables z1, z2, from the
renewal distribution, and let t1z1, - t2 z1 z2, t3 z1z2z3, etc.
- b) Reverse Rescaling. In general, can simulate
a Poisson process with rate 1, and move each
point (ti, xi) to (ti , yi), - where xi ?oyi l(ti,x) dx.
- Thinning.
- If m sup l(t, x),
- first generate a Poisson process with rate m,
- and then keep each point (ti, xi) with
probability l(ti, xi)/m. -
37- Summary
- Point processes are random measures
- N(A) of points in A.
- l(t,x) Expected rate around x, given history lt
time t. - Classical models are renewal Poisson
processes. - For Poisson processes, l(t,x) is deterministic.
- Poisson processes are limits in thinning,
superposition, translation, and rescaling
theorems. - Non-Poisson processes may have clustering
(Neyman-Scott, Cox-Matern, Thomas, Hawkes) or
inhibition (MaternI, MaternII, SSI,
self-correcting). - Next time How to estimate the parameters in
these models, and how to tell how well a model