Title: Which new antiepileptic drug for which patient?
1The Medical and Surgical Treatment of Epilepsy
Professor Ley Sander Department of Clinical and
Experimental Epilepsy UCL Institute of
Neurology National Hospital for Neurology
Neurosurgery Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG
2The Treatment of Epilepsy
- The incidence and prevalence
- Aetiologies and risk factors
- Aims of treatment
- Clinical settings
- Principles of treatment
- Medical treatment
- Surgical treatment
- Guidelines
- Conclusions
3Incidence and Prevalence
- Incidence of new cases of epilepsy
- 50/100,000/year
- Incidence of single seizures
- 20 - 30/100,000/year
- Prevalence of active epilepsy
- 5 - 10/1,000 (50 because on AEDs)
- Severe epilepsy 1 - 2/1,000
- Cumulative Incidence (lifetime prevalence)
- 2 - 5
4Incidence and Prevalence in the UK
- 30 000 new cases a year
- 300 000 - 400 000 cases
- 72 000 - 80 000 cases of severe epilepsy
5Incidence and Prevalence in the UK
- GP
- 1 - 2 new cases of epilepsy/year
- 10 - 12 cases of active epilepsy
- Neurologist
- 150 cases of epilepsy/single seizures/year
- 1,200 cases of active epilepsy
6Epilepsy Aetiologies and Risk Factors
- Risk factors varies with age and geographic
location - Congenital, developmental and genetic conditions
in childhood, adolescence and young adults - Head trauma, infection and tumours at any age
although tumours more likely over age 40 - Cerebrovascular disease common in elderly
- Endemic infections are associated with epilepsy
in certain areas - malaria, neurocysticercosis, paragonomiasis,
- no adequate large scale study of attributable
risk yet
7Antiepileptic Treatment
- AEDs are mainstay treatment
- Non-pharmacological options feasible in only few
selected cases - Surgery
- Curative
- Palliative
- Ketogenic diet (children)
- Behaviour modification
- Avoidance therapy in cases with clear
8Aims of Antiepileptic Treatment
- Complete seizure freedom
- 50 seizure reduction of little benefit
- No adverse effects
- long term treatment - long term effects ?
- cognitive effects debilitating
- teratogenicity
- Non-obtrusive treatment
- once or twice daily
- No PK or PD interactions
- Maintenance of a normal lifestyle
- Reduction in morbidity and mortality
9AED Treatment Clinical Settings
- Prophylactic Treatment
- Newly Diagnosed Epilepsy
- Single seizure
- Recurrent seizures
- Chronic Epilepsy
10Prophylactic use of AEDs
- Often advocated after
- Head injury
- Craniotomy
- There are considerable compliance problems
- There is no evidence of a protective effect of
this policy - No place for this!
- Better wait for the event to happen
11Is it Epilepsy ?
- Newly diagnosed or suspected cases at Primary
Care level - gt 50 not epilepsy
- commonest differential diagnosis syncope
- Chronic cases
- 15 - 20 not epilepsy
- mostly psychological in nature
- Careful diagnostic assessment a must in all cases
12The Single Seizure
- A controversial area!
- Single unprovoked attack usually not treated
practice to defer treatment until 2 or more
seizures, although patients at high risk may be
treated after a first attack - Incidence of epilepsy much greater than of single
seizures - Community-based studies show that overall risk of
a second seizure greater than previously accepted
- selection bias
- Patients
- Seizure type
- time to entry bias
13The Single Seizure
- AED treatment following a single seizure reduce
risk of recurrence in the short term although
long term prognosis not changed - This may eventually lead to changes in the way
single seizures are managed - treatment after first seizure
- - for six months, for a year?
- tailored treatment and not symptomatic
- Meanwhile, involve patient and or guardians in
the decision
14Recurrent Seizures
- Treatment recommended after two or more seizures
- Exceptions
- - Long interval between seizures
- - Clear identifiable precipitant factor
- - Patient against treatment
- - Unlikely compliance
15Precipitating Factors
- Fever
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Photo-Sensitivity
- Sleep Deprivation
- Reflex Mechanisms
- Acute Metabolic Stress
- Emotional Stress/Major Life Events
16Starting an AED
- Starting AED treatment is a major event and
should not be undertaken without careful
evaluation of all relevant factors - Therapy is a long term prospect
- All implications must be fully explained to the
individual and or guardian - Paramount that the patient or guardians are kept
informed about the treatment process and the
rationale behind it
17Starting Treatment
- Treatment should always be started with a single
drug at a small dose - All common side-effects must be discussed
- teratogenicity and contraception if applicable
- Importance of compliance should be stressed
- Careful titration is a must
- - start low, go slow
18Choice of AEDs treatment
- Choice of AED influenced by
- Type of seizure and or epileptic syndrome
- Individual circumstances of patient
- Side effect profile of drug
- Personal preferences
- No clear cut evidence based medicine is
available! - Clinical practice is based more on dogmatic
teaching than on scientific knowledge - Empirical rather than rational
19Principles of AED treatment
- Diagnosis clearly established
- Appropriate first line drug for syndrome and
patient - One drug at a time as a rule
- If first drug ineffective add another first line
drug and then withdraw first drug - Combination therapy only when single drug
20What Is Chronic Epilepsy ?
- Active 2 years after onset
- Failed 2 first line AEDs
- Great number of seizure in early history
21Chronic Epilepsy 1
- Review history of epilepsy
- - Obtain and review old notes if possible
- - Interview patient and witness
- - Classify seizures
- Review diagnosis
- - Non-epileptic events
- - Identifiable aetiology
- - High resolution MRI scanning
- Question Compliance
- Check serum AED levels
- Review past and present AED treatment for
efficacy and side-effects
22Chronic Epilepsy 2
- Select the AED that is most likely to be
efficacious and with the least side-effects - Adjust the dose of the selected drug to the
optimum - Attempt to reduce and taper other AEDs
- If seizures continue despite a maximally
tolerated dose of a first-line drug - - Check compliance
- tablet count, serum levels, counselling
- Commence another first-line AED if there is one
that has not been used to its optimum
23Chronic Epilepsy 3
- If seizures continue try a combination of two
AEDs - If combination unhelpful, AED which appears
most effective and with fewer side-effects should
be continued and the other AED replaced - If this drug is effective, withdrawal of the
initial agent should be considered if not, it
should be replaced by another AED - Consider the possibility of surgical treatment
- Consider using an experimental AED
24Inappropriate use of AEDs
- Inappropriate treatment of people who do not have
epilepsy - Inappropriate drug treatment of patients who do
have epilepsy - JME easily treated with some AEDs but poorly
controlled with others - Partial epilepsies often misdiagnosed as
generalised epilepsy - Incorrect dosages or inappropriate use of
polytherapy - Overzealous adherance to therapeutic AED drug
25AED drug levels monitoring
- Measurement of AED levels
- drug toxicity occurs and needs to be documented
- suspected non-compliance
- suspected drug interactions
- during pregnancy (free levels)
- during systemic illness
- phenytoin therapy
- Not a guide to dosing!
26Who Should be Evaluated for Surgery
- Partial seizures simple, complex, sec gen.
- Stereotyped onset
- No non-epileptic attacks
- No contraindication for Neurosurgery
- Active epilepsy for gt2-3 yr, despite 3 AEDs
- Inadequate seizure control gt 1-2 c p s /month
- Acceptance of best risk / benefit ratio
27Best risk vs benefit ratio of temporal lobe
epilepsy surgery
- Medical Surgical
- Chance of seizure control
- 10 70
- Risk
- Morbidity from seizures 1/100 long-lasting
impairment - Psychosocial handicap hemiparesis,
aphasia - 1/100 Annual mortality 1/20 quandrantanopia
prevents driving
28Range of Epilepsy Surgery
- 70 Anterior temporal lobe resection
- 20 Extra-temporal cortical resection
- Lesionectomy
- 10 Palliative Procedures
- Hemispherectomy
- Corpus callosotomy
- Subpial transection
- Vagal Nerve Stimulation
29Components of Presurgical Evaluation
- Convergence of data
- One epileptogenic dysfunctional area
- Rest of brain normal
- Clinical
- Neuro-Imaging
- Neuropsychology
- Neuropsychiatry
- Psychosocial
- Realistic expectations?
- Improvement in life from seizure control?
- Intelligence, memory will not improve
- Not more attractive, employable
- Need to continue AEDs after
- Social support
- Family, friends, community, finances
- Fundamental
- MRI predicts nature and extent of pathology
- Unusual to resect area with normal imaging
- Poor results if imaging normal
32Pathology and Outcome
- TLE Anterior Temporal Lobe resection
- Focal pathology 70 seizure free, 25 gt90
reduced - DNT, cavernomagtHSgtAVMgttraumagtMCD
- 20 seizure free if no focal pathology
- Extra Temporal Lobe
- Focal pathology 60 seizure free, 20 gt90
reduced - DNT, cavernoma, gliomagtAVMgttrauma
- MCD 20-30 seizure free, if focal
- lt20 seizure free if no focal pathology
33Treatment Guidelines for Epilepsy
- NICE www.nice.org.uk National Institute for
Clinical Excellence (England and Wales) - SIGN www.sign.ac.uk Scottish Intercollegiate
Guidelines Network (Scotland) - AAN www.aan.com American Academy of Neurology
34Primary Care Guidelines for Epilepsy
- Referral of ALL who experience a suspected
seizure - Seen within 14 days by specialist
- Risk and safety precautions documented
- Care Plan in place
- At least a yearly review
- Early re-referral if
- Treatment failure
- Seizures not controlled
- Diagnostic uncertainty
- Considering pregnancy
- Considering drug withdrawal
35Managing People With Epilepsy
- Holistic issues
- Interest and continuity of care
- Clear plan
- Information provision
- Easy access
- - Practical Issues
- Cooking, Bathing, Driving, Contraception,
Conception - - Reasonable Expectations
- Prognosis, Independent Living, Employment
36AED Treatment Conclusions
- Correct diagnosis and classification paramount to
treatment - AEDs are mainstay treatment
- Treatment empirical rather than rational!
- gt 70 of patients become seizure free
- Potential complications toxicity
- Low threshold for s/effects
37AED Treatment Conclusions
- Potential for misuse of AEDs not to be dismissed
- New AEDs may be better tolerated, but more
effective? - Chronic side effect profile of new AEDs not fully
known - Surgical treatment very successful but only
possible in a few selected cases - Consider stopping AED if seizure free for years
- New treatment still needed!